pafp COWARD'S CALL / training

Falconheart is pathetic. Pathetic, Skyclaw decides, but useful.

They don't talk much anymore (which admittedly upsets Skyclaw, but he know's the grave he's dug and he's fully prepared to lay in it until his final breath,) however the tom must've done something glorious in Howlingstar's eyes to have been gifted an apprentice in the same meeting he has. Skyclaw's days since have been trying to catch up with Luckypaw's previous (albeit minor) training and skillset - however there's far more to warriorhood than hunting and patrolling. Battle training had been one of Skyclaw's favorite activities growing up, and he hopes his apprentice takes on his lust for a good fight.

The conversation had been short - something akin to, 'We're training together later,' and a confused agreeance. Skyclaw had waited with his apprentice in the sandy hollow for Falconheart and Crescentpaw, letting out a chuff of air when they finally arrived. "You're here," he says after, though there's no hope tinging his tone. Perhaps surprise, if anything at all. His tail twitches, continuing without issue, "I'm not sure where Luckypaw is with his battle skills. I'm... hoping that you and Crescentpaw can help with that," he pitches with a slight tinge of uncertainty, but he waits without addressing it.

[ pls wait for @FALCONHEART ! apprentice tags @luckypaw! @Crescentpaw <3 ]​
𓍊𓋼 It feels as though he’s always mourning. Days pass by in dreary shades of gray, flickers of life that hardly matter to him anymore. Between his apprentice and his newly-expanded family, Falconheart has plunged himself fully into his duties. His time for keeping up with friendships has been slashed—but he supposes that’s alright, because he doesn’t have any. After… after everything, Skyclaw hates him, and they haven’t talked in quite a while. Maybe it would be best for him to lay their friendship to rest, to let it wither and die in peace, but he can’t help but to hold out hope that someday, somehow, the other warrior will come around. They’ve been friends since they were kits, so surely Skyclaw can’t hate him forever.

He clings to the hope that Skyclaw will want to be his friend again, so when the dappled tom approaches him, Falconheart allows himself to perk up slightly. Maybe Skyclaw wants to talk, or go hunting, or something? But no, he only wants to do his duties as a mentor. He doesn’t even give Falconheart a choice, his words more like a demand than a question or invitation. So he nods once, caught off guard, and watches the other warrior walk away. He goes about his business for the day until he cannot put off the meeting any longer.

It’s with the flames of anxiety burning up in his stomach that Falconheart finally trots over to the sandy hollow, bicolored eyes shifting from his apprentice to the two cats who await their arrival. He doesn’t know how to respond when Skyclaw greets him, because he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to treat someone who he’d once thought would be his friend forever. Familiarity screams and dies between them, scorching them both, and it’s hard to act as though he’s excited for this. It feels a bit more like he’s walking to an execution than to a training session.

Battle training is something that the cream tabby hasn’t considered much; he isn’t any good at fighting, so he’s accepted that he won’t be able to teach Crescentpaw very much about it. But if he’s going to be a competent mentor, the kind of warrior his father would be proud of, then he has to at least pretend he knows what to do. Fake it ’til you make it, he thinks. "Yeah, we can help. What should we start with?"

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Training sessions are no longer something that Burnstorm needed to participate in, now that he no longer had an apprentice of his own. But keeping his skills sharp was something that he was interested in, and it was worth it to note that watching a spar could be just as useful as participating in one yourself. If he could go to another clan for a day and just watch their warriors fight, he is certain he would become unbeatable. Fighting was about improve, about staying on your toes, but it was also about anticipation, knowing your opponents next move.

When he settles into a spot nearby to watch, his gaze immediately snaps to Skyclaw and Falconheart. His brother and his former apprentice. "Will you two be sparring against each other?" he finds himself asking, tail flicking lazily behind him as he awaits the answer to his question. It would be strange for him to watch these two fight. His kin, his blood, against a cat that Burnstorm had trained. He will not root for one or the other, at least not out loud, but he would be lying if he said he didn't have an idea of who would be the winner. He had tried his best with Falconheart but there had only been so much that could be done.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

She knew now, through flicking ears and idle, friendly conversation, that Skyclaw and Falconheart wer ekind of the leader and deputy both- and the mist of sadness in Falconheart's eyes specifically was not difficult to miss. It was the familiar gleam she'd spotted in Flamewhisker's verdant gaze- even withered hearts could realise it was the loss of Flycatcher that had spurred on that mournful look, that dying star. Every night, Thundergleam did ask that he smile upon his family- though through the stories she had heard of his noble heart, she doubted she needed to ask.

Pale lashes blinked inquisitively- she looked beyond and at the pair, both at once, interest skimming the surface of her gaze. After Burnstorm spoke, a small, songlike purr skittered through her lean, snow-tufted form; owlishly, she tilted her head, immediately watchful. There was certainly much to learn... "I imagine this shall be fascinating," she remarked gently, expectant... be it the warriors sparring or the apprentices, Thundergleam could fathom that she would be impressed either way. Whether the claws themselves, or ones honed by such strong blooded cats- it did not matter!

\ "mentor" tag @STORMYWING
penned by pin ☾
the interpersonal relationships between the two warriors is completely lost on her, leafhusk only sees two clanmates suggesting a spar. she does feel nervous at the idea, though, she wasn’t present for dustpaw’s unfortunate accident but it still happened. spars were necessary, and they shouldn’t be risky, but they still are. she silently wonders about burnstorm’s question, the two apprentices weren’t usually around when she was training adderpaw, so she’s unsure if they’d be… eager to spar this way.

an ear flicks at thundergleam’s breathy comment, and she has to agree, humming gently to show she acknowledged, "not everyday we see spars, i suppose" overall, spars seem to be uncommon in the sandy hollow. ‘fascinating’ is a strong word, however. her tail curls around her paws, opting to just watch this one with her apprentice. "i wonder who’ll win. any bets?" she chuffs softly, towards anyone in her vicinity.

appy @Adderpaw hi​