pafp Crawl out through the fallout ⤜ Survival questions


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Amberhaze is a strange cat, one Shriketalon has held interest in since joining the clan. They considered the tom cat in kind regards, the pair enjoyed hunting so it seemed that their paths were to cross frequently. The former rogue can't really say that they're a good judge of character nor are they inehrently very wise of others motivations. They can't really say exactly why Amberhaze may like to hunt, they just knew that when they're chasing after a particularly fast lizard they can count on the other warrior to be chasing right after it alongside them. This hunt had gone no differently, the pair working in tandem to the best of their capabilities to hunt a stray frog that hadn't seemed to die alongside the peak of their brood moons past.

There seemed to be a glimpse of freedom from him, maybe a joy from the loss of inhibition? Or maybe Shriketalon was wrong entirely in this assessment and there was something else at play. They knew they didn't really care about the psychology at play, just happy to be carrying back some semblance of prey to the fresh kill pile alongside the scared tom. The marshland of camp sometimes felt like a reprieve from the ones outside that haven, tail curled around the warrior as they waited for Amberhaze to deposit what had been caught. The sight of him by the pile had made them wonder, another thing they had learnt about him was the fact that he prepared for some unforseen distaster. The ramblings bordered on uncoherent to them at times but they were curious to know about them, seeing no harm in being prepared even if they didn't actually agree that this was something that needed to be done.

They couldn't help but wonder at times just how far his planning had gone, this was one of those times. "Amberhaze, have ya given much thought to how you'd be fed if things go wrong?" They had asked about shelter once in the past, not sure how they didn't think about food up until now. "Would you go hunting or would you try to lead the prey to you?" How could one even do that? They weren't actually sure.

  • Please wait for @Amberhaze
    They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 31 moons
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.

    Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring N/A

    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⭃ underline and tag when attacking.

    penned by Juice ⭃ Ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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⚛︎₊˚‧ Hunting was one of the very few things that never failed to put Amberhaze's debilitatingly overactive mind at ease. He was good at it, the process of catching what attempted to escape him second nature to him, his instincts taking hold of every tendon and muscle encased beneath thin furred flesh to ensure that he nor his clan would ever go hungry so long as it were him who was in charge of providing for them. The adrenaline provided by the thrill of the chase was addictive and provided much needed distraction from the smoking whirlwind that made up his boggled mind. He would always enjoy himself in this element, and so it was all the more pleasurable to be accompanied by one with a skillset to match his own, the two figures in tune with one another without even needing to utter a word as they compiled an impressive bounty that would surely be much appreciated by those waiting with empty bellies back at camp.

He wasted no time making a beeline towards the prey pile upon their return, his jaws laden with newly caught prey which he would rather meticulously place in a multitude of specific places upon the pile wherever he saw fit. Once satisfied, he turned to walk away and go about his business as usual before being stopped by Shriketalon, jumping with surprise as he was not expecting to be addressed after they were meant to part ways- though he was much more shocked to find that the question posed to him was one of which he may very well be the only individual in the entire camp who would ever be genuinely interested in the topic of.

"Amberhaze, have ya given much thought to how you'd be fed if things go wrong?" Followed by: "Would you go hunting or would you try to lead the prey to you?"

The twitch of an eye. "Of course. It would- uh- well, it would be dependent on what exactly h-happened...The possibilities are endless...Flooding, wildfires, windstorms, infestations, disease, famine, invasions, deterioration. All of these things would uh- they'd have quite versatile effects upon the- the uh... landscape and it's inhabitants, the prey included. But s-speaking just, uh- in much as I wish I'd be able to provoke a g-good chase between myself and uh- ...a writhing little would be unwise to cause such prominent disturbance among the brush w-when there could uh- could be a sudden decline in abundance. You'd want to uh- position yourself in the same general...a-area for an extended amount of time and uh- allow the prey to become accustomed your presence. They will grow bold a-and become comfortable and continuously traverse in and out of- uh...that area, where you are. This will make it much easier bring in a steady f-flow of food. After some time, you uh- you'd have to repeat the...the process i-in another area since eventually you'll wear out y-your welcome...or uh- the prey will grow sparse, but it'll last long enough. I-Ideally you uh- wanna leave the...the females alive so that when you- you leave to your next station you'll be able to uh- to return to repopulated numbers. It's probably uh- best to mark where you plan to s-stay over the course of...however long." He was surprisingly calm as he explained this strategy, it was clear that he was in a much more grounded state of mind despite the topic suggesting otherwise. Perhaps that was truly all he was, paranoid and afraid, but beneath that persistent fog of anguish he was nothing more than another cat. Maybe he was actually just as average as everyone else, and what he was outwardly was not what he was at all.
 ° . ⚠︎ . ° 
  • ooc:
  • whaddahaell3.png
    a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation. black oriental shorthair.

doomsday, doomsday. the jutting lull of amberhaze’s high - wired vocals flit harshly over ears craned low in relaxation — a single eye slits, watching the jittering tom babble apocalyptic wordspatter with all the grace of a one - winged hummingbird. in his half - woken stupor, it’s mind forms images of the abyssal tomcat sipping floodwater like nectar, humming amidst the locust that sing terror upon a bloodrisen dawn a sharp told you so, told you so! . . its all speculation, despite the trembling pitch of certainty that clings to every shuddering syllable. dove - furred limbs stretch lazily overhead where he is curled not too far away, arching silken belly into the air with a quiet yawn he quickly hushes behind a sleep - spread paw . . finally, it opens eyes like cherrysap to fix the two with a drowsily curious stare.

if it all goes wrong, shriketalon had said, prodding at the sensitivity of a anguish - ridden paranoid and for it, he receives an answer one would expect of them. still, loonface can’t help but offer a quiet purr in the quiet that forms after amberhaze’s solution comes to an end . . despite it all, the shadowy feline sounded so sure, so final. he’d heard stories of a wicked snowfall upon his ancestors, frozen waters and frost death . . of storms that charge through the trees and rip them from their root like a thorn from a kits paw. it was surprisingly put together, and rolling onto a lilac - ribboned side, loonface mews a soft, hazy, ” sounds like you have it all figured out. “ an earnest smile ghosts the unmarred side of pitch features, ” should it come to that, then, id pray to still have you at my side. “ our, it means, but . . if he may be so lucky.

  • i.

    a tall, haunting lilac tabby with dark features and syrupy amber eyes.
    he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow.
    severely hyperdontial. maw is seemingly overcrowded with teeth ; occasionally catches on his lips and inner cheek, especially when eating or speaking.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark's ears perked forward as the chatter of 'what-ifs' came to question, and Amberhaze had seemed to have it all planned out. A soft snort rolled from the young warrior approaching the tiny group with a flick of his ears in greeting them. "Quite an interesting thing to have all set out" the boy expressed with amusement glittering in his yellow eyes. Loonface seemed to hope to have Amberhaze at their side if something were to happen and the boy shook his head before ruffling his fur slightly as a cool breeze hit them.

"Let's just hope the only bad thing to happen is just a bitter cold leaf-bare" he hummed, not seeing any point in why Amberhaze even thought to have such things plotted out, yet to each their own he supposed. Not only that, he doubt Shadowclan would face anything disastrous aside from a terrible leaf-bare storm that froze all their whiskers off, or even more rain that flooded their camp. Other than that, perhaps...Amberhaze was thinking far into things at least that's how Snowlark saw it as.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 13 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Ferndance, who had snuck into the conversation at one point, nodded along to Amberhaze's ramblings as if she understood them intricately. In truth, a vacancy in thought had turned her eyes glassy the longer the black cat talked, a lapse in attention only vaguely marked by the occasional 'yep' and 'right' muttered beneath a lopsided smile. The she-cat nodded towards Shriketalon before falling back upon her haunches, her neck craned forwards just a little too far to be comfortable for her.

Everyone thought Amberhaze had it all figured out. The selective culling of prey, the endless possibilities (that ended with deterioration). As a hunter, she could appreciate it. As a cat, she could not help but feel a part of his explanation to be empty. Then again, it wasn't as if she'd listened much to it.

"What will you do about the Rat King?"

Her eyes widened as if speaking an unspeakable name... as if even the wind itself would shudder if she dared mention Them. She gave a dramatic little wiggle of her body as she craned her head, listening for squeaks in the undergrowth - a warning that had not yet come for her. "Legend speaks of a collective council of rats who tie their tails together in some sort of... bonding ritual. They spin so fast that not even a cat's eye can see them, destroying everything in their path with enough bites to down a tree in moments." Her tail-tip twitched in anticipation. It was her sibling's religion, she didn't necessarily believe in a cartwheeling rat, but mirthfully, she wondered if she could convince Amberhaze that a collective did exist somewhere in the carrionplace.

"How will you plan for that?"