pafp crab rave plays in the distance ✘ attack


Smokestar leaned over the water, his lone eye narrowing as he observed the silver darts of minnow racing through the current once more; as the water warmed he had begun to see them more and more and it was a relief to know the fish were returning properly, the water no longer frigid to the touch and the clan would not have to rely on land hunting as heavily as they had before. Through the murky depths he sees something faintly shifting about among the sand and he tilted his head down to get a closer look before jabbing his white-dipped paw into the water to flick it out only for it to latch onto him with a sharp pinch.
The tom yelped, rocking back to sit suddenly and flailing his paw to dislodge what had grabbed him, the long whiskered and curled tail creature rolling across the ground and twitching violently as though furious at being tossed about.
"Ah! Oh..." It had startled him and he snatched his paw back as the scuttling thing moved, his gaze lifting to the cat nearest to him, "Cloverbloom, watch your tail!" The crawdad moved, its pincers raised as it skittered across the pebbled ground in the direction of the dark furred warrior, his paw darted out to swat at it but it clicked its tiny claws threateningly and he withdrew. He hated these things, he hated them so much. These and crabs, if he could purge the river of them he would.
He remembers before leafbare when one had gotten into camp, crawled into the warrior's den before he had moved to the willow tree with Cicadastar and purposefully disregarded every other cat there to attack him specifically. "Is it me? Have I done something to them?" Angered some spirit in the river or something, why was he constantly plagued by these dreadful things.
"Do you think they're edible?"

  • PAFP- @Cloverbloom.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Cloverbloom has always been a quiet thing - fading into the background, content to follow the lull of the tide, let it take her wherever it wishes in life. Today is hardly any different - the inkblot feline taking comfort in the simple companionship the hunting patrol offers, all but one paw submerged in the icy water as she waits. Fishing is a game of patience and of skill - lulling the fish into a sense of security she can swoop in to drag them onto shore.

But it's not tiny fish-lips that come nibbling ticklishly at white-dipped paws - no, it's sharp tipped pinschers. A yelp of pain draws the molly from her single minded focus, green eyes staring blankly as she stares at smokestar. It takes a moment to notice what is happening, to see tiny shelled creature stubbornly chasing him, and once she does she cannot help but to laugh - gentle mirth glittering in her gaze. " Maybe they don't like sharing their river with us, " she teases quietly - content to watch his distress instead of join in - " Maybe... they look an awful like very ugly, angry bugs - they probably taste the same, "

Cloverbloom wouldn't be caught dead eating bugs, she thinks Not even as a kit had her curiosity reached so far.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



Minkpaw would never laugh at Smokestar. Never. She would rather throw herself into the gorge than laugh at Smokestar. When RiverClan's powerful leader yelped and sent a small water creature sailing onto the shore, her face remained a neutral mask. Cloverbloom's twice my age! I can't believe she would laugh when Smokestar is clearly under attack. The snorting sound coming out of Minkpaw's nose was irrelevant. Allergies, probably.
"Maybe it's a sign," the young girl meowed, bright eyes locking onto the writhing creature. "From... From StarClan!" She darted out a paw and slapped the creature, sending it tumbling farther away from the water's edge. Hah! You won't slip away from us so easily you... water... bug, thing. Cloverbloom was spot on with the ugly-bug description. Minkpaw sat up, gaze unwavering.
"I bet ShadowClan would eat it," she huffed. "They already eat weird things. Maybe someone should bring it to Chilledstar and trade it for something actually useful."​
𓆝 . ° ✦ Two green eyes were reflected in the water as Mosspool waited patiently by the shore. For a few moments now a lone minnow had been slowly inching in her direction, and once it was close enough she was at the ready to throw it onto shore. It came closer and closer and closer and she tensed...

Then Smokestar yelped.

Her concentration broke entirely and her gaze snapped to him, brows furrowed in concern. That was not a sound she often heard her leader make. The expression evaporated as she saw the crawdad scuttling away. Ah. That explained it. With a glance back at the river she confirmed the fish she had her eye on was long gone. Her ear flicked. It was no matter, she consoled herself, in this season there was plenty of prey to catch. She would get another chance soon enough.

Mosspool tilted her head in consideration when she heard Smokestar ask if the creature was edible. She had not given it much thought before. "Perhaps, but I cannot imagine how we might go about catching them." Fish and mice made for much easier prey. They did not fight back and their flesh yielded easily to claws, unlike the crawdad. She made a sour expression as Cloverbloom made a guess as to their taste. "And if that is true then we won't get much of a reward for all that effort." An option for leafbare perhaps, if even that.

"If pinching our leader is an omen, then I would think it a bad one." Mosspool replied to Minkpaw's comment, with no real concern in her tone. This was no sign from the stars. They would send their messages much clearer than this. At least, she hoped they would. "As for trading it to Shadowclan, our time would be better spent catching prey of our own rather than bartering for it."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

The sudden yell erupted her focus, snapping her attention onto the familiar grey pelt of the river king. An odd thing threatened the leader and next her clanmate. Her posture showed her willingness to spring into a fight but she relaxed as she realized it wasn't exactly something to worry too much about. The lead warrior never remembered the name of them, however, she had seen them before. They occasionally showed every warming season.

"Eating it..? They have this.. shell.. on its back. But I suppose it's a possibility." Petalnose stared with furrowed brows in contemplation as her clanmate's muttered what to do with it. Trading it with the stubborn clan may conflict suspicion.. and she didn't think most of her clanmates would even think of trading prey from them if it wasn't herbs. The textures of Shadowclan's prey wasn't the most appetizing.. and they were small. "What would be all that traveling for a little thing? Something they most likely don't want to try eating?" She squinted with a cock of her head as she exaimed it as she drew closer, her paw draw upward in means to defend herself or her clanmate's if it were to charge. Her eyes drew up for a command, "Should we kill it?"
