private CRAZY AS SHE IS ♥ Pikesplash


It was a bright day, full of life within the day. Petalnose's paws were aching to run and hunt, impatiently waiting for Beesong's dismissal. Her days within the den were hell itself for the tall feline, pent up energy pacing within her body. If she had stayed any longer she swore she would have gone crazy, even if she had gotten a lot of visitors.

Once she had gotten the okay, she bounded out of the den quickly as if she was charging into battle. Her tail held high confidently, slowing down as she gotten far enough for her comfort. Her eyes scanned the camp, looking for a patrol to attend. However, it seemed as if they already left. Her eyes instead landed upon Pikesplash, at first thinking she should greet him and spread her news. However, she had a more creative thought to mind. Would it hurt to give him a scare? A big surprise? It would really prove to him how well I'm feeling.

Petalnose silently let a small smirk fall upon her lips, darting silently into the underbrush to make sure she wouldn't be spotted. She followed the underbrush to silently position herself behind him, keeping herself as low to the ground as she could without touching it. Then, when she found his attention turned onto something she sprung effortlessly, attempting to jump onto his back and pin him down. "Guess who's back!" She announced, her brows creased in a mischievous way. She wondered what the fellow tabby would do to her out of instinct, would he try to run or would he try to fight her? If he fought her, would he continue knowing it was her? A potential spar or just a simple scare? Petalnose had expected him to try and run with knowing his background, how he told her he didn't like fighting. Her mix-matched gaze was ignited with amusement and energy, what did the kittypet have in him today?

( tags ) The tom had busy as of late, but he finally managed to get some rest. Hmm, maybe I'll make a trip down there and sunbathe as a reward? Just something to do before the kits start attacking me again. Although... He suddenly felt uneasy. Much more than usual, his whiskers twitched in anticipation at whatever was the strange thing he felt. No alarming scent was in the air, unless you consider clanmates to be your enemy. Nevertheless, the unease didn't settle and he found himself looking in one particular direction. Whatever it was, maybe it's there? Otterkit this isn't funny. Sometimes his son liked to scare him or try to catch him off guard. The couple of times Otterkit managed to catch him by surprise were moments he couldn't forget. His son would snap his teeth on his poor abused tail at this point and refused to let go.

A prick he felt and his fur started to stand on end, Now! Before Petalnose could jump on his back, he waited close to the last second before jumping and twisting his body out of the way. It was beyond awkward when he attempted to grab Petalnose by the scruff. He had thought she was Otterkit, her voice registering at the last moment. If he was successful in grabbing her by her scruff as if she was a kit, then both of them would be flustered. Clearly another warrior holding another warrior as if they were a kit wouldn't work. The position would be uncomfortable, and it would only be made worse if he actually tried lifting a bigger cat. He would topple over at the attempt because he was not that strong and Petalnose easily towered over him.

Regardless of whether or not he managed to catch her by surprise and grab her, he would back away in the end and look sheepish. "Geez, you're about to be back with Beesong the next time you do that." Of course, we all know that he wouldn't be capable of actually mopping the floor with her to send her back in wounds to Beesong. Embarassing moments aside, he takes a good look at her and notes that she is significantly better from when he had last seen here. Images of her and Wolfglade's bloody forms enter the forefront of his mind. No! She's alive. Wolfglade is alive too. He shakes his head and offers a smile to Petalnose, "I'm glad you're okay. Things aren't the same without you. I... I missed you."
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Petalnose was surprised to see Pikesplash suddenly dodge her attack, she was just about to back off swiftly but she then felt teeth to her scruff, causing her tall figure to crouch. She froze, stunned by the odd move with unsheathed claws digging into the ground, her eyes blinked rapidly to recover from the suprise, Aiming to bolt forward into him to shove him off in a playful but slightly serious manner. "Off!" She firmly announced, some irritation roughening her tone. She knew the only thing he could have done was try and pull her to the ground, lifting her off the ground would need assistance from higher platforms. However, the position ached her joints to stay in and it was an outright embarrassing position to be spotted by an onlooker.

Petalnose did feel flustered by the move but she didn't try to let it show as much as Pikesplash did. Her tail held confidently and she simply snickered at him at his words, "I just wanted to test your reflexes, they seem in touch. I'm not sure how you managed to reach my scruff. Although, I think another move like batting claws and kicking is better." She teased in a serious tone, a light smile placing on her lips with a challenging glint to her eyes. If Pikesplash had managed to injure her again, she wouldn't blame him. She had expected to pin him down and take away his ability to try and attack her by putting her weight upon his back. Pikesplash confirmed to her he didn't really have a desire to hurt anyone, at least from her perspective. She was not aware it was Otterkit he was expecting, "You don't got a mean bone in your body, do you soft paws? Come on.. it'll be so fun to hit me!" She added, aiming to bat his shoulder firmly with sheathed paws.

I missed you. She froze again, feeling her pelt grow hot with embarrassment. Stars, He actually cared about her? She didn't quite understand his words, creasing her brows in confusion as if she was asked a question."I.." she trailed on, disbelief staining her face for a long moment until she cleaned it off with a laugh and light smirk, "I missed you too. But did you really miss me? I'm sure I'm an irritating presence by now." She joked flatly, scoffing with a fake cocky puff of her chest.

( tags ) They remained frozen. He was surprised to say the least when he held something heavy and most definitely not a kit. He blinked. Another blink. A third blink. And now the heavy force shoved him off so hard that he let go off whoever it was. The answer came when a familiar voice pierced his ears. Stumbling as he had been off balance, he looked at Petalnose. Realization hit him. For a moment he was carrying Petalnose as if she was a kit. That information alone embarrassing not only for him but for her because it was awfully shameful and others might think they were doing some weird ritual. I hope no one spreads a rumor that we do this for fun. I don't think I'll be able to face Petalnose after that if it happens. "S-sorry." Let's just pretend that didn't happen. Not sure of what to say he finds himself shuffling his paws to relax his nerves.

An open maw lets out a groan when she admits she had done it to check if his reflexes were in working order. I don't see why you had to do that exactly though, there's different ways of doing that. She questioned him about how he was able to grab her and the explanation isn't something he actively thinks about, so it befuddles him that she is in awe. I... Don't know if I should break it to her that I thought she was Otter. Hmmm, yeah no, that would not be the smart move. "Isn't that Beesong's job? To check our reflexes? Well I'm glad that they're good, but I'm not sure if tackling your best buddy to the ground is the greatest way to check." He's overstepping a bit calling himself her best buddy, but she should know that he won't be upset if that weren't the case. Okay, he was lying. It would sting to hear they were best buddies, but he would take being her friend. Before he could explain to her how he managed to grab her by her scruff, she tells him that he doesn't have it in him to be aggressive and that it would be fun to hit each other. To that he opens his maw, "I do-UHNT!" The words come out strained and with a grunt when she bats his shoulder a little too roughly. OW! Come on, what was that for?

Green eyes glare at her, "I don't see how it's fun hurting someone I care about. And I... Actually I'm not sure about that too much anymore. Not having a mean bone." The day she and Wolfglade returned to camp bloody he felt something stir within him and it was beyond unpleasant. He remembered letting himself bask in that feeling and images of tearing the thunderclanners to shred pushed the forefront of his mind. Making them plead for mercy did not sicken him in the moment, but now with Petalnose and Wolfglade healed up... He was disturbed by himself. Am I going to lose myself if I get a taste for it? And will they be disgusted by me? He shook his head, not wanting to ruin this happy moment with Petalnose with whatever war was waging inside him.

Petalnose seemed confused by his admission. Huh, did I say something weird? I mean weirder than usual? Still, he waited for her patiently. To encourage her, he neared a tiny bit. Not enough for her to feel suffocated by his presence, but for her to know he wouldn't be leaving. Whatever answer she'll give, he'll accept it. A smile escapes him when she confirms that the sentiment is shared. However, it would be a little uncomfortable for Petalnose to see him look at her fondly. As if she held the stars in her paws. That's just like you. To spare her the mushy crap as she might put it, he huffed and tilted his head from her. "Nah, you're right, I'll be weeping over my lost peace." It's a jest, a smirk betraying him.

Something devious came to mind. While Petalnose had been down for the count, he'd been practicing with Lichentail. If you count practicing being playing in the water and tackling each other. They came back soaking that day, yet they both came out content. All of sudden he would turn and face Petalnose, then he would purposely draw near enough into her space. He wasn't tall as her, yet he craned his head up. An innocent smile displayed as he purred, "Have you ever considered I enjoy your presence? That maybe I don't mind the days you snap back?" Without giving her a moment to respond he draws his head back. In an instant he attempts to headbutt her chest, propelling his head forward as if it were a taut spring being released. By no means would it hurt. Badly that is, but she may be infuriated by him playing dirty. All's fair in love in war~

Petalnose smirked as she had caught him off balance, giving him a cocky expression. He had apologized and she simply shrugged her shoulders, already satisfied she had gotten from his grasp by herself. It was certainly better than an apology to her. She twisted her lanky body in order to groom down the messed up fur on her scruff and groomed her paw and drew it over to get the portion she couldn't reach. "I don't think anyone was a witness. I'll happily have a word with them if anything is spread." She meowed with a joking flash of her stretched claws after grooming her paw. She wouldn't actually draw her claws to a clanmate, unless they actively egged her on repetitively- which then they would be asking for it. Although, she was sure Pikesplash knew she would show her wrath by words. He was a victim himself, but would he stop her if she got all overbearing to another for a rumor about them? She wondered if he believed she would actually scratch up a clanmate for a rumor.

Her lips grew into another snicker at his next words, looking to the medic den, "Ah well, I'll tell Beesong they're in good shape. Your best buddy thinks it's the best way to test them. Our enemies could do something such as I did I'm quite positive. Got to keep you on you paws. At least I'm not clawing you or biting you like your son. Just got to deal with my weight, yes?" She chuckled, humming in a satisfied manner. Even with her height, Pikesplash was lucky she was quite scrawny. Her body had trouble nurturing her size and with her issues lately she hadn't found the motivation to feed herself properly. If she had been larger, it would've been more entertaining to simply lay down on him to keep him in one place. She nearly laughed at the thought, it would be fun to be more muscular. Although, she wouldn't be as fast and agile as she was. Atleast she had high chances of beating him in a possible race.

Her ears flicked at his dismissal, disbelief showing through narrowed eyes and a challenging grin. "Oh…really!? And where did that come from?" She tested, leaning her body closer to him in press of an answer as if he was lying. You're really lying to my face? Funny. It was almost as if she was going to spring on top of him to test that theory, however, she decided against it to simply hear his answer. She was interested to hear what he had to say.

"Uh-huh, times up now. I hope you enjoyed your peace." a playful flick of her tail in his direction gestured she was messing with him. Petalnose knew she wouldn't always greet him through surprise attacks and batting paws, she quite liked their calm conversations as well, staring into the silverpelt. It also hid the time frames she did so decide to spring. What fun would it be to be predictable?

Petalnose had not thought twice on his slow invasion of privacy. The woman was still confident as can be, failing to back off to show she wasn't going to be the one to break. She leaned forward, looking down at him. She was oblivious to the tom's plan, only thinking he was just getting too kind. She opened her maw to protest her bubble being invaded but it only shot into a broken meow. "Hey- NA!"

Her vision suddenly blurred as she felt brute force to her chest, she stumbled on her paws, the breath taken out of her lungs. She sucked in air and then heavily let it out in anger, "WHAT THE HELL! ILL!-.. ILL..!" She groaned at her own yelling, her lungs aching and then she started to break into mere laughter. Her eyes nearly glowed from her sudden mischievous look she shot to Pikesplash, nearing him slowly as her laughter became more wicked. Thunder before the lighting. She suddenly shot into sudden speed, aiming to try and tackle him to the ground if she got close enough. "Oh, you better run! I'll get you for that!" Her voice slightly cracked from more laughter.

( tags ) A shiver runs down his spine at the thought of what she might do to their poor clanmates for spreading another rumor about her. The exposed claws causing him to gulp. Yeah, let's hope no one would risk their lives to tell a rumor about this. Deep down he knew Petalnose wouldn't claw a clanmate for spreading rumors about her, yet sometimes she had him convinced that she would. It made sense with the numerous of threats she said. Her words were sharp for sure. The promise of having a word was terrifying to think about. Despite experiencing those words, he was not going to save someone from her. "Let them wish Starclan would take them," he answers. A little odd to encourage her, yet he is not going to experience another argument with Petalnose.

That's not-, ah whatever. He sighs, knowing that Petalnose would simply do as she pleases. It's no use to be arguing against a brick wall. At the mention of his son, he is surprised. Petalnose is the first cat to say that Otterkit is his son. Everyone else calls him Otterkit, so it is nice to hear someone say it. Then, Petalnose talks about her weight. "But..." Don't even bring up weight. This is not the hill to die on. You've seen some toms get into arguments when they say their mate has gained weight or lost weight. Petalnose could really claw you to death. He clears his throat, "Yes. You're right." What he did want to tell Petalnose was that she wasn't heavy. However, he never actually carried her to know. The fact of the matter was that Petalnose looked scrawny. Like she needed more food than she usually ate, or that she needed to eat someone more nutritious. However, he didn't have the right to press that.

She was goading him now and he understood it. They were both liars. Him lying and saying he didn't miss her presence and her lying about being upset about his choice of words. Moving closer was a test and he was going to lazily glance at her, a smirk still etched on his face. "Oh I dunno~" To mess with her more, he lifted his right paw and unsheathed his claws and faux inspected them. "Maybe when you gave me carp. You should know that's not my favorite fish. Fake friend. Tch," and with that he sheaths his claws and sets his paw down again.

As expected, she was playing along with him. At the loss of his "peace", he rolls his eyes and grunts. Even though they were messing around, he refused to let her think she was not missed by him. "I'm really happy you're okay. Don't think otherwise, 'kay?" There was no room for elaboration nor an answer. It was a fact. He was indeed happy she was able to recover and that they would continue to have moments like these.

He. Totally didn't think it would work. At all, considering he'd just assumed she would dodge it given her experience with fighting. He didn't even think he even used that much force, but it seems like he misjudged the impact of the blow he would cause her. Green eyes wide in disbelief watching her stumbling and wheeze? If he knew any better it was almost as if he knocked the wind out of her, but it wouldn't know at all. The tom never really experienced it to say considering his aversion to fighting and when he trained with Cindershade she batted him to the ground by other means. At Petalnose's curse towards his actions, he suddenly bursts into laughter. He knows he's not supposed to laugh, but for some reason this was beyond amusing to see his cocky friend be so befuddled. For once, he played his cards correctly and managed to gain the upper hand against her.

Uh oh. He stops laughing when her tone changes. There's something sinister and he's not willing to find out. Paws take steps back for every step forward she takes. Shit. And suddenly he's bolting away from her, knowing that he's her prey. Panic rises as he yowls, "H-hey! L-let's take it easy now!" The thing is he isn't exactly slow, but when you see a taller cat gunning it towards you, it's terrifying. She chases him a good while, but he ends up tipping on a stray rock. This is enough for her to crash into him. The pair would end up rolling due to their speed before they would come to a stop. Aware that he's a dead man once she has him pinned down, he spits as they roll in a jumbling of limbs. Pike aims to spit in her eyes to blur her vision and to confuse her. It's not every day that a cat purposely spits at your eyes after all! It's also totally gross though.

If that did not work and she would find herself on top of him he would try the next best thing. Knowing his opponent would need to lean forward to pin him and with their momentum, there would be a moment she would be open for an attack. It would be the few seconds she would use gravity to her advantage to pin him roughly. In those few moments he quickly use his hind legs and slot them next to her own, the insides of them though. He would attempt to use gravity against her and push with as much force as he could up against her. The action if done correctly would send her flying. For someone who was known to dislike fighting, it would be surprising if not unsettling the way he "fought". Petalnose was correct in her judgment that his mind was sharp.

She had wondered what he would pass down to Catfishpaw, perhaps this was a taste of what he could pass down in her eyes. The reality is that Pikesplash himself didn't think in the same manner. He only viewed this as cowardice, as many of Riverclan loved to fight with their claws. His way of handling himself was strange and not well received. He technically wasn't hurting Petalnose terribly, but he was fighting technically.

She found her friend start to argue against her, raising one of her eyebrows and lifting her lip in preparation to snap back to whatever he had to say. He then agreed with her, blinking curiously and relaxing her expression. You wouldn't want to know, you're just going to cause tension. Don't ask.

Petalnose tensed at his tease, opening her maw in a defensively playful manner, "But it was MY favorite fish. Isn't it the thought that counts? Ooo, but what IS your favorite fish? Basic trout such as everyone?" She watched as he flashed his claws and move closer, what does this Tom have up his sleeve? Or is he mocking me?

She was happy to find herself bolting after Pikesplash, her jaws clamped in a sinister grin. Her ears twitched at his yowl over the wind, "HUH? I can't hear you!" She yowled back in a sing song manner, although, she knew full well what he said. Why would I take it easy? She was waiting the entire time to have a moment such as this since she had saw him batting at the air. The conversations were nice but what was a friendship without a little spice? A little spar to really get to know them? I'm her case, little wasn't in her books. She was going to make sure he experienced her power.

A chuckle left her lungs as she found herself rolling with him and finally pinning him down. "What are you going to do now-!" Spit hit her eye and she jolted in surprise, she had not expected such move. "THATS DISGUSTING!" Was that even used in battle? How often was that used? She shook her head and as soon as she felt his legs underneath her she suddenly jumped backwards. Although, her distance was not enough in result of her being blinded and she got a leg to her face last second. "Oof!" Ouch, that hurt her. Some blood seeped from her nose, from a mix of getting kicked and worked up. It didn't seem to bother her as she immediately, opened her jaws and aimed to bite onto his leg at his expected recoil of the kick. It wasn't hard enough to piece, scrap or hurt anything unless he ripped it away from her, just enough to hold it without him slipping away. With battle smarts, she was sure it was just a mouse length away and she knew exactly where that was from sparing time and time again. If she had caught it she would attempt to start dragging him towards the stream nearby. She heard it, knowing well of where it was and she would happily soak his pelt in the shallows and give him a scare as if she was going to drown him. Of course, she wouldn't but she planned to go deep enough to twist his thoughts that she was psychotic and evil for a moment. "I need to go wash this spit and blood off, maybe we can take a little swim together. Here! I'll hold your paw! Since you're so eager.. for me to hold it." She would meow with a handful of leg if she had caught it, if she didn't she would continue to keep trying to snap her jaws and carefully calculate for it. Her eyes continued to glow in a vindictive manner, a toothy and wicked grin flashing brightly.

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( tags ) Pike tilts his head in confusion. She appeared to want to say something, but she backed off. He found himself blinking back at her and offering her a smile, unaware she was befuddled by his support and agreement of her actions. Pressing wouldn't be the move to make as she seemed relaxed. Why bring tension between them when things were going smoothly? In truth, if she asked him why he wouldn't stop her... There was a multitude of reasons outside of not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. In any case, that would be something they might converse about in the future.

Following their tradition of teasing, he rolls his eyes, a smirk betraying him. "Hmmm... I guess I'll make an exception for you. And bold of you to assume trout is my favorite. It's actually salmon and I'll be expecting that next time, alright?" There is no malice towards her. He files the information that carp is her favorite for later. Carp isn't his favorite, yet by no means is it a terrible fish. Personally his least favorite fish would be a lamprey. Ugh, I hate those teeth. How can you eat that? So gross. Makes me gag. If Petalnose ever gave him that, he would try his best to eat it because she wouldn't have known. He just might feel queasy after the fact and make a quick trip to the stream to wash its taste from his mouth.

And... For now. It was safe to say he was not experiencing the same happiness at being chased down.

The tom makes the mistake of looking back and what he sees is beyond horrifying. His friend is grinning but with a sinister glint, "E-eek!" Maybe she's laughing that he's letting out a noise of fear, much like some of the land animals they hunt on some occasions when they are bitten. He jumps to regain some distance from her and keeps running, unsure of where he was aiming for exactly. The only goal was to run away from the predator known as Petalnose. She wanted him to experience her power and the thing was that he didn't need to experience it to know that he was outmatched. It wasn't a mystery, after all, both of them had different skill sets. Sure he may not be much of a scrapper, but if he and Petal were trapped together or in some horrible situation he would use his smarts to ensure both of them would come out uninjured or with minor wounds.

But... This is simply not one of those situations. He lets out a loud gasp, woefully unprepared for her weight. Truth be told... I didn't think that would work. Funny enough he was just as frozen from surprise. At the retort that it was disgusting, he shook off his surprise and faintly noted that yes it was gross. Spitting at someone to get the upper hand was such a low blow, if he were to do that to cats outside of their clan... He isn't sure if it would work as well and if it did, imagine how disrespected you would feel to get attacked after being spit at. Later he would apologize for it, however he would chuckle nervously, "All's fair in love and war?" Oh, she would use that against him in the future. He could feel her rub in his stupid line either very soon or in the future when he made a blunder.

Despite having some practice with Cindershade, it still felt strange when an attack connected. Petalnose's noise of pain suddenly made him feel ill. It was never his intention to hurt her and from how it sounded, he didn't exactly hit her softly. Shoot! Whatever this is between them, he wants to put a stop to it to check in on her. A fatal mistake, had this been an actual battle. This is the point where Petalnose or Cindershade would berate him for being too nice. "Petal are you oKGNNN!" He yowls in pain when teeth connect to flesh. FUCK! Initially the teeth didn't hurt, but the issue was the sensation startled him enough that he jerked his leg enough for her to hurt. The reality is that she actually didn't injure him terribly and it wouldn't be something to go to the medicine cat for.

If Petalnose could see his face, he would look flustered because he had yelped and now that he actually sat with it... It. It didn't hurt. However, he had little time to think about it. The tom was unable to do anything other than flail about as she dragged him. Eventually he gave up his struggle. There was no use and also! Why do teeth feel weird? Now, don't get him wrong he's not afraid of the water whatsoever. He's no drypaw, what he's most afraid of is what Petalnose is going to do to him. They're just scrapping around and that's all fine and dandy, but something tells him he's going to get rocked in the water. Perhaps it is amusing to see him unsheathe his claws and try to find anything to grip on. To no avail it seems, considering it seemed like he was approaching the stream faster. "Y-you're not even h-holding i-gghhhr," his yowl is followed by gurgling caused by being dragged into water.

All’s fair in love and war.

Oh, how that made her smile blindly. She’d surely take that to mind, now she could really play unfair with him. It was as if it was permission for her to cave to her plans. I’ll show him, I’ll show him what this phrase really means. “Really. Is that so..? I see.”

Petalnose perked her ears as she heard a yowl from her friend as she grasped his leg. She felt him try to pull away and she quirked her brow with a muffled meow, "WELL, maybe you should be more careful. Imagine if I actually meant it." She teased, continuing to drag him with a sinister smile through her grasp. It was amusing for her to see his claws unsheath towards the ground, even if it was a blurry sight It was still a sight to behold for her. She chuckled more wickedly, "You're funny! But watch how funny this will be..." She squinted eyes wandered to the blurry vision of water, a purr rumbling through her that was obvious it didn't have any good intentions.

Water started to seep at her paws as she padded the shallows. "The water feels nice! Don't you think-?.. What? I'm not holding right? Do you want me to use more tee-" Her ears twitched at his gurgling instead of a frightened response and she roughly dropped his leg as if it was a command. "Oh?" Oops, maybe I went too deep. She had not meant for any water to be gurgled, although it did make her laugh. "Don't drown in the shallows now, that would be embarrassing! Get up!" She teased as she cleaned her face off, splashing the river water onto her face and dragging her paw over to remove the remnants of blood and spit. Her vision was cleared, blinking mischievous eyes onto his body, "Are you backing down? Did you have fun?" She snickered, rolling in the water and soaking her silky pelt to look vulnerable to the fellow tabby. It was normally a sign to show other cats trust which she did trust Pikesplash in some terms, however, it was a basic move to throw off naive cats if he decided to get her back. Although, she supposed she scared him enough. Maybe..
