crazy stupid love | windclan scent


Sep 23, 2022

Another night passed by where Elmbreeze enjoyed a clandestine meeting with the WindClan warrior Echolight. They were becoming more frequent now and Elmbreeze had to admit he was becoming increasing fond of the lilac calico, in more ways than one. He knew what they were doing was reckless and would potentially land them in trouble if found out but he couldn't help it, he had to see her. And besides, they had taken to visiting each other on the very edges of their territories or neutral ground, so really there was no harm done.

After he had returned that morning, Elmbreeze had napped outside of the warrior's den, wanting to at least get a little sleep before potentially being assigned a patrol. After getting a few hours rest, he awoke with the rest of the clan, and immediately headed to the fresh-kill pile to eat. But Elmbreeze never got to make it there before he was stopped by the gawking expression of one of his clanmates. "Something wrong?" He asked innocently, completely oblivious to the notable WindClan scent - which he was usually so careful to hide - clinging to his pelt.

Redpath was vibing. She was awake for once in the early hours of the morning, but....She still wasn't a morning person. She headed to the fresh kill pile with half lidded eyes and a droopy tail when she paused.....

Why did Elmbreeze smell funny? She knew that scent. Her brain.... wasn't fully functional yet, though.

"Elmbreeze....You smell kinda......funny." she said to him.

" Like.... " She was trying so hard.

" Windy." She's getting there.

" .....Like....."

Starclan help her.
Eyes would raise in suspicion as the comments of her clanmate smelling funny filled her ears. Unsure of what the potential cause of the smell would be, Garpaw found herself padding over to investigate. "You smell like WindClan. That's what's wrong." Sniffing the air around them, she'd cast a judgemental glance at her clanmate, looking between the other gathered cats. She wasn't the only one smelling this right? There had to be another explanation for this. While she would be unable to handle things herself, knowing that staying to watch could be just as interesting, Garpaw would sit in silence and wait.


"...Elmbreeze." The tom's name was muttered almost like a quiet curse, uncertainty in the visible orange eye while the other remained shadowed by the poultice plastered over it. The unmistakeable scent of WindClan struck his senses and he could not ignore it as much as he'd like to pretend this wasn't happening at all. His strained friendship with Hyacinthbreath never crossed borders, he'd warned her against the closeness that might draw a cat past boundary lines but it seemed Elmbreeze had a slightly different kind of relationship. Something that would draw the tom where he shouldn't be. At least, that is what he hoped it was. The alternative was his clanmate was aligning himself with WindClan to some degree and that was especially damning. Or maybe if they were lucky...Elmbreeze simple stumbled across the border while hunting, a difficult thing to do given the gorge and other variables...but perhaps it was just that innocent. Garpaw (and somewhat Redpath) had already burst out with the issue at hand so he only stood there, sunset gaze narrowing but with no accusations; yet.
"Care to explain?"

even before riverclan had taken the water lands, buck had never held much contempt for the moor cats. far too lanky and scrawny, far too distasteful for her palate. at the very least, camp was overwhelmingly river scented. until the foul smell seemed to invade, and buckgait has little patience when it comes to the scent of outskirters.

the earthen woman shoulders next to smokethroat. eyes heavy and cruel upon the tom and the scent that hangs off of him. one that does not match the colony's. her and cicada are two rams, constant in their head-butting, but she did agree with him on one thing. to let no windclan cat be trusted within these borders. let them know no peace in the river's land. it seems one of them did not get the memo. she did not tolerate disloyalty, nor does she tolerate fraternizing with moor cats. and neither does the clan.

"yes, elmbreeze. why would a riverclan cat smell like a moor cat?" it's a harsh and raspy tone, accusatory. elmbreeze should consider himself very well trapped in the eyes of buck. where he will go, she will pursue. "a surprise patrol? alone?" it's spoken in a faux gentleness, unnerving as she keeps the tom in her sights.

As soon as his clanmates gather and make note of the WindClan scent, he knows what's wrong. He is like a deer caught in headlights when his clanmates turn their accusatory glares upon him, his own eyes go wide with fear for a brief moment. The possible repercussions playing out in his mind.

Elmbreeze shifts on the spot for a moment before he dares answer. "It was an accident," He says smoothly, voice clear and free from nerves. It was a lie of course, for his visits were no accident, but they didn't need to know that. "I will admit that sometimes I like to wander the territory by myself sometimes, and last night I misjudged how far I had gone. I will confess I accidentally crossed into WindClan territory and did not realise my mistake for a short while due to weak border markings. However, as soon as the WindClan scent hit me and I realised my mistake I hurried back home and slept outside the warrior's den upon my return." It might not have been the most convincing of lies, but Elmbreeze hoped that his own past times of explorations would help flesh out his claims. "There was no harm done," He mewed steadily. For now at least, he though grimly.
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Since the clans had formed, life had become a game up catch-up. While she did venture past their borders on occasions, it was only to hunt. She avoided opposing clans to avoid any conflicts that may arise. Never long enough to change her scent, or far enough to cause or become any trouble. The thought had crossed her mind - it was only reasonable to assume others had become weak to their desires. Elmbreeze was a victim of his own urges, and she in a way gave him pity. He lied to protect himself, but she wondered how far that would get him.

"You must have done something to smell that way, though." Her eyes searched him for an answer - prey, fur, anything. "Do you need to see Beesong? Has your memory failed you?" It was almost an insult; 'you make no sense, you must be sick'. Truly, she knew that something else must have happened, and she wanted to know. Elmbreeze would now be subjected to an endless slew of questions (she did this often - question, after question, until she reached an acceptable answer) but she wondered if she should leave him alone for now.

In a way, her question was almost an out for the warrior.​


a crowd was gathering around some cat in camp, this had to be interesting. the chimera apprentice approached the group of cats, wrinkling his nose at the windclan scent that was on elmbreeze. he'd entered soon enough to hear the warrior tom's explanation. or excuse? sunpaw wasn't one to accuse, but he was nosy. of course the first thing he imagined was a secret meeting. maybe a foe? or a friend? surely elmbreeze was smarter than that.
he couldn't imagine mingling with the other clans on purpose, they all smelled strange and mildewy to him. it must be because they don't swim, that was his opinion anyway. you could lick yourself as much as you want but without a good bath are you really getting clean? his ears pricked at bounceheart's questions, someone was getting to the meaty stuff. at least he didn't have to ask like some nosy apprentice, even though he was.
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