More prey was emerging and that meant to replenish the bodies that suffered from past season. Including hers, whom had previously nearly suffered to the end. Fish were resurfacing and the land animals crawled out from their nests to continue life just as it had been the last sessions. More birds were beginning to join the chorus. Trees and flowers were beginning to grow and bloom into the greenery and color that was well awaited. There was downsides to everything, however..

A shrew sat within thick brush, Petalnose stalked forward without the rustle of leaves. Silence, stealth. It was a beautiful skill with one who held the talent. Focus.. it was an important trait to add to the game. Awareness of body and awareness of range on where to step and when to pounce. Although, at times it was hard to be aware of your surroundings when focus was locked upon importance. A blossom brushed against her nose, orange dust coating her snout.

A heavy shake of her head from the growing urge was enough to startle her prey away. A paw stretched out to wipe it away but her urge became a storm of relief. A sneeze became one.. and then two.. and then three. Then more. "F-F-Foxdung!!" Her paw aggressively beat against her nose to rid of the substance. Sticky to fur it was, water might be her only hope for the dreaded flower attack.


Snakeblink is tailing his own prey in shallow water, a small minnow darting through stones, when an almighty sneeze explodes from behind the tall riverside grass. The noise startles him so badly he shoots up, splashing water everywhere, and the minnow disappears under a stone in panic before he’s registered the noise as non-threatening. He chuckles in spite of himself, his ears flicking back to a relaxed position as he turns on his paws and slithers towards the source of the noise.

The chuckle becomes a barely-smothered giggle as he comes out of the weeds to Petalnose pawing at her face with teary eyes, her efforts to wipe pollen off her fur interrupted by uncontrollable sneezing.

”Allow me to help,” he says in-between bouts of suppressed laughter.

Eyes narrowing with mischievous intent, he pads up closer— and shakes his wet fur into Petalnose’s face, sending drops of water everywhere. ”Here, that should make it easier to wash off,” he hums.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Robinheart is crouched down a couple yards from Petalnose, a mouse in her sights blissfully unaware of its impending doom, when sneezing (followed by a separate splash of water) startles the prey and the tortoiseshell. If the mottled molly were shorter fused she would curse whoever scared her catch off, but the new warrior was much softer hearted than that. Concern furrows brows as Robinheart wills her hackles to flatten and follows the muffled voices of the rest of the hunting patrol.

What she finds is an interaction between lead warriors that surprises her. Snakeblink must have been the source of the splash she heard, which made Petalnose the likely source of the sneezes. The pollen sticking to her muzzle further solidifies the hypothesis. "Snakeblink, didn't you just get out of the medicine den? That seems like a surefire way to land yourself back in Ravensong's care," Robinheart remarks semi-playfully as she peeks through the greenery in time to see the lead warrior shake water in his fellow lead's face. Petalnose is someone the tortoiseshell knows not to mess with (not that Robinheart messes with her clanmates) and she is certain whatever reaction is to come will be quite interesting to witness. Would Snakeblink gain a matching scar over his left eye now? A verbal lashing? Would Petalnose laugh it off like a joke among friends? So many different avenues this situation could go in. It is enough to make the mottled molly forget about her missed catch.
( penned by kerms )
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — One moment, there was nothing but silence. The peaceful quiet of a hunting patrol all working in tandem, Swiftfire's stiff and coiled form hunched at the edge of the water, staring down with intense concentration for whichever scaled piece of prey came darting along first. She was so ready to lunge out with her claws, so ready to feel the satisfying crunch of bones in her maw and flesh under her claws. Instead though, her jaws and outstretched claws were greeted by nothing but a harsh splash of empty water, her tensed muscles shooting her forward the moment she heard a noise - in this case, the startling sound of Petalnose's continued sneezing. An agonized cry left Swiftfire as she collided with the water, not one of pain but merely one born of frustration at the loss of a potential catch, not to mention getting drenched when she wasn't aiming to be.

Her short fur was weighing her down as she yanked herself up and out of the water, fluffy tail twitching with annoyance as she made her way over to the rest of the hunting patrol. At least it seemed she wasn't the only one that had missed out on a catch. She didn't hesitate in shaking out her own wet coat onto the lead warrior, though her actions were motivated more by wanting to be dry rather than wanting to help with the pollen. "Here you go... can't send us all over to Ravensong!" The exasperation in her tone died out fairly quickly though, replaced with warm amusement that echoed Snakeblink's own hum. Swiftfire found that she really couldn't be that upset about what had happened, considering it wasn't as if Petalnose had intentionally sent herself into a sneezing fit.

Though, it ironically had made her given name a rather fitting one.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

He is quite positive this is only going to end with Snakeblink's face shoved into the water with bubbles forming around drowned cheeks. Petalnose is something of a fierce molly and the chimera is quite certain, like Robinheart, that there is going to be a swift retaliation to combat the humiliation added to her sneezing. Swiftfire seems keen on joining him in the afterlife, depositing another smattering of water and his frown only deepens. He'd hoped spring might be a more peaceful season but... it's hard to convince a blind bird not to fly headfirst into a tree.

"There's too much pollen," he complains in sympathy with the mottled lead warrior, glancing towards muddy brown paws that had collected the sticky, yellow substance in his wanderings through patches of flowers. "Why's it do that in new-leaf?"

Snakeblink had made it to her rescue, atleast, she hadn't know it yet. Neither had she asked for it, determined to figure her own way out of the dreaded attack of the blossom. A press to assist, her ears swiveled to the sides in disapproval in-between her fit of sneezes. Words failed to shake from her before he shook his soaked coat into her face. Where could she ever find the audacity? "Hey!" She hissed, laying watery gaze of newleaf irritants onto Snakeblink in scold. "You meant that you F-..Fleabrain!" She protested in-between her struggle, aiming to collide her shoulder abruptly into Snakeblinks in attempt to shove him into the shallows.

A paw drew over her maw more, the water indeed aiding in her battle against the elements. A glare still settled upon Snakeblink with a judgemental furrow. Not that she couldn't dump her head into the water if she was giving up on the fight.. that mischievous look gave away his intentions.

Robinheart chimed into the fun, pointing against the decision of the provoke. It was surprising, knowing the younger warrior was rather on the skittish side. She hummed in agreement with the molly, "That was my mercy."

Another set of water was sent on her and her attention snapped onto Swiftfire next, someone of less familarity but she met it with as much irritation through a threatening stare, "Is my frustration entertaining!?" Long lashes of her tail became an attempt to shove her into the water as she had attempted with Snakeblink.

After attempts to make all ammends fair, she shook her dampened coat towards the two after cleaning her maw.

A complaint in sympathy was heard from the apprentice, taking a stance near Valepaw and Robinheart. His question was simple but even from her own experience, she wondered if there was more to pollen than that of her wisdom, gazing down at the blossoms in disgust, "It spreads vegatation is all I know.. and bees like it.. our bodies don't."


As much as Moonpaw liked flowers she hadn't known about the extra pollen that they carried with them when they grew once more after leafbare. All she knew of flowers were things she'd seen in greenleaf when cats brought them home with them when she was a kitten and then she got to look at them herself when they were beginning to stop growing, soon to be withering when leaffall hit. No one had prepared her for the yellow sticky pollen that clung to the older apprentice's fur, the way it caused her eyes to water when she moved near some flowers and it got stuck to her face. So she'd been careful to not provoke her favorite plant's wrath, opting to bat at them carefully to let whatever pollen wouldn't stick to them fall to the ground before plucking them. It still caused pollen to stick to her but there was less of a chance of it causing a sneezing fit.

When she heard Petalnose's own sneezing however, Moonpaw looked over to the other quickly, eyes widening slightly as she watched the lead warrior quickly get drenched with water, smile quickly present on her maw as she looked to the warriors. "Luckily we're able to get it off quickly." The apprentice would make a comment, tail flicking happily as she thought of what had happened just moments prior. When she heard the answer Petalnose gave to Valepaw about the pollen, Moonpaw couldn't help but look at the flowers for a moment before words came from her once more. "Do you think the bees sneeze too?" Small little question. If the bees liked the pollen surely they wouldn't sneeze from it right, unless for whatever reason the insects liked to sneeze.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed