council | howlingstar

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning returns to camp carrying a heft squirrel within his jaws. New leaf has been rather kind to them with the abundance of prey thunderclan has been able to find and he hopes their good luck bleeds into green leaf. Carefully he deposits his catch into its appropriate pile, spotting Howlingstar across the bustle of camp. Straightening himself he wanders over, waiting patiently until her conversation with another warrior comes to a close. Once finished he gifts his leader with a respectful nod of the head, feathered tail sweeping to take a seat in her presence. "Evening, Howlingstar. May I hold your attention for just a moment?" The ticked tabby asks awaiting her signal before carrying on with his concern. "You have taken a great chance keeping an outsider like me. Allowing the opportunity to adapt to your customs, gifting me with an apprentice of my own. Each is a kindness I hope to repay, but know I never could. For that, I thank you."

He'd never taken the time to verbally thank the wise, older tabby. But he understood its best to give someone their flowers while they were still on this side of life. His attention travels momentarily across the way, landing upon Mousepaw for a moment. The young she cat has grown into a fine student, soaking up his teachings more easily now than she had in the past. "I question my tutelage." Silver finally admits, something formally withheld and stored within the deepest recesses of his mind. It was not a comfortable thing to admit, but he needed to know if he was doing right by her. She was his very first apprentice after all. "I still have a ways to go before I fully understand clan life. In areas where I lack understanding it is easy to slip back into the teachings of my youth." It wasn't easy unlearning a lifetime's worth of former knowledge. "Does Mousepaw perform to Thunderclan's standards?" Silverlightning finally questions, turning to look upon Howlingstar again. His unorthodox training methods vary greatly from his fellow warriors and although he personally feels like she is proficient, Howlingstar might not. (@HOWLINGSTAR)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Howlingstar sits near the base of the Highrock, casually chatting with a warrior before she spots Silverlightning approach. She almost invites him to join in the conversation, but the expectant look on his face makes her realize he wants to talk with her about something. Returning her attention to her clanmate, she smiles graciously and dismisses them with a dip of her head before turning her full attention back to the young silver-furred warrior. "Of course, what can I do for you?" She tips her chin up, ears pricking as she focuses on what he says. He speaks of her showing him a kindness and she tips her head to the side, gentle smile present as she reaches a paw forward to place on his own. "You are a ThunderClanner, Silverlightning. You are no outsider - that is ThunderClan blood that runs through your veins now. I'm proud to call you my clanmate." Pulling her paw away, she straightens herself and listens as he goes on to question the way he mentors the apprentice he's been trusted with.

Her whiskers twitch in thought. Mousepaw has always seemed to have her head in the clouds, a mind that struggles to focus on any one thing. But that's her own unique personality, not anything to do with Silverlightning's teachings. "It seems she's beginning to take her training more seriously as of late," The older tabby comments, tail swishing to wrap itself around her haunches. "I know you come from a place far from here, and your tricks may be different than many of ours. It must be hard to adapt, but you're trying and that's all I can ask. Your apprentice must learn to do things the ThunderClan way so she may teach her apprentice one day. You're doing fine, and you have nothing to worry about." Howlingstar offers an encouraging smile, eyes crinkling as she does so. The fact he has even come to her about this has her impressed. He truly does care about his duty to the clan and doing his best, and that's all she could ever want from a warrior.