———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw exhaled through her nose as she made it back into camp. A pawful of cats had come with her on that patrol, and it was.. mildly successful. Despite how her stomach grumbled and her paws ached from the constant activity, she was still intent on getting this food to those who really needed it- even if they weren't going to finish it. Which, half of the time seemed the case, sickness and all being the reasoning. A hot breath left her nose as she picked her head back up after depositing two pieces of prey.

She focused on the medicine cat den across the way. It felt a bit hopeless and stuffy in camp- though the cobwebs could be doing that- but perhaps her success in hunting today would do them all a bit good. Scalejaw picked a rat back up off of the pile, turning on her heel and padding into the medicine cat den. Eyes refocused based on the light level momentarily, and her nose wrinkled from the sick-smell that touched her. Glowering orange optics shifted over those gathered in the den that still lived (she was trying desperately to not think of Tornadopaw or Halfshade, or even Chilledstar) before deciding on a target.

Lilacfur was approached, the prey settled down in front of the sick cat as close as Scalejaw could without feel unsafe. "You should eat to keep up your strength." She said, standing back straight. Her head tilted gently, but not unkindly, as she inclined her head towards the sick cat. "I hope to see you- and the rest of you- better." She stated towards the rest of the sick cats in the den as well.

// please wait for @lilacfur ! this is a med-cat den focused thread!


[penned by dallas].

Tornadopaw had died that morning. Soundless, nothing but an echo in the dark with the faint scent of her still on an empty nest. Tornadopaw had died. Halfshade only a few dawns before. Lilacfur refused to be the next to go down, she would persevere, she would fight this sickness off with every ounce of strength she had left. Despite the guilt that came with her Clanmates rushing food to her belly before their own, she knew it was largely in part of the reason she was even able to continue fighting.

She is sure her appearance is rugged in comparison to what it had once been with proudly clean fur and confident strides. Now she felt like a puddle, melting in the heat of fever over moss. She does not lift her head when Scalejaw entered, but she is awake enough to recognize the warrior before her and the offering. She hesitated for a few beats before a paw extended from underneath her and pulled the rat closer. "A wonderful catch for the season, Sil- Scalejaw." Amber sights squinted at her correction to reassure herself. Her friend had been on her mind so often these days, keeping her hopeful.

"Alright... which one of you is-is... is going to share this with me? Roosterstrut?"
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]
Dulled green hues, once lively and vibrant, slowly flicker toward the movement at the front of the medicine den. An older warrior, Scalejaw, had dropped up some food for the sick to share. Roosterstrut would be lying if he claimed that the very sight of the fresh-kill wasn't mouthwatering. "Mighty kind of you, Scalejaw." The warrior meowed with a weak dip of his head to the she-cat. Rats were dirty, disease-ridden creatures — he can recall how an entire horde of them had taken one of Pitchstar's lives last leafbare. However, they were juicy and flavorful and were a taste that he much preferred to lizards.

Lilacfur's gracious offer does not go unnoticed by the red tabby tom, who manages a weak grin. "Share it with someone who -cough- needs it more than me. Please." What about a kit or apprentice who still needed food to nourish their bodies and grow? What about a senior warrior or elder who didn't have as much strength to spare, especially as Yellowcough drained most of it? Roosterstrut would be just fine rationing his meals. He had eaten a small portion the day before and he felt that he could stick it out for another day before needing to eat again.

  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
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