pafp COULDN’T HIDE FROM THE THUNDER [apprentice training]

𓍊𓋼 Having not one, but two apprentices now reassigned to him is nothing short of nerve-wracking. He has two younger cats to protect, to teach. Their survival and their place in the clan depends on him, and how well he can train them. After Skyclaw’s reign of terror, it’s easy to think that he should leap directly into teaching them to fight, to kill. But the truth is… Falconheart couldn’t bear to see either of them tossed into battle before they’re fully trained. Between one blink and the next, he sees Smokefur slamming into a smaller black and white form, watches his brother crumple beneath the weight of bloodied claws. In an instant, the memory shifts: Bugpaw, lying motionless across wolf-trodden grass, eyes dull in a way so unlike his bright-faced sister.

He winces, returning to himself in a rush. When did I become so haunted? What had the turning point been—which death had tipped him over the edge? He tries to keep the quaver from his voice as he speaks to the younger duo. "Okay. Today, I—we’re going to do some sparring. I want to see how much you both know already." Bugpaw hadn’t gotten much time to train with Morningcloud before the she-cat’s untimely demise, but Littlepaw had been under Howlingstar’s mentorship for a bit longer. Had the girl learned to hunt or fight yet? Had she learned anything apart from the basics of apprenticeship? If she hasn’t, then she’s definitely behind on her training; both his apprentices probably are, he realizes. Maybe every apprentice in the clan is behind, having spent a month having to walk on eggshells, watching their backs at every moment. But… overworking them isn’t the solution. Rage still simmers low in his gut when he thinks of Bugpaw’s exhaustion, Skyclaw’s righteousness. Instead of pitting the two of them against each other, he can… he can teach them to work together, side by side.

The tom strides farther into the sandy hollow, pale paws picking their way across the space until he stands a few tail-lengths away from the apprentices. He turns to face them, lowering his head, widening his stance to prepare for whatever onslaught they may throw at him. He isn’t the most fierce warrior, but he’s sturdy, at least. He can hold his own. "Both of you, versus me. I’ll let you make the first move."

  • ooc: pls wait for @Bugpaw ! or @LITTLEPAW !
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  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamestar and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, ravenpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw & littlepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

༻ ♥༺ Once upon a time, when Littlepaw was about two tail-tips smaller and had a -kit attached to the end of her name, she had wandered up to her father and fretfully spilled all her deepest fears about her impending apprenticeship.

The conversation seemed so distant, but Littlepaw reflected on it often, what her father had said. Sadly, her apprentice hood had so far exceeded all of young Littlekit’s fearful expectations. She hopes training under Falconheart will change that eventually, but clearly not today. Littlepaw knew she was woefully behind in her combat training, so much so that the thought of sparring her mentor with a partner was still jarring. “Uhm, okay…” The chimera near-whispers, glancing briefly towards Bugpaw.

Honeyed hues study the older tom’s form, and Littlepaw leans close into Bugpaw’s ear with a stuttered proposal - “may..maybe we sh-should attack him from both sides?” The girl isn’t entirely confident when she withdrew from her co-apprentice, but should Bugpaw agree to Littlepaw’s half-baked plan, the black-ribboned apprentice would double confirm with a quick, anxious nod.

Falconheart had likely been watching them the entire time, but hopefully Littlepaw could still catch him by some surprise when she breaks into a short run towards him, aiming to ram her shoulder against his instead of attacking Falconheart head-on.

  • LITTLEPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, 6 moons.
    powerfully built and dense-furred chocolate smoked she-cat with amber eyes and black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlepaw && Dovepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

*+:。.。 During the civil war, Bugpaw had been very much afraid. It had been so strange, attacking her own clanmates more so being attacked by her own clanmates. If it weren't for Lightflower and the rag-tag group of apprentices she fought beside, Bugpaw wasn't sure she would've made it out! But when push came to shove (literally) she hadn't hesitated to pull out her claws and defend not only her clan's camp, but the people she treasured within. Coming away from the fight, she'd felt exhilarated! She'd forged a close bond with those she'd battle next to - Merlingpaw, Wolfpaw, Shroudedpaw, Basilpaw and even Meadowpaw! And to this day, she would say without hesitation, that if she were to enter another battle, she'd be ready.
She wasn't afraid to use her claws again.

And yet, she balked when Falconheart suggested sparring.

Her mind goes blank, and she can only stare ahead. Stare at Falconheart. Struggle and fail to see him as an opponent. Not that the first cats she'd laid her claws down on had been any easier.
Littlepaw looks at her, and Bugpaw quickly - instinctively - smiles reassuringly at the girl. She can tell Littlepaw is struggling with the mentor change, perhaps more so since she doesn't have a close bond with Falconheart like Bugpaw does - so it's her job to ensure Littlepaw feels at ease in this new arrangement.

But right now, Bugpaw feels anything but ease.

"That-yeah! That's a great idea!" she cheers, swallowing down her discomfort. Glancing back at Falconheart, he looks fine. Confident. Like he knows - which he probably does - that the two inexperienced mollies couldn't possibly hurt him. It ad, after all, taken a whole team of apprentices to take down a warrior during the battle...She shakes her head. This isn't the battle, it's not the same in any way. Its training, with someone she trusts, everything is fine.
Maybe this will be fun!

So Bugpaw grins warmly at Littlepaw's anxious nod, and when she bolts ahead, Bugpaw is right behind her. At the last minute, she veers to the other side of Falconheart and aims to swat at his shoulder. It's a clumsy, half-hearted attack, though, and just as quickly she jumps away. Training doesn't require forces though, so she's doing great! Hooray!

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently