CRIMSON & CLOVER ⊹₊° falconpaw

❀‿ "Thanks for coming with me, bramble collecting is so much nicer when there's someone to help."

There was a skip in her step as Lupinepaw padded out of camp alongside Falconpaw, she was glad to find herself alone with the boy, even if it was under the pretense of doing chores. She hummed as she looked upon the snow-covered branches of the pines sparkling in the sunlight, and a warmth sat in her chest despite being out in the cold.

Lupinepaw had spent her life so far being pushed along with the tide. She wandered behind her denmates as a kitten, joining their games but always too nervous to ever start one herself. When the clans needed their bravest to save them all from a deadly plague, she was crying and shivering in her sickbed, having to take the last of the clan's lungwort and leaving her clanmates to fend off their ailments themselves. When rogues descended upon Skyclan camp, Lupinepaw fled the moment she saw an opening, and could not bring herself to jump into battle when they came to take it back. Even when it came to her own identity, she could only muster up the courage to assert herself as a girl after Drowsypaw came out to her first. Only the stars knew when she would have done it if there was no one beside her...

She was tired of it.

Lupinepaw wanted so badly to be courageous, she was sick of being at the mercy of the wind or the stars or stupid fate or whatever it was! She had hopes and dreams and she wanted the courage to run after them and grab ahold of them with her own paws.

Today, she was going to grab ahold of one of those dreams.

A pine needle is tugged from its branch by the breeze and floats downward in a lazy spiral. Lupinepaw leaps to meet it, catching the needle between two forepaws with a giggle and pressing it into the snow. Her gaze floats back upward to meet sky-blue eyes and she's filled with enough boldness to speak before thinking too hard about it, "Actually, Falconpaw, there's something I wanted to tell you..."

Falconpaw — who was brave, and capable, and so very kind to her. Falconpaw — who was always so mature when all their friends were not. Falconpaw — who bit her tail, but felt bad for it immediately and then apologized so sweetly... It was hard not to like him.

Lupinepaw remembered looking into those soft blue eyes, she remembered seeing the sadness behind them even in the dimness of the sick-den, and she remembered wanting him to be happy. She prayed throughout those long two moons for him to survive — to live to find that happiness. She also prayed, selfishly, that she would be able to spend more time with him. But her thoughts turned to that quiet night under the stars, listening to Blazestar pray for her mother's survival, for a chance to spend more time by her side...

Prayer could only do so much, she realized. And only action could fulfill these prayers. And so, she spoke.

"I like you, Falconpaw. You're so... good and kind and.. I always want to spend time with you and I care about you, like, a lot...!" She said breathlessly, realizing she was starting to ramble, "And I want to express that I... would like to pad after you. And, uhm, yeah. I like you! And it's okay if you don't return my feelings, I won't be mad. I just... had to tell you."

  • OOC: @falconpaw!
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 8mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
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STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
His ears twitched as they stepped from camp. A smile found his face, turning to dip his head towards Lupinepaw. "Of course. I wouldn't let you out in the cold in your lonesome." His voice returned lightly, his paws leaving small wells in the snow where he had stepped. Just as Lupinepaw's thoughts wandered, so did his, thinking of past times. Thinking of the very feeling in his chest aching to burst free.

During the moons he had been sick, some of the only thoughts in his head was that he was glad she could survive. Lupinepaw had always deserved a full life, and even now as he trekked through the forest with her, he could recognize those were deeply grim thoughts. It was deeply grim time, though. Falconpaw had been left behind, but only in the way that it mattered- his survival. His nose twitched gently, an amused smile crossing his lips as Lupinepaw leapt for the pine needle. A tiny laugh left him then.

The look in her eye gave him brief pause, though, surprise filtering through his eyes. "Lupinepaw?" He questioned softly at her admittance. Despite that, he sank back on his haunches, waiting patiently.

This was it. This was when Lupinepaw said something that made the turning point in their lives, perhaps. Was he so full of hope that he needed her to be able to change his life? Or was it the fact he might be lost without direction? His eyes searched hers as he waiting for her to gather the nerve, the bursting admittance that he ached to hear. And when the words finally came, he sucked in a sharp breath. Stars above, she was too good to him, sometimes.

"Lupinepaw," A breathless laugh left Falconpaw as he stood, stepping a moment closer. A small smile was worn on his face, but his eyes were bursting with joy. "The feelings are... definitely returned. You don't need to worry about that." He said quietly, his tail sweeping the dusting of snow behind him. "I didn't know how to bring this up with you for- a while now.." He trailed off, trying to form an explanation, his eyes darting up towards the pine above them. "I think ever since I got better and you were... one of the first to greet me back into the world, I knew a little bit."

He turned, finding another piece of pine needle that had fallen- still green in color, sure to turn orange as it withered. But for now, he picked it up and stepped closer to her, if she permitted. The pine needle would be tucked into her neck fur. He straightened it quietly. "I like you too, Lupinepaw." He whispered, as if they were keeping it secret, as if he was afraid of the whole world to hear still.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS