⋆ 。° ✩ There's a pulsating pain behind Cricketpaw's eyelids. They'd gone out earlier and the cloudless sky had taken its toll on them, sun granting a blinding glow to the banks of RiverClan's camp. Their star-clouded eyes were not made for such things, molded for the gentle dim of night. The pain is normal, but not so much the spreading of it. Beyond just the stinging of his eyes, pulling back farther into his very skull.

He curls himself tight into his nest, pulls two overlarge paws across his face; a shield against the scorching light that creeps in through reeds and moss. Stays there most of the day, as the sun creeps higher and then lower. Eventually, she can't get away with it anymore.

A paw prods at the apprentice's side. He only curls tighter. A voice speaks far too loud, something about patrols or training. Normally, he'd jump at the chance, but now it only draws an impatient snap from his maw. "Not now," she says, curt and dismissive. It does not deter the cat. Their words are jumbled, incomprehensible, only furthering the pulsating pain. They slip from his mind like darting fish. There's something he's supposed to do, is the gist of it, and for once he couldn't care less. "Leave me be." A desperate repetition, spilling with annoyance.

And it doesn't deter the cat. Can't they see that it's not the time? Cricketpaw's head snaps up - "Will you just -" and sends a shooting pain to their temples at the movement. He winces, shuts his eyes tight. A low keen escapes his throats as he slowly pulls back into the curled position. She just needs to wait for this to pass, and then she can go back out.

  • baby's first migraine </3 feel free to be the cat prodding cricket!
  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, nine moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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He is pestered. Another one of the King's kits, sibling to the very flank that she had fought alongside once. Claypaw's eyes shifted towards the pathetically curled form, paws covering pestered eyes. Her eyebrow shifted, pressing into a knot in minor concern. She didn't know Cricketpaw at all, didn't really carry feelings for them. No... care. The stoic apprentice exhaled softly, pushing to her paws, and padding over. She doesn't speak, but her paw gently taps the shoulder of the apprentice.

Now now. Claypaw's ears twitched. "You don't look so well." She stated. Emotion was dull in her tone, but as she stared on, the longer she lingers, the more that Cricketpaw seems to grow agitated. Her nose flares as she moves to lower her head, lower her tone and speak, but the crunch upon the ground beside them seems to be enough to set Cricketpaw off again. Will you just- Claypaw is staggered, briefly, as the apprentice cries out softly, head lowered back to the ground.

So the flame mollie shifts, moving to sit a distance away from their side. "... Physical pain? Or emotional?" She finally whispers, trying out something new for this situation. Internally, a soft panic begins, golden optics shifting the camp for a increasingly familiar white pelt. Moonpaw, where are you?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Cricketpaw was family. Sometimes he struggles to make sense of that. It was like– acknowledging that Smokestar had more in his life than just them. For a while that was all he really knew about his uncle. He was his family, and he cared for them, and that was it. Then RiverClan got bigger because he could explore it. And then he learned more about the cats around him, and now. . . Cricketpaw. Beepaw was around them more. So was Cicadapaw, but he was a little scary sometimes. This cousin doesn't seem all that bad most of the time, but right now they sure aren't being all that nice. Curious paws scamper closer, intent on querying the dark colored lump, but Claypaw beats him to it and really, that's probably a good thing.

Riverkit recoils slightly and straightens up, forelegs tall and tail hovering a few centimeters above the earth as he nearly rears up against the pebbles. "Are you dying?" he asks suspiciously, and thinks of the bird. The panicked flailing. The way it tried to get away. Moonpaw couldn't save them. They weren't supposed to be saved. It's different for Cricketpaw, right?

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.

Luckily - or unluckily depending on how it was spun - Moonpaw had a lot of experience with headaches and how to help them, how to make them not hurt anymore. It took some time as all things did when it came to the healing world but it worked, at least for Ravensong, and so it had been one of the first things she'd learned. How to treat them, how to watch out for them. It was something she has gotten used to with Raven, though she hadn't seen it in one of her clanmates, so when the voice of Cricketpaw reached the apprentice's ears, annoyed and clearly pained, she moved towards the apprentice's den. The sight of the other curled into herself caused a frown to plaster itself onto Moonpaw's face, ears pressed against her head and tail down as she carefully moved forward.

Eyes glance toward the two already there to question the apprentice and she kneels down to Riverkit's level to offer a small shake of her head, "He'll be ok, I promise, not dying." She'd quietly offer to the kit before moving to the other side of Cricketpaw and sitting down near the other. "Is it your head?" She'd question as quietly as she could while looking over them quickly to make sure that it was nothing else. No sick scent or the sound of blood told Moonpaw she was correct in her assumption - or at least mostly so - and so quietly she'd bring her head down to gently push at Cricketpaw's side to help get her up if need-be before looking to them once more. "Come on, let's go to the medicine den so you can get some rest and we can get rid of that pain, okay?" If Cricketpaw were to refuse to get up and go with her, she'd likely have to get help to take him there, and she really didn't want to force someone in the medicine den even if it was in their best interest.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

It's hard to get anything done with Cricketpaw sulking in the middle of the way... He curls up in his nest like the sun has already set and it is time to rest their eyes but the day has hardly more than begun... and Valepaw lets out an irritated sigh from where he stands with new bedding material in his mouth. In all the other apprentice's writhing to block out the light they'd all but thrown their nest into disarray... she's lucky no one had thrown thorns in there, as was a popular 'prank' apparently. His ears swivel to listen as Claypaw approaches, offering a hushed question which Smokestar's kin is quick to snap in response to.

Riverkit's suggestion that she is dying is enough to startle the chimera- where did that come from? It didn't look like yellowcough... or anything lethal for that matter. At the very least, Moonpaw appears (as if by magic) and assures them all it is not that severe. "I can... fix the nest," he offers after dropping the dry moss onto the floor. "Make it.. comfortable. For when you get back."

It might also convince them to get up if only so someone else can do their nest-cleaning chores for them.​

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Otterpaw wasn't all too interested in the apprentices den on his return from a rather boring patrol. The springtime sun had the tom hurrying for the chance to jump in for a swim before the night swooped in and chilled the waters again. But a crowd had gathered, Moonpaw more specifically, and he crept forward to listen in on what was going on.

Cricketpaw? A frown creased his features as the pale molly assisted Cricketpaw to her paws. He turned to Claypaw and squinted.

"What happened to her?" A bad headache, that was it? He wasn't so convinced, thinking something else had occurred but he wouldn't expect Claypaw to give him anything useful to interrogate for. Moonpaw, however...

"I'll bring you a fish later." He promised the pair as they made off to the medicine den.

  • OTTERBITE he/him, warrior of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with a white tail-tip and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // former apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⋆ 。° ✩ The crowding of more cats only serves to curl Cricketpaw around themself tighter. Even through the haze of pain, they hate to be seen like this. It's undignified, unbecoming of one such as herself. Her tail flicks, thumps against the ground. Words barely make it through the fog, drawing little more than a soft growl. "Physical," he bites out in response to Claypaw's question, reluctance tinging the word. Go away, is what he'd rather say, but it's been pretty well established that won't be happening.

Moonpaw's arrival feels shameful. Nothing's happened, he shouldn't need a medicine cat. He's fine. It's like the eye pain, she just has to push through and it'll go away. The reassurance that he isn't dying is... More relieving than they'd like to admit. And the promise of rest, of quiet, is tempting. She stills for a moment as she considers the offer, before "Fine," spills from their mouth in a snap. As though the help is a burden he must begrudgingly accept; his pelt prickles with embarrassment as he moves to stand.

The guiding force of Moonpaw's nudge is welcomed. Cricketpaw keeps his head down, eyes narrowed to barely slits. He moves stiffly, slowly, keeping his throbbing head as still as he can. A simple, curt, "Thanks," is all the offers of Valepaw and Cricketpaw earn as she keeps close to the medicine cat apprentice, moving towards the exit of the den. The sooner they can get somewhere they won't be bothered, the better.

  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, nine moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.