COWER IN THE CORNER — lost in thought

ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
Paws knead against fresh moss, working more intensely than usual as Roepaw is craned over it, brows furrowed and tongue slightly poking from her upper lip as she worked. Though her eyes continued to be trained on the green blob in front of her, her mind wandered far, far away. They wandered so far, she was on top of Highrock, looking upwards towards Howlingstar as the leader recited her warrior vow.
She knew that soon, this would not simply be a daydream, but a reality.
She thinks what warrior name her leader would bestow to her. Roeshade, for her stealth? Roesong for her incessant need to speak.. or maybe Roecry?
Roeheart… Roefoot? Roefur?
This was a moment she had been waiting for since she had become Roekit, since every essence of Toraline had been washed away, nurtured into a Thunderclanner by Cinderfrost, Emberstar, and Flycatcher.
She bites her lip, completely unaware that her moss was now spread too thin. Cinderfrost wasn’t going to be there to be proud of her, the ashen molly had faded into only a distant memory of her herb-stained paws and gravely voice.
Something on your mind, dove? A sweet frail voice hums towards her from the elders den.
"Oh, erm- no." Roepaw stumbles, abruptly snapped back to the present, blinking towards Foxpoppy, the elders nest she had just destroyed.
”Hmm, that moss at your paws tells a different story.” The older molly said, gesturing slightly towards the thinned moss at the apprentices paws.
"Mm? Oh! Ah, give me one second." Roepaw replies, only confused for a heartbeat before she saw the mess she had made.
She speeds off, feeling more mouse-brained than ever. The embarrassment only grows when she collides into another clanmates shoulder in her hurry, promptly knocking her on her rear.
"Ack! I’m sorry!" She groans towards the clanmate she had just crashed into.
Was she even warrior material? Or simply doomed to be the loud mouthed apprentice for the rest of her days?

( Prompt: How does Roepaw feel knowing she’s 2 [days] from becoming a warrior? Is she worried? Uncertain? Does she have ideas what name she might be given? Does she fear she may be held back for any reason? )

Dewfang grunted in surprise when a fully-grown cat slammed into his shoulder. The older warrior was quite sturdy and broad-shouldered, so he did not sway underneath the force that Roepaw had inflicted on him. Opening half-closed eyes to their full potential, Dewfang glanced at the apprentice. The frown ever knitted on his face slowly gave way as he recognized his assailant.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" The warrior meowed with amusement, looking past her inquisitively. She must have come from the elder's den, he wondered. Why was she doing such menial tasks so close to her ceremony? The mink-furred warrior waited for a response.

Apprentices have always seemed more a nuisance than an advantage to Eaglestump. A responsibility that the clan must bear, if only for the sake of training the next generation of warriors. His own former apprentice had been a pawful, a problem to train especially in battle. He’s been told that he’s too hard on ‘em, the youngsters, but he ain’t got the patience to handle clumsy kids whose favorite hobby is being thorns in his backside.

Speaking of clumsy.

He gives a scoff as he watches Roepaw crash into Dewfang’s shoulder. The other warrior don’t seem too bothered, only asks what she’s off doing in such a rush, but Eaglestump bristles anyhow. "Y’best watch where you’re goin’," he warns the apprentice, voice low. She’s damn near full-grown now, to the age she’s gotta watch out ‘fore she injures someone. But his curiosity is piqued—what’s got Roepaw rushing from the elders’ den all reckless? "The retirees got you runnin’ chores now?"
[ tie my bones to the saddle ]