crooked five fingers || caterpillar


all opinions are IC only i'm so sorry he's stinky
Jun 20, 2023

It hasn't been long since the new kit arrived, and Batkit had luckily been able to avoid her so far. Sure, they slept in the same den, but at this point that was the only time Batkit entered the nursery.

His mother asks a question from where she was lounging in camp. "Are you hungry?" He nods, and she sends him to the fresh-kill pile to bring a meal for them to share. He has to pick the perfect prey, of course, so he circles the fresh-kill pile, sniffing each individual piece of prey before finally settling on a plump rat. Trotting back towards Snowfeather, he slides to a halt. The new kit is in his way. He thinks her name is... Bugkit, or something similar, but he doesn't care. The charcoal tabby glances at his mother, who makes an encouraging nod towards the other kit. Ugh, she wants him to talk to her. He supposes he can do that. It doesn't have to be a long interaction, just a quick hello. That's fine. He can do that.

"Hello," he mumbles around the rat.

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there isn't anything to her gaze. she basks little emotion in the voided visionaries while her focus seems to be elsewhere. she... misses her mom. sure the queens were nice enough... there was one that was even blind as she was, and a kit too, but this wasn't home to her. not yet. not any time soon. no matter how much she felt at ease around spectermask, she isn't sure she'd ever feel like this was truly where she belonged. the forest was a terrifying place already, even worse when visually impaired, but that wasn't why she didn't feel at home. she simply just wanted her mother. how come every other kit got to have parents, and she didn't? it didn't seem fair at all. still, she says nothing. she's not one to complain openly, always being too eager to please those around her. praise is always like honey to her.

"oh! uhm– hi."

even with the words being muffled, she can hear them with ease. she stood to her paws, gently sniffing the air around the kit, blinking her pale gaze.

"i'm sorry i don't remember your scent... i am uh... I am... i'm..."

her words fade as she begins to get upset with herself. why can't she remember her name? maybe because she'd only had it for a few days. maybe that's why. or maybe because she... hadn't earned it.

"runt... no. no. little bug... still not it. ca...caterpillarkit. that's it... my name is caterpillarkit. hi. again."
Batkit tilts his head as he watches Caterpillarkit stumble over her name. Exactly how long had she been here? Batkit can't remember, but it probably wasn't long, if she can't even remember her own name. "We haven't met before, so that makes sense. I'm Batkit."

She's an odd one, but she doesn't seem to be the worst cat ever. At least, she doesn't seem as if she's going to talk his ear off or act like she's better than him.
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