cottonkit's heartchart!

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) to see how Cottonkit feels about them!

ADDERKIT / hearts
Her nose twitches, and for a moment she's in thought. The moment leaves and Cottonkit puffs out her chest, straining her shoulders backwards and hardening her stare. "Adderkit is... tough!" She decides, eventually. She expels the excess air in her lungs. "He's gotta be, to be a WindClanner. I bet he'll be one of the best when we're all older! The other Clans will fear him," she speaks it into the air like it's a promise. The air lost from her chest stings a little, perhaps with the cold air, but she pays no mind to the pain.
"He's good," she starts simple. Her shoulders square but she wears a good-natured smile, mimicking the feline, "He's stern when he needs to be, and I've heard a couple apprentices complain about it, but - Ma likes him. He's loyal, and -" her smile falters as she instead thinks of the many mutinous cats prior to her life. Her brow furrows and she shakes her head slightly, "He's necessary. And good at what he does! I can see why others like him." She's smiling again, though it's a bit more difficult to do so.
BLUEKIT / hearts
Her eyes light up, "Oh!" Cottonkit squeaks, "Bluekit is fun, once you get to know her! She's very... uh..." she sways back and forth on her heels for a moment, trying to find the right words to justify her thoughts. Eventually, she bids to mimic the other - "'That's not right,' - it should be her catchphrase. Bluekit is very... real. She's stopped playing like the rest of us a while ago, but that's not too bad." Cottonkit seems saddened by her words, but she doesn't let it linger. "We need someone like her to keep us in line, after all!"
BURNETKIT / hearts
Her paws tap endlessly on the ground, "Burnetkit is fun!" She starts simple and almost leaves it at that, though her mile-a-minute mind doesn't let her hush for too long. "We go on adventures together, and her imagination is huge. I'm glad we'll be made apprentices together, because it'll feel weird not having her around as much. Though, it'd be funny to tease her still. I wonder how upset she'll get when I still call her Burnetkit." Cottonkit lets out a mischievous giggle.
FIREPAW / hearts
"Ooooh..." Cottonkit's initial reaction isn't one of disdain, though her tone draws out for a second or two. "She's loud. But the warriors like her - she's always doing something, and I know they appreciate it. She'll be a good moor runner, especially with how much she brags about it," the kitten's tease isn't of ill will. She likes Firepaw, though she hasn't spoken much to the older fem. "I wonder what name Ma will give her, when it's time. Probably something like Firetongue, for how much she talks!"
Cottonkit grins, though it fails almost immediately as she furrows her brow and pouts, pretending she's Harrierkit. "He's a sourpuss. Always looking like someone peed on his prey," she can't hold the expression for long, her natural smile following soon after, "But that's not too bad. I don't think I'd like him as much if he weren't so bitter." A pause, and Cottonkit leans forward, "If you want to see somethin' else from him, though - offer him food. His stomach is a neverending pit and he'd do anything for a second meal." How true that is, she doesn't know. She just hopes someone will take the bait.
ICEPAW / hearts
"The tunneler!" She instantly recognizes and diminishes the name of the molly to a single role. Not realizing her actions, excitement pours from her mouth, "They're so cool! They know so much about the tunnels, and they do so much for the Clan, and - I heard a story that they helped raid SkyClan and made it out with supplies, too!" Her paws tap the ground for a few moments, "Ma's gotta give them a super cool name. Something like... Icechase or... Iceflower. Er... Ma's good with the names, I'm not. I like Icepaw, though!"
MOORKIT / hearts
"Moorkit's silly," Cottonkit starts, "She has it in her mind that she'll be the best of all of us. I think she forgets that Windstrider and Sootchaser are still here," though neither of them share Weaselclaw as a father. Cottonkit second guesses her statement for a brief moment, before shaking her head, "She'll definitely be really good at whatever she does! Pa says determination can go far, and the Stars know Moorkit's full of that stuff. Maybe she'll even be a lead warrior, one day!" Though she knows better than to inflate her eldest sister's ego.
SOOTSTAR / hearts
Cottonkit's tail curls delicately around her paws, "I love her," she starts simply, as if the fact in itself is enough for the universe to hear. "Ma's a tunneler and a leader and... a mom! That's a lot of jobs and she does it all!! I want her to be proud of me, one day. I want to learn as much as I can so that she has something to be proud of," among many other reasons, of course. She can't ignore her whimsical curiosity, after all. "Ma's strong and brave and... I love her. Yeah," she finishes, unsure what else to say.
The young she-kit tilts her head slightly, "They'll be Sunflowerpaw soon. I am a little jealous," she admits. "We were denmates for a good bit there. They're fun to talk to -" even if they don't always talk back, "- and I'll miss them. I'll be right behind them, though! One moon left, and we'll be training together! Unless..." Cottonkit considers her friend becoming a moor runner instead of a tunneler, and her gaze saddens for a moment. She ends with, "They'll do great," and leaves it at that.
She smiles fondly, "He's my dad." The statement is clear as day, the fact alone all she needs to show her pride. "He's super strong and ferocious - some of the warriors tell stories of him and his won battles. Harrierkit and Adderkit are going to be just like him, I bet. Moorkit, too," she neglects to add that Bluekit shares some of his more analytical traits as well. Meanwhile she... "I love him, too!" She distracts herself, "And like Ma, I hope he can be proud of me. I'll do everything I can to ensure that much." Her tone is sincere, though determination and excitement leaks back into her expression.