pafp Count your blessings not your flaws || training

An apprentice.

He had an apprentice.

It was a responsibility he wasn't sure he was ready for. He wasn't used to being depended on. He had been pacing around the territory for at least an hour now, mind racing with what he was supposed to do, how to do it. He couldn't mess up. Someones entire future depended on HIM.

HE, who was left to the ice and snow as a kit to figure it all out himself.

But life had never been kind to him, and he figured it was time to face his apprentice. He would teach her everything he knows. This kit was going to know how to survive.

So, headed back to camp to acquire her. He scanned the clearing for her, spotting her and heading to her.

"Poppypaw. We're combat training today. Let's go." He said.
