cotton reverse heartchart !

dumb stinky ):<

no but fr unmmm. as of right now snake does not like cot for publicly humiliating him </3 he feels like he wasted so much time and energy trying to court her especially bc now there’s no point, he isn’t trying to earn soot’s favor anymore. he lowkey misses the attention she gave him though because not a lot of cats actually admired him or cared to listen to what he had to say!
Downypaw pauses thoughtfully. It's no secret that Cottonfang had been the one who had guided them out of Sootstar's WindClan, and no surprise that it'd been her who'd orchestrated the escape. They don't know whether anyone knew that she'd given them a chance to grieve Lilacstem and Larkfeather though. "I appreciate her." The words are drawn out slowly, methodically. "I know I owe her a lot. And I admire her." Not for having the courage to flee from under the iron paw she'd lived beneath her whole life, although that too is a feat worth admiring. It'd been for the lies she'd spun around them both, a web of steel spidersilk to hide from prying eyes, and the way she had convinced Bluefrost to let them go. Although, they suspect that last one to be just as much Bluefrost as it had been Cottonfang.

And yet, they couldn't tell anyone in good faith that they really knew Cottonfang. Sootstar, through all what blinded her, probably knew more about the medicine cat apprentice than they did. Surely it wasn't anything special about them that had swayed Cottonfang into letting them tag along in her flight. They don't think pity is a strong enough motivator for it either. At night, along with everything else that had happened, they still think about why.

"She's very busy now." Downypaw has grown up enough now to feel awkward about things too. They show it with a slight smile and a shrug. "I don't talk to her that much." Cottonfang had faced no consequences for bringing them along, and it might've even worked to her favor in the face of Sunstride's scrutiny, but they still can't shake the nag of guilt in their stomach. Something, too many things, could have gone wrong. An actual sprained paw for their unfamiliarity aboveground, a tunnel collapse for their inexperience, an errant slip of their lie for their youth. An execution for the chance that Downypaw's fear of Sootstar outweighed their trust in Cottonfang. At every turn, they saw the routes of betrayal they could've taken.

It's not like they could ask her why—well, they could, but that would just be so weird. And it's not like they go out of their way to avoid her. They don't ever get that chance. It makes them anxiously grateful, as though they've been handed an item the seller had graciously allowed them to pay for later on account of their poverty now. They don't know when she'd come to collect, to make real the imaginary axe hovering above their neck—or if she ever would, because the kind of creature that'd help a near-stranger to her own detriment wouldn't do such a thing, would she?

ooc: i love cot n i love rping again w you rae!!! i didn't mean to write this much but apparently i had more thoughts. i think cot is a rly cool character and i love seeing how she's grown since she was a kit & in particular i'm interested in when/if she finds out that soot planted the sign from starclan (ok idk if this actually happened or if she knows yet, feel free to correct me if i'm trying to gaslight you!!!)​
"I hate her," Sedgepounce spits.

He doesn't, really, but he's angry—and anger makes things like sadness and guilt feel like all the same thing. He's upset about Cottonfang. Ambivalently. All he tried to do was to help her and she spit in his face. What gave her the right?

He shifts uncomfortably, refusing to make eye contact. The emotions slogging through his brain are complex and confusing. "She hates me." She basically said as much. It was just the two of them trapped in Sootstar's WindClan, absent for whatever battle sent all their friends away, and then even that tentative alliance splintered. Apparently whatever friendship they'd had in kithood meant nothing compared to the demands of her mother's expectations.

At his worst, he thinks her stupid for padding after Snakehiss. Cot's always had an easy life. She was literally chosen by StarClan. Everything she's ever wanted has always been within one little claw-swipe; all she's ever had to do is reach out and take it. He loathes her for it. Next to Cottonfang, he's just this warped, pathetic waste of potential, and yet she's the one who throws away all the things handed to her like it's a compulsion. What did Snakehiss ever do but control her? And what did he ever do but point it out?

Sedgepounce turns, to shield himself from prying eyes. Things weren't always like this. He used to love Cottonfang. They were friends. But everything just got so...complicated, and. It's like he just doesn't even know her anymore. He misses her.

"I don't..." he falters, lip wobbling. He's angry at her, and guilty, and sad, and so jealous. It's not Cottonfang's fault, what happened to him, but...but if medicine cat apprentice hadn't fallen right into her lap, then maybe none of this would have happened to him in the first place. Maybe he could have her easy life.

It's worse than jealousy. He wishes he could be her. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

I LOVE COTTONFANG!! rae u already know i'm obsessed with all ur characters. you are so talented and such an amazing writer, so needless to say you make cot such an interesting, well developed character. her family dynamics are soooo to die for. honestly so is her whole story. like it's fr so well curated. i love watching all her different interactions with characters and it's such an honor to get to write and plot with you and her!!​
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