twolegplace courtesy call — border skirmish


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
A small patrol set out at midday, closer to the unclaimed border in search of viable prey, or catching any scent that reeked of rogue—something to set off the alarm bells. Burning molten glancing around wearily, but nothing out of the ordinary. He gave a subtle huff, wooly tail flickering against the ground, hanging low, undoubtedly collecting twigs and pine needles in the wooly mesh of smokey fur that’ll be a pain in the backside to tease out.

He breathed, nostrils flaring from the motion, helm pivoting to scan the terrain with keen focus when chaos erupted, strange pelts breaking free from the undergrowth in silence, teeth bared. Duskpool acted fast, paws grappling with the snow-covered earth, body surging forward to meet the bigger of the two rogues before the other could latch onto his clanmate’s back, sending the two tumbling to the ground in a heap of loud snarls, miscellaneous items kicked up from the struggle.

The large brute sneered, using his larger body to his advantage, pressing the rogue further into the ground, claws digging into the frozen earth with a grunt, muscles quivering with the extrusion, but otherwise held firm, helm whipping toward his clanmates with a bark of his voice. “What are you doing? I’m fine! Get goin’ before that one gets any further!” He snapped, referring to the smaller rogue bolting away from them, further into SkyClan’s territory, teeth gritting.

It’d been a quick decision on Duskpool’s part, mind rapid-fire as he’d broken into an all-outrun before the other could attack his clanmate, heart roaring in his ears, making a split-second decision to slam the rogue using his weight and allowing their momentum to collapse in a heap, remaining on top, Duskpool curved his neck, burning molten staring into narrowed green, dull and fierce, yellowed teeth bared as the rogue kicked his legs into Duskpool’s stomach, threatening to tear the skin ( adding more unnecessary scars ) if the smokey warrior hadn’t shifted in time. “Quit movin’ or yer gonna get more than the breath knocked out of ya.” He hissed, timbre dangerously low, borderline a snarl, pressing the brute further, muzzle wrinkling with unfeathered calmness displayed across the tom’s marred features.

He hadn’t taken it well, seein’ those kids, no older than a moon since apprenticeship being dragged by others, parents and kin alike in disarray from the brutal attack. His gut soured at the memory, burning molten narrowing to fine slits when things tilted, grunting at the harsh kick to his side, Duskpool narrowly missed the snap of teeth against his neck, riddled with the mark of death, the two tussled, sharing blows of equal strength. The older warrior shifted tactics, pushing the other toward the border not only a few tail lengths away, dodging with awkward ease, shoulder pulsating in reminder causing flares of annoyance at the old injury, undoubtfully even more tender since he originally ripped it out of its socket. Foxdung. He rumbled in annoyance, claws slashing across pliable flesh, ichor beading up from the wound, Duskpool nearly huffed in satisfaction at the flash of anger across the rogue’s muzzle.

/ for the unity prompts !
thought speech
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