camp COWARDLY MISTAKES // playfighting


i have good judgement
Jul 5, 2024
[ pls wait for @COLTKIT !!! ]

How come you get to have so many paws?

Twilightkit glowers at the tom from afar, her singular front paw anchoring center-most to her body. She's grown up like this, thus far at least (though no one has suggested yet that her other arm will grow in due time.) Meanwhile, he's grown like... that. She dare not call it unfair, because saying as much means that she's... less in some way, and by no grace of StarClan is she any less than her siblings. She's just as capable, just as strong - and... and she'll show him such!

She stands, abruptly, and then sinks to the ground in the same quick motion. The silver she-kit prowls towards him, ears flat to her head as she awkwardly moves. As soon as she deems herself close enough, the silver tabby launches, hoping to land squarely atop him before nipping his ears and launching off again. A common kitten-surprise tactic, if she ever knew one. Yellow eyes watch the other tabby, simply waiting for him to react, if at all.​
Coltkit has heard about battle . . . Roeflame had delivered an exciting tale of the fight for Sunningrocks moons ago, and ever since, he's been pestering every warrior and apprentice who had the misfortune of passing him as he dozed for more. There's something about the stories . . . the sounds of claws on claws and yowling battlecries, the warriors like furred snakes in midair, twists of liquid color as they descended upon their enemies, the technical workings of it that he begged to hear about ( even if he doesn't really understand them ). Needless to say, the little tomkit is hooked, and no passing warrior escapes his notice and a white paw batting at their ankle as the usually - sleepy kit requested to be shown a " cool move " or told a story of battles from moons before.

As such, when Twilightkit bowls him over, knocking him out of his disinterested cloud - watching haze, off - toned eyes snap wide as if electrified, even as the silver - tabby kitten nips his floppy ears and leaps off his back. Energy suffuses his overlong limbs, life suddenly injecting into extra - toed paws as his face blossoms with yet - unseen animation . . . it's as though some changeling had replaced him, sweeping away the lazy disinterest that has characterized Coltkit thus far.

It's uncanny, the speed with which a normally snail - paced frame jolts; Coltkit whirls around and off the ground in one oddly smooth motion, a blur of blue - and - white limbs as he whips back towards Twilightkit and pushes off of kit - soft hind legs. His form is sloppy, the untrained motions of a kitten, but preternatural skill is suffused in childish instinct as he aims to swat Twilightkit's lone foreleg out from under her and tackle the other kit in the moment of weakness he creates. His tail wags excitably, jaws parted in excited puppyish pants, looking more energetic than any cat—from the tiniest newborn to the most ancient elder—has ever seen him before.

Redflower sits near the nursery, grooming a snag in her dappled fur, when she notices a scrap of silver fur creeping along the camp clearing. The brindled warrior twists her head, pale eyes narrowing against her cheekbones. The kit is one of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird's — respectable enough warriors who had produced an utterly disappointing brood. The kit is unpromising, missing an essential forepaw, and though she does her best to scrap with Coltkit, she seemingly finds herself beaten even by a useless kittypet kitten.

The tortoiseshell gets to her paws, distaste curdling her muzzle. "Come on, Twilightkit. Don't take that from a kittypet," she sneers, sweeping her mottled tail across the camp floor and stirring dust along with it.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

જ➶ "I would hardly call the young kit a kittypet. Or at least I don't see him wearing a collar." Truly he personally doesn't understand the necessary need to keep driving home such a thing towards a child. A kit no less that hardly knows the difference between that and where he stands now. His muzzle is a thin like as the large tom comes upon the two playing kits and he is impressed with how swift Coltkit moves. He is also impressed with Twilightkit as well. Dipping his head in light thoughts he glances to Redflower then. Icy blues neutral as ever and thoughts ever covered by ice. At the moment he tries not to let such things bother him but he has been hearing more and more about kittypets and the word tossed around with disdain.

"Plus, I don't think it wise to start causing division between the kits when they ought to be clanmates first." Turning his gaze back to the kits then he allows what seems to be a smile to grace ks muzzle as he settles down to watch. "You are both doing great. I can see good warriors in you both. Twilightkit try to equalize your balances on your paws. Makes it harder for you to be knocked over."
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird watches with interest as twilightkit snakes around an unwitting opponent, launching her attack before coltkit even recognized another presence. the careful steps produced by the silver swirled kit would have no problem traversing the undergrowth, she decided. one day, it would not be her denmates she stalked and pounced upon, rather mice and squirrels or even intruders.

coltkit fights back, with more vigor than nightbird had seen him use for anything. it brings a slight raise to her brow, surprise, especially when the tactic he uses is so... underhanded. her jaw parts to offer a tip to her daughter but redflower beats her to the chase. the calico's words earn her a scathing glare, surely a fresh warrior had something better to do than bully a kit.

"keenly observed." she offers sarcastic support for bluestride. there were no kittypets within these walls, the queen was growing awfully tired of hearing otherwise. with a shake of her head, nightbird returns her gaze back to the kits. coltkit had size on twilightkit, a larger and slower target by nature. "move quicker, don't give him the chance to hit you." she wanted to encourage the same dirty tactics coltkit had used, but that was a lesson for later days with less eyes.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 34 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
"Oof," is all Twilightkit can say, his lone forepaw tugged out from beneath him and his muzzle hitting the dirt before he can get the chance. The barest spark of frustration light in citrine eyes as he stands again, but as he shakes the muck from his visage, he notices how... excited Coltkit seems to be. Anger dims as he looks upon the wiggly kitten, but he doesn't launch again so quickly - not when the adults speak of their short-lived brawl.

It's quick. Redflower condemns him for losing to a kittypet (kitten, maybe, but when was Coltkit ever a pet?), and Bluestride snips at her for her flowerful language. The blue tom tries to teach Twilightkit how he might do better next time, and though he shifts his weight, the quiet kitten cannot figure out how to simply... equalize his balance. Nightbird earns full attention, pupils pinning for a second as he fears some sort of reprimand. Never a violent or harmful mother, yet the little tom kit detests seeing disappointment in her narrowed eyes. Move quicker she says. He can do that.

"Coltkit?" Yellow eyes turn back to the larger tabby, who hopefully hasn't grown bored in the last few moments. Again, he launches towards the other kitten with very little notice. He rears up on his hind legs, swiping his lone paw at the other's face several times over (at least, for as long as he can before Coltkit backs away.) When space is put between them again, be it by his own effort or the other tom's, he widens his stance with his hindlegs, ears pinned to his head. Should Coltkit approach him again, Twilightkit would try to twist and kick out his hindlegs at the other - however regardless of if the act worked, the tom would stumble forward, simply still too unbalanced to manage such an attack.​