border COUNT THE CROWS — thunderclan patrol

He's becoming a familiar face along this border, he fears, but today he has no intention of crossing over. Raccoonstripe leads his patrol as the sun descends behind the treeline, blanketing the world in purple twilit shadows. He turns to his apprentice, who patrols at his side, and murmurs, "Keep to our side of the border for today." He flicks the lush banner of his tail out behind him. "And stay alert. SkyClan may still be hostile." It's no fault of Mothfur's or Toadhop's—and he does not necessarily blame the pine-dwellers for any latent hostility, either. Had their circumstances been reversed, Raccoonstripe would have sent the thieving patrol fleeing with their tails between their legs.

SkyClan is too gentle. He snorts to himself. The kittypet blood runs too strong in them. The tabby rubs his face against the rigid bark of a pine tree, then winds his tail about the trunk. "Mark well, now." His ears twitch—pine needles snap underpaw in the distance. "We might have company."

  • ooc: @Mothfur @TOADHOP @THISTLEPAW but no need to wait :]
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

The Maine Coon advances forth, amber hues flicking upward toward the tops of the pines and taking note of the time of day. This would be Coffeepaw's last patrol today before he moseys on back to his people. He wishes that his apprentice would abandon his twoleg masters and live in camp full-time as opposed to having a paw in two worlds. Slate did not realize until recently how much he took Cherryblossom for granted as his trainee. Albeit she was chatty and irksome, at least she was loyal to her own kind.

There are murmurs in the distance near SkyClan's border with ThunderClan, indicating a patrol ahead. His dark irises narrow into slits, charcoal fur beginning to bristle instinctively as he extends his tail like a warning flag to the rest of the group — be vigilant. It's been a while since Slate has properly tussled with another cat; maybe today would be the day, if these ThunderClanners were ratbrained enough.

Once the opposing crew comes into view, Slate regards them with a disapproving scowl and a fiery glare. The hulking tom approaches the border almost too closely, as if trying to provoke a reaction from the other patrol, though stops short of it before issuing an icy warning, "If you're sniffin' around for more of our prey, you won't find any here." It was not as if Slate himself was above the idea of stealing on account of survival. He had lived half his life fending for himself on the streets, scavenging and scrapping for whatever rubbish he could get his paws on. However, empathy did not come easily to the lead warrior. If ThunderClan was going to steal, it wasn't going to be from his territory. Not if he could help it.


Chrysaliswing's form emerged from the veil of pine-forest shadow, face twisted in his usual disdain, and not even slivers of esteem shone upon any trace of a smile. The smatterings of felines from the oaken forests seemed small and unassuming, with only three warriors and an apprentice. Hardly an army, he reasoned to himself. Though, the chary warrior knew best to be wary, for even the smallest of snakes bore fangs. Heterochromatic gaze trained upon the Thunderclan patrol, as though narrowed gaze had been dusked in mistrust, and for quite a good reason as well. Long, feathery tail swished behind him, almost serpentine like a rattlesnake's endpoint. "Don't try anything." Brisk warning fluttered ungracefully from a brimstone maw, with talons unsheathed like weapons held up to the light of apropos, of credence spurned and turned on its heels. There was no honor to be gained from stealing from another's territory, and honor was one of the only tenets that bound Chrysaliswing to himself. Be quick, if you truly mean no harm. Part of him itched for a reason to draw blood.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

From the perspective of the cat who benefited: it would be sort of pathetic if SkyClan still held a grudge. They got what they came for that day. Enough prey to fill the queens' bellies, and some to steady their warriors' paws. And then they'd left them alone. What was the problem with that? If it was for the good of everyone, and nobody in SkyClan had even suffered for it — well. Raccoonstripe had been right to do it, he thinks. Biased, of course. Sticking close to his mentor, molten amber gaze flicking over the border as if he expects them to leap over any moment. The hulking grey cat comes close to it. Wound tight as a spring, Thistlepaw's claws creep into the undergrowth as he digs himself in. Preparing. Tensing–

The strike doesn't come, but the apprentice doesn't seem to relax. He intentionally brushes his cheek through the foliage before Slate's massive paws, so close that his whiskers almost brush into that thick pelt. Only once the scent of ThunderClan is strong again does he weave back towards Raccoonstripe, not a word from his maw.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.
❀‿ If lives were not potentially on the line, Lupinesong would have rolled her eyes at the thought of Thunderclan daring to steal prey from beneath Skyclan's paws a second time, so soon after the first. As it was though, she kept her wits about her, staying above her patrol-mates in a branch overhead, eyes flitting to catch any suspicious movement of reinforcements from behind the cats at the border. It was scary, not knowing the intentions of their neighbors, her brother had lost an eye over Thunderclan's sense of entitlement.

Perhaps it was the underlying sting of knowledge that her kin had gotten hurt due to their theft that spurred her to say something petty, "I hope to hear that prey is running well in Thunderclan... Like, really well..." Her voice remains a pleasant trill even with the belying irritation.

She was just glad Orangestar had enforced more of a sense of dignity into Skyclan, it would be so humiliating to be from a clan that stole prey from a clan that was kind enough to lend them their medicine cat!

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 15mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, single
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
The first cat to grace his vision is Slate, rogue-named, hulking, hound-pelted. Raccoonstripe meets his amber gaze with a smile. "If you're sniffin' around for more of our prey, you won't find any here." The tabby tips his head to one side. "We'd never dream of it! We're here to mark our borders, that's all." He tries to catch Thistlepaw's eye, to tip his apprentice a sly wink, but the bristling apprentice is busy marking quite close to the massive lead warrior's paws. Raccoonstripe's whiskers quiver with amusement, but he tears his gaze away as two more SkyClan warriors approach.

The first is a cat with a half-black, half-ginger face, and his voice is little but a growl. "Don't try anything," he warns, and Raccoonstripe lets out a snort. To the second, a long-limbed she-cat with a thick silver-smoked pelt, he mews, "Isn't that kind of her, Thistlepaw, to wish us well? I'm afraid our food dishes aren't overflowing, by any means, but we're getting by." His eyes seek Lupinesong's yellow gaze.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


Being here again was unpleasant, she glowered at Raccoonstripe for a moment. He was there that day, leading the patrol. Making the call to enter and making the call to leave. Leftover anger for what happened the last time Thunderclan was at their shared border pooled within her. At least this time they were sticking to their side, golden eyes stare with intensity, waiting for one whisker to cross their territory. As much as she wants to stew in this resentment she wasn’t alone this time, Cloudpaw was by her side. Tearing her eyes away from ThunderClan’s deputy she instead takes in her apprentice, there was still weariness to her but she cheered up upon looking at the silver tabby, dandelion eyes meeting emerald.

“This is the border we share with ThunderClan, Cloudpaw. Their leader is Howlingstar” She explains, her tone despite being so soft has a guarded edge to it. Her jaw sets as she debates what to say next, she could take a petty approach. Lay out exactly what ThunderClan had done, that was unbecoming though. She would be better, Owlheart needed to prove to herself that she was deserving of an apprentice and trying to ruffle fur. Maybe the best way to show that she was above this but to get a sneaky jab against the thunderclanners was to just act like they weren't really there at all, better to not acknowledge them beyond a dirty look.

With a small exhale she parts her maw to continue. “Each clan has a unique scent, the same goes for our borders. What can you smell here?” She shoots Thistlepaw a glare before ducking her head to mark a tree on SkyClan’s side of the border. The tension was palpable but she wouldn’t be bringing it up with her apprentice, not here anyways. She needed to have faith that both Orangestar and Howlingstar had sorted this out, extend some form of trust that ThunderClan wasn’t foolish enough to try stealing again. Maybe that was foolish of her but if she didn’t have that trust in either clans leaders then what could she put her faith in?

// apprentice tag - @Lacey


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Their patrol was relatively peaceful before the approach of SkyClan warriors that silenced even the birds around them. Now feeling overwhelmed with sudden appearance of many warriors- Mothfur stood behind his clanmates with his apprentice, Tornadopaw, protectively at his side, sheltered by his brawly body. He knew their relationship with Skyclan was rocky, he just did not know the extent. He tips his head to check on his apprentice before examining the strangers.

While his clanmate, RaccoonStripe, does the talking, he whispers to his apprentice with a controlled tone "Keep calm and be quiet. This is important. This is Skyclan and we don't have the best relationship- Ask questions later." He waited for Tornadopaw's reply to confirm that they may or may not have understood, before letting out a small purr to calm the possibly scared apprentice. The tom was bad about reading emotions, but it was only a few moons ago that the tom was in his shoes.

The tom thought best to not speak knowing that he could be hot headed, so he stood patiently beside RaccoonStripe while making sure the apprentices were well.


"Oh, how gracious of you to show your face here again, Uncle."

His voice is struck with a winding chord of bitterness, hailed high from above in the trees as he glowers down at the marking forms of ThunderClanners. Fireflyglow is a hulking form amongst the swaying branch, balancing himself pointedly near the trunk as he lowers himself to sit. Milky blues stare judgingly towards the group of cats. Chrysaliswing and Slate have spoken the pieces that need to have been said, but Fireflyglow cannot help the distaste swell up inside of him.

"Don't think SkyClan has forgotten what you did to us. You can babble all you'd like about the kittypets in our Clan, but your incapability is palpable. To defy law set in stone by the will of the Stars themselves, at that.. How.. Disgraceful." He hums, milky hues staring in the direction of Lupinesong as her voice reminds him of a smiling set of claws. Interesting, to learn that she was capable of such mannerisms. He'd always been one for peace-keeping, never finding a reason for violence. But he wished, on that day.. The SkyClan patrol would have sent them all running with their bodies riddled with wounds. He wished Crowsight had never lost the sight in his eye, and by his brother, nonetheless.

Fireflyglow waves his paw, as if shooing the border patrol off. "Ah.. the herbs, I forgot the herbs. I mustn't let some silly ThunderClanners distract me." He hums again, crossing onto another branch to sniff through the sprawling vines that wrapped around the trunks. Never mind the foolish patrol, they were a bunch of fools who didn't even know how to keep their kin fed. ​
"It's hard work hunting for our food, but we're managing." His mentor had mastered the art of half-kindness to his bitten words; Thistlepaw has not. The edge of his voice is serious and mean, amber eyes cast towards the older tabby for some sort of approval at what he had said. It– stung. The thought that this was his heritage. Kittypets. Soft-pawed cats who clung to morals because they had nothing else. What did the struggle of a clan mean, when they could simply return to their nests? For whatever he thought of his mother. . . at least she had cut that tie entirely. SkyClan never would.

His gaze has turned baleful, as if these cats before them are the ones that brought his lineage into this world. It stays that way even as Fireflyglow approaches. For a moment his hackles rise. The large cat could have been a great warrior, had he chosen another path. Whatever else might be said of Blazestar, his kin came with a size unmatched by most forest cats. Then again, maybe height is just playing tricks on his senses. Slate doesn't seem that big when he's standing this close. The apprentice forces himself to settle, though his eyes still squint daggers where the medicine cat can't see it. "Do all medicine cats monologue like this, or is it just SkyClan's?" he asks his mentor in a stage whisper. Dawnglare taught more than just herbs, it seemed. If he even taught that much. A vine wasn't a herb. Right?

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.
A rustle, a pale shape darting among the branches, and the tapered shriek of a lark announce Orangestar's presence. Claws flexing against the bark to keep her steady, one paw set atop her kill, she surveys the group below. Disapproval sets her eyes narrow at the sight of Raccoonstripe, dropping pointedly to where his paws lay on his own side of the border this time. The sneering apprentice at his side comments that the Clan is managing, and Orangestar huffs a dryly amused noise to herself. On their own side of the border, I hope.

"That is good to hear." She rasps, drawing attention skyward if the commotion of her hunt had not done so already. Despite her tone, the sentiment in her meow is genuine as she continues, "I hope the kits in ThunderClan's nursery are well. Do Flamewhisker's graduate to apprenticeship soon?"

//mobile, apprentice tags @Springpaw + @Ashpaw


————————Apprentice | 8 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆As always Ashpaw kept to the shadows, their crimson eyes and pale pelt standing out in the darkness as the ex-Rogue gazed over the ThunderClan cats. The tension in the air was palpable, and... somewhat amusing to the young apprentice. Venemous words and kit-like bickering veiled behind pride. "Come now, darling. Life just isn't as interesting without a good monologue now and then." Ashpaw tittered in their melodic voice.

[penned by Delphy].