courage don't desert me | joining


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Sep 4, 2023
Storm's nose twitches as it is assaulted by the scent of pine and a clearly marked border. The black and white tom dips his head to sniff the ground, his jaws parted slightly, and he concludes that this must be the place those rogues had been talking about - a group of cats known for taking in kittens and kittypets. Not that Storm has been a kittypet for quite sometime; mother insisted on leaving that life behind in favor of a new one with her second mate. The one good thing to come out of that unholy union was Pearl. Storm refused to acknowledge his mother's new mate as a father (and he thinks Pearl's father feels much the same about him), so for a solid moon he considered mother and Pearl his only family.

And then the worst day of his life happened. He recalls mother, mother's mate, and Pearl leaving on a quick adventure - his sister's broad smile as she said goodbye and scampered off with innocent excitement. Sadness flickered in his chest at being left behind, though he knew someone had to stay behind and make sure their makeshift home stayed safe. The sadness shifted to concern over how long they had been gone, then pure rage once the adults returned without Pearl. "Where is she?! What did you do?!" His distraught questions were met with mumbled excuses and roundabout answers. Storm's patience ran too thin to reason with them and he was gone before the end of the day - determined to find Pearl.

For a couple moons Storm drifted from rogue group to rogue group, endlessly searching for clues of his half-sister's whereabouts as well as trying to survive himself. Some rogues were kinder than others, some only let him hang around out of pity, and others roughed him up just for looking at them. Nothing deterred him from his search and after some time he learned a charismatic smile scored him nights sheltered from incoming rain showers, a piece of food to fill his belly, and enough trust to engage in conversation. Eventually he learned about a group called "SkyClan", a commune of cats living beyond the twolegplace and tucked into the forest. At first Storm felt skeptical about that being Pearl's location - such a young kit couldn't survive in the forest, right? But the rogues assured him cats of all ages lived in the clan and actually thrived. Could that be where Pearl was abandoned?

Vibrant green eyes lift his gaze from the forest floor and Storm scans the horizon, his plush tail flicking curiously behind him. For two moons he has searched the city and streets for Pearl. Could she have been here the whole time? If this is where she had been abandoned was she still here? Or had tragedy befallen his sister? So many questions tumble around in the young tom's head as he cautiously steps over the border and creeps a few feet into the territory, aware that he was trespassing but determined to find answers no matter the cost.
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// assuming Dog had followed along with a patrol.

He had been brought along that day for some hunting, which seemed to be his everyday routine now, whether on a border patrol or a hunting expedition where clanmates would offer tips, tricks, and proper protocols to follow. For now he had wandered further off to find a quieter place to hunt.

It appeared to be his turn to face a somewhat daily occurrence, running into a new face at the border. While rummaging around in search of mice, his nose detected the familiar scent of two-leg place. However, it wasn't muddied by the smell of clan this time which sent alarm bells off in his mind.

The cinnamon and white tabby froze momentarily before turning toward the scent. Pinning down the direction Dog set off towards it. Said trek didn't take long nor did it take much time for him to spot the creeping figure crossing the border.

Swiftly, he bounded in front of the tom, casting them a stern look and addressing them with a firm meow. "Excuse me, but this is Skyclan territory, and you happen to be trespassing." He inched a bit closer, fixing the intruder with a level stare from his one good eye.

In that moment they took a good long look at the peculiar black and white cat before addressing them once more. "State your name and reason for being here." He intended to give this newcomer a chance to explain until someone of higher authority arrived. In the meantime, he remained confident, standing his ground while awaiting their response.​
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"He knows what he's doing." An irritated snarl rips from the large Maine Coon's throat as he storms over, amber eyes alight with fiery vexation. There was no need for graciousness and polite regard for this blatant trespasser. The number of cats who strayed over SkyClan's scent markers was outright ridiculous. These cats had noses that worked, and yet they deliberately chose to ignore their borders! Slate was tired of the leniency and patience granted toward these clueless ( or perhaps just brazen ) fools who didn't know how to use their senses.

The lead warrior, far less patient than Dog, wrinkled his muzzle and gave a lash of his dark, bushy tail. A former rogue, though still a rogue nonetheless, he had been well known for scrapping with other strays and chasing strangers from his alleyway. Slate knew first-hand how much of a struggle the life of a street cat was, and that the odds of survival only raised when cats adapted a tough and hardy mindset. "You got three seconds before I chase you out myself, kit." Slate snarls, flexing his claws into the earth below. Clearly, he still retained his highly territorial attitude from his old life.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Pearlpaw has long since forgotten her brothers scent. She has long since forgotten her Mamas scent too. Today shes on a patrol with Coyotecrest, dutifully walking alongside him.

She sniffs the air- and what hits her nose is something familiar, nostalgic... But its just slightly over the border and Pearl knows that its not allowed as she looks up to her mentor. Hadn't Doompaw defended the border? She wants to do the same thing, but Dog beats her and frustration rises within herself, a flash of hot anger that surprises even her. She stares at the stranger through wide blue eyes.

Something stirs in the back of her mind. A memory, distant. Storm- Storm, do the funny face again! But thats not Storm. Storm smelled differently, and... And Storm was taller, or maybe… Maybe she got bigger? Because this looks like Storm. I love you, she can hear his voice in her head, clear as day.

And she looks him up and down. It clicks and falls in to place, the tiniest part of her heart heals. She knows those eyes. She knows that face.

"STORM!" she cries out, eyes lighting up like lightning across clouds. She recognizes the way he stands and theres a certain undertone of scent that she remembers. Its not fully him anymore, he looks older and more tired too, like how Duskpool looks sometimes. It doesn't bother her as she launches forth, aiming to bowl him over, with happy tears in her eyes. She may have forgotten his scent, the way his pelt is night with white splashes, but she’d never EVER forget the way his smile meets his eyes, the loving way he looked at the world. She’d never forget his face.

She doesn’t care that Dog is watching, doesn’t cate that Coyotecrest is there too. She doesn’t care that Slate just threatened her brother, she wouldn’t let him do anything. She had spent so long hoping that he was okay, wishing she could see him again. After all, Storm was the only one who really took care of her. “Big brother! I missed you so much!” she cries again, pressing her face in to his fur.Mama- Mama left me here, but I looked for her! And I looked for you too.” at long last she has finally reunited with him.

  • @Coyotecrest
  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit, pearlpaw
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 4 months
    -> apprentice of skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like moss & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
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Quite unlike the others she is lost in thought and wholey unaware of the intruder until Dog himself spoke up asking their business and only then does she come down from the clouds her head had been floating in to register the cat before them. Hazel's head tilts to the side, curious at the black and white cat roaming with a nose lifted as though attempting to scent something out. The molly comes to a stop just behind Dog, tiny paws poised stiffly to attack if need be but a smile dances across her maw in friendly greeting by default; if they didn't have an answer proper then they'd be shooed off but Slate moves in like a storm, dark and bellowing and she can not help but chuckle at the predictability of their lead warrior.
"Three seconds? That's awfully generous of you!" Hazel piped up in amusement as she flicks her tail in thought, but before the newcomer had a moment to speak Pearlpaw launched herself forward and for a split second the blue and black she-cat stiffens reflexively as if to bolt after her only to pause upon the sight unfurling before them. Storm? Big brother? Ah, family it seemed!
"There's your answer then is it? Should I wander back and get Blazestar?" A cheeky grin curls her maw, she would have bumped Slate's shoulder in a friendly manner if she didn't think he'd try to take her fur off in retaliation; some of her new clanmates were oh-so-prickly!
It didn’t take long before Storm was approached in numerous ways by a number of cats. The first regarded him with some leniency - an opportunity to explain himself - and Storm feels a glimmer of gratitude radiate in his chest. Before he can answer a much larger, much gruffer, tom barks out orders and drastically shortens the allotted time it would take for Storm to explain himself. “I know I’m trespassing, but I promise it isn’t out of malice. I’m looking for my sister,” Storm explains as he glances between Dog and Slate, his stance relaxed to show he meant no harm, yet tensed enough to run should the tough guy make a move. “My name is -“


That voice, familiar yet changed, cuts off his hastened speech and the black and white tom hardly has a second to look to the origin before being bowled into. Plush pelt fluffs out against the forest floor and calloused paws are quick to hold Pearlpaw in a clumsy and emotional hug. Never in a million years would Storm have imagined this would be their reunion. He always envisioned stumbling across her and needing to explain who he was (for he was afraid enough time had passed that she may have forgotten his voice and appearance). But this… this was perfection. Even with potential foes flanking him for trespassing on their territory.

“Pearl! I’ve searched everywhere for you,” Storm admits as he leans into his sister’s touch, a rough purr rumbling in his throat. “I left mother after she came home without you. I had to find you. I’ve missed you so much.” And now he had found her. Safe and sound, tucked away in a forest he never thought to search until recently. Internally he scolds himself for not coming sooner - he could have saved both of them heartache.

Speaking of saving, the tom realizes he should probably save his hide by addressing the others once more. He looks to Dog and Slate while rising back to his paws, his plush tail aiming to drape protectively over Pearlpaw’s back. “Storm. My name is Storm and I’m Pearl’s brother. I’ve been looking for her for two moons now.” He glances at Hazel as she speaks to the others, offering to fetch someone called ‘Blazestar’. “Is Blazestar the one I should thank for taking care of my sister?”

"There's puh-plenty of cats you should thank for that..." Twitchbolt murmured as he approached, face contorted into a slightly-wary smile. It was an odd expression, but at base-level a friendly one- he regarded Pearlpaw for a few moments, eyes as moon-wide as ever, attempting to gauge the young apprentice's reaction. Hazel bumped Slate's side, asking to fetch Blazestar- and if she caught Twitchbolt's eye, the bicolour tom would offer her a nod of approval. He couldn't see Blazestar reasonably refusing this tom, especially when Pearlpaw was so glad to see him- but better safe than sorry. Words to live by.

Most wouldn't take kindly to a stranger being traipsed into where all their kits and elders were, after all...

An amber-flecked gaze flickered back over to- Storm, that was what Pearlpaw had called him. What he said he was called, too. Good name. "Nnn-no matter your intentions, I'd, uh- avoid trespassing in the future. Other Clans wouldn't have given you..." his wide gaze slipped over to Slate' slightly sparked with humour. "... three seconds." He thanked his yelping heart most days they encountered young joiners that SkyClan was apparently easy to find. The brown-and-white tom cleared his throat, aquiver as ever but attempting to keep up some level of a professional front. "You can... can meet Blazestar if you'd like, though." He had little doubt it was important to Pearlpaw, at least.
penned by pin ✧
Angry at all the things I can't change
Whatever hostility beginning to build up within the cream spotted tom died down the moment his apprentice rushed over the border and declared this stranger her brother. Coyotecrest's gaze flickered from Pearlpaw to the tom in question, pelt lying flat once more though he still watches the tom carefully. Quietly he listens to Twitchbolt and a few others comment on Slate's three second rule, although he agrees with the former street roaming cat. One could never be too careful. Especially now with the continuous lingering sickness plaguing the clans. Clearing his throat he tosses Twitchbolt another glance. "I'll grab him." He murmurs, turning on his heels to go fetch the golden hued leader.

Upon his swift return he seeks his former mentor out. "Blazestar," The cream warrior voices with a polite bow of his head. "Pearlpaw's brother has appeared within our lands, he wishes to speak with you." Coyote adds quickly, flanks still heaving from the run back to camp. (@BLAZESTAR)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Coyotecrest has come to fetch him, and the Ragdoll’s heeds his call. Pearlpaw’s brother, he says, is at the border… and when he arrives to see Slate bristling with Hazelbeam and Twitchbolt at his side, he frowns. Pearlpaw has launched herself full force at a young black and white cat, older than she is but younger than warrior-aged. Blazestar sits and blinks. “I’m the leader of SkyClan, and your sister is a SkyClan apprentice. We found her when she was hardly more than a kit, abandoned on the border.” He hesitates, wondering if either child knows the extent of their mother’s cruelty… but it is time they do, if not. “Have you come to bring her home, or did you intend to join our ranks?

He flicks his blue eyes toward his lead warriors, then to Coyotecrest, Pearlpaw’s mentor. “If you were to join us, you would join Pearlpaw in training to be a SkyClan warrior. You would learn to hunt for your Clan, to fight predators and other Clans when they endanger us. You would train until your twelfth moon, and then, if your mentor deemed you ready, you would become a warrior.” He looks the tom over appraisingly. “It’s not an easy life, but it is a rewarding one, if you put in the effort.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Vibrant green eyes turn to Twitchbolt as the other approaches and speaks of plenty of cats who should be thanked for taking care of Pearl - a comment that warms Storm's heart while simultaneously breaking it as he feels should have been the one taking care of her. "Then I extent my gratitude to everyone who has cared for Pearl," Storm rumbles with a smile before nodding in understanding to Twitchbolt's following statement. "I can assure you I have no further plans of ever trespassing on another's territory. I just wanted to find my sister, and now that I have..." well, there was no need for ever trespassing again. It needn't be spoken so the black and white tom let his phrase simmer into silence.

The opportunity to meet Blazestar arises and Storm nods eagerly. He would very much like to meet anyone who had a say in how Pearl has been raised these past couple of moons; anyone who has doted on her and cared for her as Twitchbolt claimed many have. Storm watches Coyotecrest set off to fetch Blazestar and settles himself to wait patiently. It doesn't take long for the ragdoll tom to arrive and Storm is quick to rise back to his paws and dip his head in greeting to the flame point. He listens carefully to the leader's speech, ears flitting back when Blazestar mentions Pearl being abandoned at the border. I knew mother left her on purpose, Storm thinks bitterly to himself, internally angered at the reveal but relieved that Pearl had been taken in by SkyClan and made an apprentice. As for Blazestar's question, Storm lightly shakes his head and admits, "I haven't had a home in moons. There would be nowhere for me to take Pearl. But if I am allowed to stay here, to become an apprentice alongside my sister, then I want to stay. I would like to join SkyClan." Even if deemed not easy, it would be better than returning to the streets to fight and fend for himself. When given the choice between a life of a rogue or a life with his sister, Storm would pick his sister every time.
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