crashing down to earth | return to camp

Set after this thread

"It's just a little further now."

Flycatcher turns his head to look at Roeflame who was leaning against him for support as they hobbled back to camp. Although his heart is hammering in his chest, both out of concern for her and Burnpaw who had foolishly stayed behind. If anything had happened to him Flycatcher would never forgive himself. It didn't matter if Burnpaw's kin would come to hate him for this, Flycatcher would have more than other guilt directed at himself to more than make up for it.

Once camp is in sight, Flycatcher quickens his pace slightly, mindful not to jostle Roeflame as they entered. As soon as they were safe within camp walls Flycatcher was quick to call out for assistance. "I need help!" He cried out, his voice already gaining some alarmed looks from the cats closest to them. When cats began to draw near, fussing over Roeflame, and asking what had happened Flycatcher made a hurried explanation. "Roeflame, Burnpaw, and I were hunting nearby. We split up for a short while and Roeflame stumbled upon a boar and got injured. Burnpaw he..." Flycatcher hesitates a moment before pressing on. "He urged me to take Roeflame as he led the boars away. I was going to argue with him to stay put but he had darted off before I could stop him."

A panicked expression takes hold now, the feelings of fear for his apprentice sinking deeper in. The deputy helps Roeflame comfortably sit and then begins to move away. "I have to go back," He says, explaining his intention. "I have to make sure Burnpaw got away I need to know that he's okay..."

/ @Roeflame . @BURNPAW !
feel free to post before them but don't overwhelm this thread before burnpaw returns

So often now peace was interrupted by clamour crashing through the camp's threshold; or, perhaps, since he had taken up the mantle of medicine cat he had become more acutely aware of it. Sparing his apprentice a quick glance and a beckon, Berryheart rushed over to the scene on his trio of white-toed paws, his ambling gait considerably quicker than normal. Little-little had been on this patrol, he had recalled. There was no sign of that not-so-little-anymore shadowy pelt among the returning cats, though.

Blue gave breathless explanation, and Berryheart wove around to get a look at Fawny's injuries, her paw held tenderly. It did not appear broken, at least... but it would require close scrutiny, and skilful paws. What misted his thoughts, though, was Little-little's absence- having given chase to those beasts, surely a foolish feat. He grew stiller than ever, blood frostbiting frigid beneath his flesh. "Yes. You have to." Berryheart's speech was slightly muffled against his jaw, a rare occurrence that betrayed beneath his steely neutrality a creeping sense of worry. His family's blood had carpeted the forest floor enough by now, surely.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Flycatchers words do little to calm her ragged breathing, fueled by a cocktail of pain, panic, and ice-cold fear for the friend they had left behind.
Ragwortpaw, Snowpaw, now Burnpaw? Was she being selfish in her want to scream at the stars where they lay, now?
I wasn’t fast enough. That is the only thought that keeps her silent as she leans against her mentor.
Being back in camp brings the young warrior no comfort, not when Burnpaw is still out there, his fate unknown.
She lets Flycatcher step away, her heart skipping two more beats when the tom states he needs to go back out there. Her reluctance is irrational, but her fear causes a hiccup in her throat.
Her focus remains on Flycatcher as Berryheart begins to examine her leg, a forepaw outstretching to touch her former mentors before he’d be out of reach.
"He’s.. he’s out there because of me. Please get him home." The guilt in her voice splinters it as she looks at the deputy with wide, fearful eyes.
Roeflame would let him go then, turning to Berryheart with a subtle wince.
"The boar only knocked me down, I think I just landed on it wrong.." she’d attempt to give some context, anything to distract her mind from the rampage it so desperately wanted to start.


He had stayed in that damned tree for as long as he possibly could. His claws were aching and his heart was beating about a million miles an hour. One good slam from the boar, one slip, and he could end up on the other end of those long tusks. As much as he wanted to see Morningpaw and Graystorm again, he was not ready to join them in the stars quite yet and so he only digs his claws in deeper and waits it out. Eventually, the boar had grown tired and he's guessing she assumed he had learned his lesson about messing with her and her babies because with a huff and multiple flicks of its long thin tail it turns and it leaves. He can almost cry in relief. He wasn't dead like he had thought he might have been for a second there. Thinking back on it he lets out a nervous laugh and then a cackle. He was alive! How great of a feeling was that?

Despite the creatures departure, he still waits a few moments before scooting back down the tree as carefully as he can. He can only hope now that Flycatcher and Roeflame made it back to camp unscathed. As carefully and quietly as he can, he slinks through the shadows of thunderclan's territory, back to home.

When he comes through the brambles he feels multiple eyes turn to him, the stares of many but he ignores them. "Roeflame... Flycatcher.. you guys are okay!" he cries out, relief evident on his face as he rushes forward to greet the both of them, to press his nose to his mentors shoulder, happy he was safe, happy they were all safe. Perhaps later he could ask his uncle for something to soothe his aching claws...