private CREATURES IN HEAVEN ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Dawnglare


how boring, what a waste!
Mar 19, 2024
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
COPPERFANG HAD TOLD HIM OF SKYCLAN'S CUSTOMS on their first mentoring session out, at the border that separated pine from oak. Since then, their neighbors' openess to kittypet joiners had left quite the mark on him, and no matter how many times it'd been explained to him, Roaringpaw still couldn't wrap his head around why the other Clans - ThunderClan included - were so hostile to the prospect of kittypets who wished the join them. He'd brushed it off as no one wants more mouths to feed, or that not every cat could be like Blazestar, but. . .

Blazestar. SkyClan's founder, SkyClan's kittypet leader. Adored by many. The young apprentice recalls Copperfang's words about the Leader, and now he somewhat saw him as an idol; a possible future, who he might become.

Blazestar. His mind echoes again, and he recalls just who is teaching Gentlestorm about herbs. SkyClan's own Medicine Cat: Dawnglare. He had heard in passing that the tom was a kittypet, once. Whether it was a rumor or the truth he couldn't know - not until speaking to him privately. Maybe he could tell him more about Blazestar, too!

He slips into the Medics' Den hesitantly, keeping one of his paws off the grass beneath to make his lie more believable. "Gentlestorm? Dawnglare?" Roaringpaw calls out, knowing Gentlestorm was currently out collecting herbs. It would just be him and the SkyClanner for a little while, hopefully uninterrupted. "I think I've got a thorn in my pawpads."

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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Where he chooses to spend his time in ThunderClan is much like picking which brand of venom ought to be injected into his blood. He would be bothered, either way, whether it be by strangers or the cat he supposes could be considered his denmate at the moment. A rare moment without him for once leaves him with one option more peaceful than the other. Even if he so detested everything about ThunderClan's Medicine Den, it was less of a risk than stepping outside and potentially being apprehended by many, many children.

It's a wonder to him, when someone comes wondering in. Surely they'd seen Gentlestorm go? And surely, a ThunderClanner would much rather be seen by that one, despite his complexion. " It is only me, " he tells them. A narrowed gaze leers closer, curious to see if they would turn away at this news, but it seems not. Well...

The quiet is interrupted concisely with a sneeze. Ugh, he detests Newleaf, and he droops in tandem with the snot from his nose. This one was clearly tracking unseen swaths of leaf - dander into the den. Little parasites they were. What a bother...

With a soft, discontented whine, he sniffs. " Well, Gentlestorm needs no lessons on thorns... Come. " Wearily, he'd trail after their approach with eyes only.
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE APPROACHES SLOWLY, settling down on an empty nest. His mind wanders, focusing on the wine-and-white tom - so much so he nearly forgets he's supposed to have a thorn in his pawpad. Roaringpaw quickly corrects himself, raising his paw off the ground with a wince, a glint of pain in his eyes (he is, however, not a fantastic actor).

"Were you close to Blazestar?" The young apprentice asked suddenly, not letting an awkward silence settle in between them; this meeting was timed - not only until Gentlestorm returned, but Roaringpaw also figured he wouldn't have another chance such as this to speak to Dawnglare before his ultimately return to SkyClan. He wonders if the other tom can tell he used to be a kittypet, or if he already looks like a wild cat after two moons of living among them. Was his fur as glossy as it was? He couldn't tell.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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Well, this one does not seem to be dying of thorny pads, do they? ...Or perhaps they are, and strangely, have only remembered just now... Dawnglare's gaze grows sharper the closer the apprentice comes. As he settles, there would be a stagnant pause between that and Dawnglare's inspection, filled only by Dawnglare's namesake gaze, and unfilled are the holes that would soon be burnt into this young one's pelt.

Only a few questions would deter him thoroughly, and Dawnglare thinks, it is pure luck that he finds one such question. The pose of a snake assessing whether it ought to strike or not is soon traded for a startled, wide - eyed series of blinks. " I... " His face twists into something strange, a look of disgust that could not fully commit to itself. " I suppose so, " he answers at last, voice suddenly soft. Close to did not mean a close friend... even if in the context of were that too would be true. This past tense – did it indicate his death, or simply sometime before? There are plenty of things he could say about him and Blazestar, sometime before... Long, long ago.

And suddenly, he is bristling. A venom - drenched tongue says, " And why is it that you're bugging me about this? " Rather unkindly, he would shove at the apprentices supposedly - afflicted paw until he reveals it to him. Already, he was quite eager to get this over with.
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
THE SHOVE AT HIS ALLEGEDLY WOUNDED PAW is enough to snap him back into his senses, and he raises it slowly; almost hesitantly so, as if this would all be over as soon as the SkyClanner inspected his pad. He gulps nervously before continuing his barrage of inquiries, undoubtedly causing never-ending irritation to the medicine cat.

"I heard he used to be a kittypet. And then he became a leader!" Roaringpaw purrs, though saddened he never had the chance to meet with Blazestar— he wonders if he would've joined SkyClan, then. "My mentor told me a bit about him, just basic stuff a cat from another Clan would know. And seeing as you're from SkyClan, I was wondering....” He trails off, a bit embarrassed by the request at the least ideal moment. His amber gaze meets Dawnglare's icy cold one, ones he hopes to melt.

"I was hoping you could tell me more about 'im. Was he a good leader?” He also hopes Dawnglare doesn't cut this meeting short after taking a quick look at his outstretched, totally-not-wounded paw.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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