
Jun 6, 2022
As announced in our discord server, we have recently retired two of our clanwide NPCs. . . which intentionally puts us below our threshold of three NPCs in each category. So surprise! We have space for a new moor runner! And since they're community NPCs, we decided that the community should be a part of making them. Hence, this fun little game. >:3c

Some ground rules:

1. Prompts / components must be answered in order.
2. Once you have answered one component, you're finished for this round of creation!
3. Do not use prefixes that are in use by currently played characters, which you can find on our census! If I have missed someone but notice that it matches with an active character, I will politely ask you to rename. Similarly, no suffixes that denote rank, -star, -kit, or -paw.
4. Try your best to make design elements legal! If something doesn't work out on TT's rules or with genetic regulations (ex blue eyes on a cat that could not have them) I'll prod you to change your response!
5. Please be somewhat serious. A bit of amusement is sooo fine and encouraged, but remember that this is an OC shared between an entire community and shouldn't be created with the intention of solely becoming a meme.

Now on to the creation criteria! Remember, go in order and only answer one at a time.

1. prefix Crooked-
2. suffix -howl
3. gender / pronouns AMAB, He/They
4. orientation Pansexual
5. size Large, broad-shouldered, but slouchy
6. pelt color Chocolate
7. pelt pattern
8. fur length
9. fur texture
10. any white?
11. eye color
12. notable feature
13. main personality trait
14. secondary personality trait
15. ambition or desire
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