private crafted, holy [ roe ]


Oct 16, 2022
Roepaw has been down lately, and Olive couldn't blame her, especially with the events that transpired. While she admired Roe for speaking up against the Shadowclan patrol, she also had to realize that losing your only parent could do that to someone, desperate. Olive had never been close with her parents, so she was indifferent, unknowing of the pain Roe was suffering from, and with her small brain she had figured she could try to make it better. Unbeknownst to Olive, this could make everything worse.

She had spent the day gathering a bouquet of flowers, just for Roe, of various blues and yellows. She had to work quickly, because as she went along, she noticed the chill had gotten just a litle bit colder, which also meant that the blooms would begin to die off soon. She returns to camp with flowers clutched in her jaws, totters straight over to Roe and drops them at her paws with a large smile. "I picked these just for you! Are you feeling any better?"

// @. Roepaw .
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As the apprentice had predicted, the feelings of shame from her outburst had kicked in as soon as she had found herself alone the night before.
The day after had only brought a variety of unhelpful things. Pity, cold shoulders, and assurance that her adoptive mother was a monster- to only name a few.
She wants to escape, but finds herself rooted to a spot in camp- at least wanting to watch the sunset that would come soon.
She flinches with surprise when a sudden bushel of stems is dropped at her paws, too far into her own mind to even realize Olivepaws presence.
The others tone is bubbly- too bubbly. A cinnamon ear flicks with irritation, a small thread of envy causing a forepaw to curl into itself against the ground.
Are you feeling any better?
"Seriously?" The snap comes before she can think, familiar and worn-out anger igniting in her gaze. "No, I’m not. Flowers aren’t going to bring her back " she grits, shoving the beautiful blossoms away. Roepaw was splintering. "I’m so happy for everyone that can “sleep better now” and can wear a big fucking grin and pity me from afar" she continues, resentment building up before she can even attempt to calm down. She whips her gaze to Olivepaw, hurt by the apprentices insensitivity accompanied by burning anger evident in her expression. "I don’t want your pity." She bites, trying not to notice what could very well be the mollies fallen expression by now.

[IC opinions ! I’m so sorry Oli 😭]