camp CREATURE- zoomies and sticks - intro

May 31, 2023
don't fear your life boy

The cool wind that swept through unkempt fur really invigorated the wiry cat that wore such a neglected coat. It made him bouncy, like his legs were springs. Any other cat may have just raced around camp like they had a bat on their tail until these jitters were gone. But, Prairepaw had a restless mind that would never be satisfied with mindless racing.

So, with a wild wide pupils he trotted around, the newly returned to camp, trying to see any possible trouble that he could take advantage of. He had the thought that maybe if any cats had left any of their collections outside while preparing nests and such.

He should probably be helping with something but it has already been a day and two, and if a cat had forgotten to put something precious away it seemed like a them issue. He was just taking advantage of some fun. So when his eyes settled on a little pile of sticks that he could recall Swantuft being particularly fussy about bringing home he couldn't help but think that they would look quite nice strewn around camp.

In a flash the scruffy cream tom dived into the sticks. Sending them scattering. His chest hit the ground and sent dust flying up into the winds, and his paws were quickly chasing the flying twigs. He would bat at one and then flop his body in an arche onto the packed ground, with a thump he would then jolt straight into the air and continue bouncing and pouncing. Smacking sticks across the camp.

grow and change
❪ TAGS ❫ — This place was weird! Apparently this camp is where Mama and the others had lived before a great big flood wiped everything out. However, the Beech Copse was all that Foxkit had ever known. Nothing smelled familiar and Foxkit kinda missed the old makeshift camp where he had been raised.

Naturally, the red tabby would take to exploring everything he possibly could. Small paws trekked through the camp, eyes and ears taking in all of the new sights and sounds and— hey, sticks!

Foxkit's pupils widened instantaneously as wooden limbs scattered every which way. He instinctively drops into a crouch of sorts, noting Prairiepaw out of the corner of his eye batting the sticks around as well. If he was doing it then surely Foxit could, too. So, the red tabby pounced onto the nearest "prey" and squeaked, "You're mine, stick! DIE!" The mighty hunter then proceeded to gnaw on the twig and scratch the bark with his hind claws.
Eelcackle watched Prairiepaw run with the speed of the gusting winds that plagued them with wide, amused eyes. Look at him go. Oh, to be young and have so much energy and have no cares in the world.

Eelcackle is 36 moons.

The lanky black tom sat out of the way, tail twitching and mouth twisted into a crooked grin.

Prairiepaw was making a huge mess, yet he couldn't look away. Couldn't bring himself to stop him. Even Foxkit was having fun.

"Are you... Having fun??" He asked Prairiepaw.​
stalkingpaw | 06 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
"That looks like fun! Can I join-?" Stalkingpaw calls out cheerily as she watches her denmate prance about, a bright smile on her face. The apprentice doesn't actually wait for an answerr, instead dropping down into a very clumsy crouch and wriggling before she pounces - ik-dipped paws landing neatly on her target. After brutally snapping the stick she hooks it with one paw as though it is a fish (she's been paying a lot of attention to rosewaters lessons) and launches it. Perhaps a bit too hard at that - she winces "Erm- watch out!" she really hopes it doesn't hit anyone.

Pushing through the tendrils of reeds and cattails that surrounded their camp, the rosetted molly trudged through with two minnows clasped within her jaws. Her slight ire and disappointment was palpable upon her face as she enters the island, her luck hadn't paid out fishing this time with Sablepaw. Usually the lead warrior could score a bigger catch than this, to her this was just pitiful and almost not even worth bringing back. But, she supposes there are a decent amount of incessant furballs frolicking about that could have this as a meal and be satisfied.
Cindershade hadn't quite noticed the strewn out mass of sticks in her wake until she drops her kills, at first thinking that perhaps with this strong wind ripping through their land that maybe that could've been the reason. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Prairiepaw had certainly made a mess with his—boredom or whatever it could be. Foxkit and Stalkingpaw seemed particularly thrilled to join in on it, pouncing on the things as it prey. If the duo of apprentices were that bored, she'd surely find something for them to do; like cleaning up this mess and helping finish rebuilding the walls of camp.

She turns to stand amongst the young who had been involved, verdant eyes narrowed and ears pulled back towards her helm. Just as she's about to open her mouth, to chastise them for being idiotic and immature—she hears the words but it is too late; something solid whacks against the side of her skull. Cindershade stands frozen, the words stolen out of her mouth as the stick that Stalkingpaw had accidentally launched landed squarely against her cheekbone before falling beside her. Instantly a broiling rage drowns out whatever disappointment or ire she had felt earlier, a white hot flare flashing through her as if struck by lightning.
A deep, guttural growl rumbled in her chest as a shaded tail thrashed about, her pupils constricted to slits akin to a vipers as they traveled slowly over the three, one by one. A word escapes her then, a dangerous word and she had to clamp down on the inside of her cheek until she tastes iron and salt of crimson on her tongue. "Who?" It is spoken more like a statement than a question, eyes of green star fire flitting towards Stalkingpaw in a dangerous manner. She had half a mind to cuff the apprentice sharply on her head for such a thing, but something else lingered in her mind. Rosewater was her mentor, so Rosewater could handle her. She's desperately clasping at whatever she could to keep her cool, though nothing seems to catch. "I want this camp spotless by the count of three. If not, you will reap the repercussions and I will make your lives miserable." Her tone is cool, so cool in fact, that her words are frosted and sharp like icicle shards. They were lucky to be so young. "Get moving."

@Sablepaw apprentice tag! Sorry shes a spoiled sport fhdjsja

In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw trails behind her ebony shaded mentor, gait smooth and collected for now. Her legs seem to be a little longer than she remembered, causing her to be more aware of her paws than previously. Her head is carried high, hoisting her own catch out and away from her obsidian coat. A single ear prick in the direction of her sibling playing amongst a group of two others. After placing her fish within the fresh kill pile, periwinkle eyes drift over the mass of sticks strewn about with a look of utter confusion. She didn't understand the point of their game, but whatever made them happy she supposed. Her maw opens to ask Cindershade what her next task should be when she watches Stalkingpaw's stick soar through the air and hit her mentor in stunned horror. Her attention snaps warily in the direction of her sibling, then back to the seething lead warrior. She knew that look and instantly took a step back to avoid being caught in the crossfire. Sablepaw swallows, halfway expecting Cindershade to explode. However, the simmering molly simply releases an icy demand and truthfully, Sablepaw is not sure which reaction is worse. "Are you okay Cindershade?" She asks softly, gazing at her mentor's cheek.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Trout had been watching.

Her golden eyes had watched and trailed the sticks being thrown tossed about, a mirthful laugh on her muzzle. But like a cold wind, here came Cindershade. Her head turned, and as if in slow motion, the apprentice watched the stick whack in her the side of her head. Oo.. That looked like it stung. However, the thundering voice that came from the warrior was something that she didn't really expect. Her ears flattened, turning her vision towards the rest of the sticks. She hadn't participated, and thus... Troutpaw slowly pushed to her paws, trying to slip around the outside of camp to pad out of range of the punishment. ​
stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Of all cats, her unfortunately placed (and timed) stick smacks into cindershade. Eyes water and lip quivers as she's scolded, haunching in on herself. She hadn't meant anything by it - it'd simply happened - and her sisters mentor had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A quiet sniffle slips out before she can help it, and she hurriedly does as she's told - trying very hard not to cry as she picks up sticks, tail and ears dropped quite sadly. She wants to go curl up and hide (and cry) but something tells her cindershade will actually follow through with her threats if she does so.