camp CRASH COURSE // joint prompt

[ pls wait for @Sleepyfawn. !! ]

Snowypaw had anticipated that her first catch would not be for several months longer. After all, stuck in camp, blah blah blah, hunting crouch, yadda yadda - while she's not exactly over the very clear transgression against her, personally, she is over it in the moment. And why is that, do you think? Because for some reason, a mouse is in camp! Plump and ready for the picking, the sneaky thing darts around warrior paws as if its playing... well, cat and mouse, obviously! And it seems that today is the day that Snowypaw proves herself, for she is hot on it's gross, skinny tail!

Unfortunately, the black she-cat has no spatial awareness as she tears through camp. It goes from innocently diving beneath taller warriors and bumping into other apprentices until the final coup de grace - diving directly at Sleepyfawn and causing them both to collide with the trunk of a tree. And, shortly after, a shower of light, powdery snow to fall over them. It's a silent few moments, at least on Snowypaw's behalf, before her head pops up through the mound of 'freshly' fallen snow, a mouse caught between her teeth. It's still kicking.

"How do I - How do I -" her words are muffled and she's hurriedly patting Sleepyfawn beside her, ignoring their collision from moments before, "How do I kill it??" Poor thing, scared for its measly life, is clawing desperately at her muzzle.​
sleepyfawn & 16 moons & demi-boy & he/they & shadowclan warrior
Sleepyfawn has always lived up to his namesake - a lethargic thing, especially in the wintertime. Though newleaf is just around the corner, as long as the snow lingers so does his weariness - and so he's all but sleeping standing up when poor snowypaw comes hurtling hi way. There is no time to think, to move - black and white figure meets tan and white in a tangle of limbs, snow piling up around them as they sink beneath the weight. Well, if the collision hadn't been enough to wake them, that certainly had - loosely curled fur fluffing up at the sudden chill that wracks their skeletal frame. Head and chest easily pop out of the snow, long-limbed as they are - they've been blessed with stilts rather than legs - and for a moment mismatched eyes can only blink. " Uh - just... bite? Like, through it? The head - neck -, " stars, sleepyfawn is hardly out of the apprentice den himself, he's never actually had to explain something before, let alone something he's been doing for so long that now it's all but second nature." Don't... don't let it bite you-? " he adds, ignoring frantic paws smacking against him - though in his worry it comes out more a question than a warning.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

Emerald eyes tried their best to track the obsidian blur as it maneuvered around camp. There was a time until it stopped in its tracks that she did not recognise it as her daughter, for the blob moved so fast that Ferndance had thought it more likely to be a distinctly coloured tornado. The she-cat jumped to her feet and began to keep a closer eye on Snowypaw's movements, resisting the urge to cheer as she bowled into random clanmates - she didn't know what was happening but she was all here for it. The final obstacle, Sleepyfawn and a tree trunk, proved more sturdy. It was there where the warrior finally caught up to her daughter, gawking at the thing wriggling in her mouth. It seemed that rodents had found a way into their camp more frequently this past moon - Ferndance couldn't be more excited! It was the perfect learning opportunity for kittens who lacked the chance to explore the territory themselves, the cinnamon tabby wouldn't turn down free food either. Except... Snowypaw never made it food, she held it like a plaything, asking the new warrior what to do with it.

She frowned momentarily, disappointed that the hunter's instinct had seemingly skipped a generation. Sleepyfawn suggested that Snowypaw not let the rodent bite her, it was then when she made herself known. "If it bites you and you die I'll... " 'I don't actually know what I'll do.' As she watched frantic paws swat at Sleepyfawn like a he were a trespasser, the possibility that Snowypaw would die as a result of this rodent seemed asinine. Perhaps she was about to tell a joke about how she wouldn't stop laughing, or she'd name the other Snowymouse, but both seemed more spiteful addressed to family in comparison to a stranger. Her paws kneaded the earth in a brief bout of uncertainty whilst the paws of the mouse seemed to try and work Snowypaw's mouth, after a second more contemplation than what Ferndance was used to, her ears snapped forwards. "Oh, chomp hard on the back of it's neck!" Sleepyfawn had already suggested the neck, the skilled hunter just wanted to double down on the idea. Most things did not appreciate a bite to the neck, except for maybe snakes, which were all neck. She shook her head to rid it of the thought; she couldn't allow herself to get distracted for Snowypaw's first kill.

can't say it's the first time they've seen that, surely won't be the last, but gosh is it a bit jarring sometimes to see prey freshly caught and still alive. prey sometimes has more will to live than the rest of them, but... truly if cats here became prey from predator in a matter of moments, hanging from the jars of larger predators like dogs and bears, would they fight just as hard? would their legs kick and squirm and would the dogs and bears have the same thought process as their? little dog kits and bear kits... would they ask their fellow dogs and bears how to kill them with the same uncertain look in their eyes? their curiosity seems to get the best of them for a few moments before they shake their head to clear the thoughts away.

they needed to focus on what was happening right now. and right now, snowypaw was struggling with her first kill. curiously, they watch as sleepyfawn offers advice, and then ferndance as well. what more could they say about it? they didn't want to offer advice, anyways. they wanted to see how she would handle it? would she drop the thing and let it run off, leaving an empty stomach for the clan? or would she chomp down, steady it in place and kill it swiftly, before thanking starclan that it didn't manage to escape her jaws.

"all good advice. but I'd be a little quicker. mouse bites do quite hurt."

they don't want to see the apprentice hurt at all. but these were one of those things she just needed to learn to do without someone doing it for her. she can kill it. chilledstar knows she can. she's gotten her advice, and now she neede to just use it properly.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed