pafp Cowboy kid | Big fish


Being ‘cool’ or ‘in with the kids’ is not something Snakeblink… excels at (he is infamously and informally banned from the nursery for his failure at dealing with kits), but he does try. Understanding younger cats is important for a mentor, and he likes Turtlepaw enough to want to be a good mentor for her. If it means dealing with more apprentices to get how they tick, so be it.

Some make it easy: while most adolescent cats want nothing to do with adults, especially not him, Magpiepaw has inexplicably sought him out. Snakeblink tries to see it as the opportunity it is, rather than a perfect occasion for him to mess something up (again) and probably fall flat on his face in front of an audience composed of teenagers and their mentors.

”You wanted me, Magpiepaw, here I am. What did you wish to show me?” He asks casually, sitting next to the apprentice on the side of the river.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Magpiepaω
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 54 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

〕Snakeblink was someone they had always thought of someone cool. Like Gladefrost was cool but in a more of a impressing an elder sort of way. The young cat though wanted to at least try to have the lead warrior see them as something as other than some moody teenager. He was Turtlepaws' mentor, and they liked Turtlepaw- she was cool too in her own way. So maybe if they could befriend her mentor then maybe she would want to speak to them more? The thought process made less and less sense the more they sat there at the rivers' edge.

Though now their actions were too late and they felt like an absolute idiot as they stared into the river. Magpiepaw had been sitting there for hours now and had a small pile of smaller fish off to the side- minnows and such- but they were determined to get something worth it. They had to, now that they had brought the lead warrior out here. They cursed to themselves quietly and sighed heavily, but then there was pawsteps and a voice.

Snakeblink had come to join them at the river and they didnt respond right away to the tomcat. Magpiepaw twitched their ear slightly and then lunged forward, grasping a fish in jaws but the larger creature was too swift for the black and white apprentice. "Fuck! Stupid-" They cursed out loud and shook their head of water droplets. They flamed under their pelt and they flattened their ears back against their head. This did not go as plan and they felt like such an idiot in the moment, they had wasted this cats time and now they'd surely be scolded for it.

"I was- trying to catch a large fish to show you-," They rambled out loud and frustration bubbled up their fur, making it bristle and they shamefully look down, "I'm sorry for dragging you out here for no reason,"

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • It should remain unsurprising that she can always find Snakeblink trying to have casual conversation with the apprentices.... they are the only age group that he does not routinely piss off, much to his chagrin she's sure. Magpiepaw's hissing frustration gives Lichenstar pause, listening with ears sat forward expectantly, practically waiting to see a paw move towards the brown tabby's face- He'd already managed to make the kid angry? It'd been not even five minutes-

    But Magpiepaw simmers beside him, hunkered over the riverside and glowering and softly mumbling some sort of apology. The blue she-cat wanders closer, glancing between the two with a quizzical look before peering into the water for familiar shadows of potential prey. "Can't catch... all of them," they hum reassuringly. If anyone had such a grand record to speak of, it certainly wasn't on this plane of existence. Maybe StarClan promised your catches in its boundless rapids...

    "Look," they meow, pointing with their nose towards another sizeable ripple, "Might have... another chance..."

    Why they'd be so hell-bent on impression Snakeblink of all cats though, is beyond them.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
  • Angry
Reactions: Magpiepaᴡ

It’s not without curiosity that Snakeblink watches as Magpiepaw mutters under their breath, few words intelligible but for the minced oaths that have his ears pinning back in surprise -- he did not expect such language from the unassuming apprentice. Their attempt at fishing, at least, he understands: apprentices like to show off, and he winces in sympathetic embarrassment as Magpiepaw lets their prey escape, jaws snapping shut around a mouthful of water as the fish darts off in a flash of silver.

It’s just that apprentices don’t usually show off to him. As such it takes him a moment to react, long enough for Lichenstar to appear and utter some reassurances to the flustered cat. ”Quite right,” he nods in agreement, still baffled, going on flattered. ”We have all missed our fair share of fish before, especially back in our--” He casts a playful glance at the leader, ”Rather distant youth. There is no shame in occasional failure.”

”Here, be mindful of the shadow you cast on the water,”
he says, slinking closer to the apprentice and gesturing corrections if they were his own. ”Give it another try.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 56 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie