camp crashing to the shore | intro


my eyes wide shut
Nov 11, 2023
Like waves crashing against the shore, heavy steps of a large framed warrior shook small pebbles around the warriors’ den as Crashingtide emerged from the den. He grumbled slightly as his messy fur covered both his eyes. With a swipe of his paw, the tom uncovered his scarred blue hued eye. A huff escaped the large warrior as he stepped forward and towards the busy center of camp. Cats were sharing tongues and prey. The brown tabby rolled his eyes, cheerful sorts were painful.

With a flick of his mangled tail, the tom sulked forward and felt like getting out of camp. Maybe just to relax by the shore. Looking to the freshkill pile, he decided he would grab a small fish to take with him. The marred feline knew that the elders and queens had been fed and now he could take a piece of prey for himself.

The grizzly warrior passed several cats on his way to the pile, smiling faces. Much like a lumbering giant, he took up much room and had become desensitized to when he accidentally runs into others. Without a second thought, the feline ended up hitting someone with his tail. He didn’t stop and didn’t apologize as he wasn’t aware.

The large feline heard something from behind him and turned. Looking to face the cat that was speaking, Crashingtide scowled. His brows were raised incredulously as if this cat had insulted him. The tom acknowledged the other with a grunt of sorts, his ears flicking back to the base of his skull. “Mm.” He grunted. “Sorry.”

The day had progressed uneventfully for Robinpaw; she had done a bit of training and patrolling with Willowroot, groomed a stubborn tangle from her haunch, and delivered a sizable fish from the freshkill pile to the elders. Now it was time for herself to find something to eat and to take a well earned break.

She isn’t really paying attention to her surroundings, mind focusing on her duties after she finishes eating, and thusly finds herself being hit upside the head with… something. The shock of being struck (albeit not hard at all) made her drop her fish and look around. Robinpaw notices Crashingtide is the only one in close enough proximity to have hit her. “Um, was that accidental or did I do something wrong?” The tortie asks sheepishly, hoping that it was a complete accident and they both weren’t paying attention rather than her doing something wrong and earning a cuff upside the head.

His scowl and raised brow do not initially bode well, Robinpaw quickly dropping her gaze to her paws, but he does grunt out an apology. She can accept that, she thinks, and nods slightly. “It’s okay… just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”
Crashingtide was an odd fellow among the warriors. He wouldn't say that the younger tom was horrible, but he could do things that were mean. From what Pikesplash could see, Crashingtide was distant. The younger tom didn't seem to want to partake in their cheer and he recalled the times when other warriors wanted to invite the lumbering tom for a chat, yet when they turned Crashingtide didn't seem to be in the mood. Eventually, cats stopped thinking too much about him. Pikesplash included. He couldn't say he was mean to Crashingtide, but it really didn't feel like the younger tom wanted company. He's going through something or just really hates us. Weaving through numerous conversations, he notices Robinpaw being hit with Crashingtide's tail.

Green eyes do not miss the scowl that the warrior gives and decides to step in, not wanting to be a bystander any longer. He approaches the pair and gives a nod to the other warrior in greeting. "You didn't do anything wrong, Crashingtide is known to hit others with his tail. We warriors get a good laugh whenever his tail smacks us awake. I don't think he does it on purpose, he just forgets how big he is." The last thing he wants is for Robinpaw to let Crashingtide walk all over her. Just because they were warriors didn't mean that any wrongdoings they did could be excused for that fact alone. He does hope his words assuage her nerves. That she did no wrong and she doesn't need to feel responsible for Crashingtide's actions.

Speaking of Crashingtide, he looks up at the warrior and offers a grin. "C-c-crashingtide! Do you want to go towards the falls? Maybe relax or go hunting while we're there?" If he's met with rejection it's to be expected. The younger tom seems to enjoy solitude. Not that it's a bad thing.
Although Robinpaw was being punished for her quasi-escape to SkyClan, Ravensong did not find it necessary to treat her any differently. He did not doubt the genuine feelings coming from the apprentice that had guided her to make such a mistake. Somehow, the lack of Cicadastar's presence, as empty as it felt, allowed the weight to lift a little further off Ravensong's shoulders. Despite serving as medicine cat, he had never been quite comfortable.

So of course, when Ravensong sees Robinpaw whacked broadside of a tail, he thinks that it might have something to do with that. But Crashingtide has little motivation for that, he assumes, and he listens quietly as Pikesplash pipes up.

"Yes, best go do something productive," The medicine cat remarks cooly, "Robinpaw is making herself useful and doesn't deserve to be grumbled at for that."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
Crashingtide looked at the apprentice, his gaze hardening as his mind churned. The large warrior’s neck began to hurt once more, a constant plight since his growth spurt. Robinpaw seemed rather intimidated by him. Typical. It was either they were intimidated by him or they just didn’t know what to think of him. Sure, he had a harsh tone and an even worse personality. The brown tabby just couldn’t find it within himself to feel a sense of caring. All he felt was anger, sadness, defeat most days. Annoyance was another. Annoyance at these pests.

Maybe that wasn’t the way to think of his clanmates, but that is all he could think. They were chipper, too chipper for his liking. All smiling faces and seemed to want their world to be rainbows and butterflies. Crashingtide knew the world to be different. It was dark, cold, unforgiving in nature. Death eventually came for them, so why dispense pleasantries? It seemed rather idiotic to him to chat the day away. However, it seemed that others were displeased about how he said his apology.

“Said I was sorry, didn’t I?” He more directed that at the medicine cat, his tone curt as he regarded the ebony feline. The gravely voice continued, his next words not as pleasant either. “Speaking of being productive, don’t you have herbs to sort through or something that doesn’t involve me? Hm?” Ravensong didn’t need to be involved. No cats were fully hurt, right? He grunted again, his brows furrowed now as his gaze hardened even more.

The large warrior then craned his head to Pikesplash. Seemed this cat was actually making an effort not to be a nuisance to him, offering to do what he wished. Might as well accept the offer, right? The tabby softened his gaze to a neutral look for Crashingtide, which still held a sort of scowl to it. “Fine.” His voice crackled as he regarded the older warrior, less hostile than how he had spoken to Ravensong. “I s’ppose if you want to come along, you’re free to. Same goes with you, apprentice. Just don’t annoy me.”

The grizzly feline stalked forward, his head lower to the ground. He headed towards the falls, wondering if the others would follow in tow. The offer seemed genuine from Pikesplash and might as well make a semblance of an apology to Robinpaw after the whole discussion.


Bubblepaw herself is headed towards the fresh-kill pile- having just returned from a long training session with Drysplash and craving something tasty- when she spots Crashingtide accidentally smack Robinpaw out of the corner of her eye. A little amusement fills her at the scene, but it quickly melts away when the warrior's half-hearted apology delves itself into an insult pointed in Ravensong's direction. Pikesplash seems to have the ornery warrior handled, but Bubblepaw still directs herself away from the freshkill pile and approaches Robinpaw.

"It's okay Robinpaw," Bubblepaw tacks onto Pikesplash's reassurance with a bright smile. She attempts to bump shoulders with her friend, even as Ravensong sticks up for her as well. Crashingtide must be in a bad mood for whatever reason. She feels grateful that Pikesplash is there to direct him away from the source of his own irritation, encouraging him to 'take a walk' with him per se. "Do you want to see if we can find some reeds to help patch up some of the dens with?" She, too, thinks it might be a good idea to pull Robinpaw away from the ill-tempered warrior.

✦ ★ ✦
There's a sting that lingers in the deadpan expression of the much larger warrior - a lack of empathy or caring directed her way that makes the tortoiseshell apprentice feel all the more small. Sure she often feels like she may not deserve whole-hearted apologies after the things she has done, but being faced with a situation where she isn't afforded one (and even the medicine cat is insulted in trying to stick up for her) cuts like a sharp stone hidden among the pebbles that line the river.

Robinpaw opens her mouth to speak again, though she knows not what she'd say, when Bubblepaw takes her place beside the tortie and bumps against her shoulder in support. A small smile tugs at the apprentice's maw and she manages a nod. Sure Crashingtide had extended an offer to her as well, but given he couldn't even repeat her name when offering Robinpaw felt she'd have a better experience helping gather reeds with her fellow apprentice. "Thank you Bubblepaw, I would like that very much," the multicolored molly replies before looking to Pikesplash and Ravensong (and catching a glimpse of the retreating Crashingtide). "And thank you as well. I appreciate the support and I'm sorry if it has earned either of you any ire."