pafp Creeper, aw man || pouncing lesson


In darkness blooms the spider lily
Nov 10, 2022

Her kits were going to be apprentices soon. She could hardly believe it, it felt as though they were just born.... And soon they were going to be off on patrols and hunting and fighting, depending on the political climate.

She wanted them to be ready.

She's already taught them how to snap necks, now it was time to teach them the pounce that goes with it. So, she has gathered her beloved children and started this lesson.

"Now.... Keep low, don't make a sound...." She said, crouching with them. " Slowly move forward.....The wind is blowing towards us, so they won't pick up our scent..."

Their target today was Snakepaw. Why? She wasn't sure. She looked at him and it just made sense to make him target practice. Maybe it was his face.

"And once you're close enough..... Pounce!"

She was eager to see her kits performances. She would make sure they were ready to start their training, make sure they would become some of the best warriors in this clan.

(( @SNAKEPAW @Juniperkit @HOLLYKIT @SCORPIONKIT @Littlekit

Pls wait until Snakepaw has been pounced on by at least one kit to post!))

Ever since Snakepaw and Tigerfrost first recounted the stories of battle to an awe-struck Juniperkit, the child has been dreaming of his own imaginary battles. One day, he will be the best Moor Runner that Windclan has ever seen, he's sure of it! Compared to his siblings, the young tom has already grown to a considerable size despite his age, though he's a little disproportionate because of the growth-spurt. His legs look comically slender compared to the proud, square shape of his jaw and broad set of his shoulders. His mittened paws are quite large now, almost too large. In a few more moons, he will surely grow into a muscular apprentice, but, until then, he is still just as gangly and oddly-shaped as the rest of his littermates.

At present, the kitten is following Spiderbloom's example as best as he can. He flicks an ear, carefully listening to his mother's instruction while also mirroring her stealthy, crouched posture like a coiled snake preparing to strike. Juni places each paw with precision, though he sometimes wobbles before regaining his balance. He makes sure not to meet the gaze of any of his siblings, for surely his eager grin will quickly break into giddy laughter. Without noticing, he holds his breath until he's close enough to pounce! At his mother's cue, Juni springs forward, clinging onto Snakepaw's back with needle-like claws. "Gotcha!" he exclaims. "Mama! Did you see me?"

following her mother's instruction, hollykit brought herself down low. she could feel sharp grass wiggling against her stomach as she stalked alongside her family. a pointed green gaze was aimed onto her target, snakepaw. or rather just his leg. she struggled to keep pace with juniperkit, her blue brother was practically unable to withhold his excitement. wobbled steps and a wide grin, she sends a side glance over to him to make sure he is doing it correctly. make sure she was doing it correctly. she almost misses spiderbloom's call to attack in her studying. however, juniperkit makes his leap and she is quick to follow, springing at the apprentice's hind leg with outstretched claws, and a grin that bared sharp milk-teeth.

Scorchstreak hasn’t been in the nursery for long, only settling into her own nest recently—her size has at last rendered her old sleeping place within the tunnels impossible to reach. Her time spent in the nursery has seen the calico growing more and more fond of Spiderbloom, as well as the other she-cat’s litter of kits. And watching Spiderbloom teach them the basics of living in WindClan has been enlightening, sure, but this is perhaps the best lesson of all.

Pick on older cats as much as possible, especially when you are too young for them to get too upset with. "They’re growing up fast," she says to her fellow queen, tipping her head in the direction of the kits and their unfortunate victim. It’s both amusing and adorable, the way Juniperkit looks back to his mother for approval. She shoots a sharp-eyed glance to Snakepaw, hoping that the apprentice will
❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw was sure an easy target for practice, that was for certain. A cat with an ever-sour attitude and a tongue as sharp as a blade of grass, he could probably stand to be humbled a bit.

Not expecting a full-blown surprise attack right in the midst of camp, Snakepaw was taken off-guard by a hoard of kittens launching themselves onto him. "What're you— HEY!" The lithe apprentice yelled, staggering on his paws and trying to keep himself upright. The youths weren't as large as him quite yet, but they were certainly making the most of their growing teeth and claws.

Green eyes danced around frantically as he tried to process what was happening — these were Spiderbloom's spawns. How dare they utilize him as some sort of non-consenting sparring partner? This was uncalled for and, frankly, quite embarrassing! "Get off of me! What's gotten into you all?!" Snakepaw exclaimed angrily, kicking and thrashing his body every which way to try and shake them away.
  • Haha
Reactions: Badgermoon
It was something about his face, wasn't it? Maybe he's just speaking as someone who's had his fair share of Snakepaw's face as of late, but there's definitely something there. He's not imagining it. Humbled seemed a rough way to put it, but was it wrong? He nearly wishes it had been him in moments of loneliness with his thoughts, before guilt washed it away. The mark he had left still stung at times. He pawed over it when he was alone, wondering if it would be there for the rest of his life. Weren't warriors supposed to be proud of their battle scars? (Weren't warriors always supposed to have another's back? Weren't they supposed to take care of one another? It's bad to linger on these things. It won't do him any good.)

"You guys are gonna be awesome warriors!" Sparkpaw shouts to them with electric happiness, his eyes and grin both too-bright. "I bet you'll catch a rabbit before I do if you keep practicing like that!" He trots a little closer, willingly putting himself within pouncing range of the litter if they so desired, but also close enough for Snakepaw to lash out against if he so desired. Probably not his wisest decision.

  • ooc:
  • sparkpaw, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── apprentice of windclan. loyal to windclan and weaselclaw.
    ──── 06 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages 85% real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam.

    a long-limbed, trim sterile tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck, as if he had been bitten there. has a fresh scar across the bridge of his nose.

  • "speech"

Spiderblooms eyes lit up with glee as her kits made their move, pouncing on poor unsuspecting Snakepaw. She couldn't but laugh, and her heart couldn't help but burst when Juniperkit looked back at her for confirmation.

"Yes! You did wonderfully!" She said happily.

Scorchstreak didn't have to remind her of how quickly they were growing up. She knows, and she is so emotional about it on the inside.

"They are.." She agreed. "Time certainly flies quickly. They'll be apprentices in no time."

And then she'll be sleeping all alone!! Her kits will all be busy and have their own friends and she'll be all alone!! Sure she was feeling dramatic about it but still.

"It's okay, Snakepaw. I was teaching them how to pounce and you happened to be in the right place at the right time." She said to the apprentice.

Though to him it was probably the wrong place at the wrong time.

Secretly, Bluepool is actually pretty excited for Periwinklepaw to receive his warrior name. Not only would she be free of the fear that he would betray them and she would be blamed for it- she was also free to mentor an actual apprentice. To train a cat from kit to warrior - she wants that honor more than she had ever known. She had been keeping an eye on Juniperfrost and Spiderbloom's kits, wondering if she would be assigned any of them, wondering if perhaps she could request to be assigned one, if they showed promise, of course. She also would be happy to mentor one of Scorchstreaks kits too, though again, she would never admit these things out loud.

"Watch out Snakepaw! He's got ya in the kill zone!" she says jokingly, a laugh accompanying her words. "You're doing beautifully with them, Spiderbloom" she affirms, nodding her head when Scorchstreak says they're growing up fast, when Sparkpaw says they would be great warriors. "if they are half the warrior you are- or Juniperfrost was- they'll be among some of the best in this clan" she agrees "Though they may have competition for that title soon, we shall see!" she adds, flashing Scorchstreak a smile and a friendly wink.