camp criminal lies [recovery]

With the fever gone, he could sleep peacefully and recover- his coughs no longer so wet and harsh with the addition of catmint. It's a merciful savior, the way he recovers over time in Dawnglare's den. The high priest, singing soft hymns under his breath until Fireflypaw memorizes them in his half-ill daze. Mercy, the Mother shows him. Raises him up and tucks him into bed of health. The snowstorm passes by unnoticed by the apprentice, but white nearly blocks the mouth of the den. His head lifts sleepily from his paws, he spots Figpaw in the back of the den. A nod, sleepy smile on his lips. I'm not dead. He's reminded, half-sad. Morningpaw wouldn't visit him anytime soon. He doesn't remember much of what went on, knows of a battle- faint talking outside.

Fireflypaw rises shakily to his paws, taking an experimental step forward- clearing his throat. The cold nips at his nose, bitter and swift. He wrinkles it.

"Are you comin', Figpaw? Look, it's stopped snowing." He calls to the clementine femme, smiling over his shoulder at her once more. Was her leg healed? Was she hurt from the raid? He hoped he didn't wake her up.

// you don't need to wait for her, but tagging her since he's talking to her first! @FIGPAW

Milling around camp was not his favourite pastime, but chores often needed to be done. Be it by his mentor's instruction or that of his mother and father, nest-making had been something he'd grown quite accustomed to doing, as well as brining water to the elders and tugging the ticks out of their fur. The latter option was his least favourite, and unfortunately the one he had been tasked with for today. Perhaps that was why he was dawdling so much on the way over- why he let his footsteps falter a little but, why he let ever distraction tug at his attention. Upon hearing the low sound of voices buzzing from the medicine den, wide eyes sought the source of the sound.

In low light, the figures of Figpaw and Fireflypaw faded into vision. The two of them had been under the weather (to say the very, very least- and maybe he wouldn't say it, at risk of offending them) for quite a while now, and just to hear- well, one of them talk- was nice. Reassuring. He- well, they were nice to him, and he figured that meant they were pretty nice in general.

"Y-you two are looking better," he murmured, uncertain smile occupying his mocha maw. A paw absentmindedly scuffed the earth in some attempt to distract his mind from spiralling about how they were probably going to judge him for- something. For bothering them, for.... whatever.
penned by pin ✧

" Nice to see you two back." Fierypaw would jump in as he stopt near Twitchpaw but not to close knowing how skittish they were after he had walked over wanting to welcome this two back too after having been stuck in the medic den for a while. Fireflypaw and Figpaw were both cats who he thought were decent enough to appreciate having as clanmates, at least not minded them breathing the same air as him. He had a problem dealing with troublemakers or cats who where just plain out assholes for no reason but this two where good in his book.



"Ugh, don't tell me their letting you two out already." came Quills voice as the giant of an apprentice seemed to materialize on the other side of Twitchpaw, pointedly ignoring Fierypaw as mismatched eyes settled on the pair of cats exiting the medicine cats den. "I was starting to get used to the quiet.

While the words were spoken in his usual dull fashion, easily mistaken for simple rudeness, there was an undertone of inflection there, barely percievable, but present all the same.

Quill was joking.

A sense of humor wasn't something he'd had a lot of time to develop out in the world, but what he had managed to develop was usually dry, sarcastic, or morbid in some way. Like when he'd smashed his face and Twitchpaw had asked him if he had knocked any teeth out, his response to which was a gross, toothy, blood smeared grin that confirmed he'd kept them all. Grossing Twitch out had been funny to him, in the same way that watching someone fall out of a tree or be rejected by their crush would be. Perhaps if he had more empathy for others he'd be a bit more careful with what he chose to laugh at, but Quill didn't have the energy to go feeling for others when he could barely feel for himself.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Mushroomkit pops out from under Quillpaw's legs, chuckling weakly. "You act like the warriors dont twitter like birds every chance they get! Fi and Fig, especially Fig, are the least of your hearing worries!" She chirps, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. "'re so tall I wonder if you can hear most of us anyway." Unlike Quillpaw's minute vocal change, Mushroomkit was a rather over expressive person. One could assume it was from her theatrical storyteller of a grandfather, but in truth, she just put everything she was into everything she did. So the stage-whispered jab at the older tom was glaringly in jest.

Half shining eyes turn towards her best friend though, and she eagerly hops through the snow to bowl over Fireflypaw half back into the medicine den. "Fi! Are you sure you're all better now?" There's a distinct opaqueness to her breath that isnt present in most of the others standing among them. It seemed like she was overcompensating today, but for most it would be hard to tell from her usual self. She glances at the sleeping orange form near the back of the den, not seeing a single ear twitch before turning to Figpaw. "How's your leg? Those Windclanners didn't F-mess it up more right?"

Blazestar is so tired, but he is grateful. Grateful to Cicadastar and his Clan's quick action, throwing themselves into danger for a Clan that had never been more than cordial at best toward them. The flame point partially thinks he owes his remaining kits' lives to the water-dwelling Clan cats, though he hasn't said as much aloud.

Not just sickly Fireflypaw and Howlpaw, but injured Figpaw, elderly Morningbird, young, untrained Mushroomkit, Deersong's kits in the nursery...

Blazestar closes his eyes. He's in a weak patch of sunlight in their snowed-over camp, his warmth negated by the arctic chill in the air. The packed snow beneath his healing but still raw stomach wound cools him and provides incremental relief.

To see his son, Figpaw, and the other cats go on about their days... Blazestar closes his eyes, allowing himself to feel drowsy. Allowing himself to feel, for a moment, that things might be okay again someday.

Figpaw was quite the shell of her former self, she’s become quiet and hides in the back of crowds rather than joining in the middle. The girl’s limb was healing but it would take longer to repair her broken soul, at least there was some shimmer in her eyes as she follows Fireflypaw out of the medicine cats den, it’s nice to feel fresh air on her face.

She moves slow and lopsided, her injured limb either dragging on the ground or being tucked up into her lower stomach. She felt like a kit, relearning how to walk again. It was humiliating and though cats wont say it to her face she knows what they’re all thinking, Figpaw would never be the star SkyClan warrior they all had thought she’d one day be. Breaking Figpaw’s legs had been like clipping a bird’s wings, never again would she soar.

It was a bitter loss to swallow.

Orange eyes look to Twitchpaw, she gives a forced smile,”I‘m just glad not to be sick.” Fever had settled shortly after her injury, Dawnglare told her it had formed from infection. It had made the healing process even worse. The red tabby’s leg still ached, but usually it was more sore feeling than anything. To Fierypaw she nods, it was nice to see many of them again too. She’s seen her clan-mates so little now and she cannot find blame for those who hadn’t visited her often, Figpaw hadn’t wanted the company and had slept most of the days away anyhow.

”Well I’m tired of the quiet, all I’ve heard the past moon is bad news and incoherent mumbling from Dawnglare.” The girl snorts, it comes off a bit dry (unusual for the she-cat) but it is meant as a joke, mostly. She is sure Fireflypaw can say similar for himself, but Figpaw’s departure from the apprentice’s den had probably given the den some needed quiet. She was known for being an erratic chatterbox and never could shut up.

Mushroomkit appears from underneath Quillpaw, she side steps out of the way to avoid getting mixed up in any tackling. When asked how she was Figpaw replies,”Oh no, I think the cat that I fought had it worse than me.” Well- maybe, Figpaw had drawn their blood but Fig’s opponent had not managed to draw hers.”My leg is fine, just want to get back to my duties. Won’t be for awhile though yet.” Another slow passing moon…


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Deformed right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
"One step after the other.. Take your time, we have eter~nity~" The tom sings softly to the healing femme, a melodic hymn beneath his breath. His paws knead the snowy ground beneath him, and Twitchpaw's arrival is met with a smile. He's looking better now? That's good, that's good. "Thanks to the Mother," He hums softly, ear twitching. It was thanks to Her that he was alright now, gifted the high priest with power and healing, herbs to rip the illness from his body with sharp claws. Figpaw gives thanks that she's not sick, and Fireflypaw giggles. "Bein' sick feels like my head was gonna fall off, y'know!" He blabbers with a sharp-toothed grin, shaking snow from his fur.

Fierypaw is happy he's back, though the expression on his face is lax- Firefly doesn't mind. "As well as it cooomes~" Sing-song and lullaby, happy to talk the ears off of Fierypaw if given the chance. However, Quillpaw comes to join them just in time; his snarky remark bit back with a cackle from the child. "No quiet here! Firefly in the caaaa~amp!" He yells out obnoxiously, shouting at the top of his lungs. Smoke puffs from his lips, cold-bitten tongue lapping over his bottom lip.

He's able to expect the tiny body running into him, agrees with her about how Quillpaw has to hear everyone. He lets his body go lax, tumbling backwards- thankfully cushioned by the ground below. Mushie asks if he's alright- if he's sure, he smiles in response. "More sure than anything," He promises with a grin, hugging her back. His ears twitch, the unsure wheezing of breath catching his ear. Possibly because of his own illness he just experienced, or the fear of illness he's gained.. It makes him shift uncomfortably. He would ask about that in a bit, maybe it was just the cold.. He distracts himself with Figpaw talking about how she was feeling. The other cat had it worse? Man, she must've beat them up.. Fireflypaw thinks, in awe. "So cooool! Figgy, you're so strong to have gotten through that!" He purred with a sheepish grin. "I mean, you're alive because you protected yourself so well, you should be proud of yourself, right?" And because of the high priest's magic, of course!