private CROSS MY HEART AND I HOPE TO DIE — maggotfur

〕It stinks here.

Snakehiss had never taken too kindly to WindClan's neighbors. He could vaguely recall, even as an apprentice, hurling scathing insults toward patrols across the Thunderpath: you reek of mud, go back to eating toads. ShadowClanners were disgusting — how could they stand to eat toads? Weren't they fatty and slimy? Yuck.

The black tom does not find himself going out of his way to avoid the area of the Thunderpath, however. Snakehiss had bolted into the night as far as his skinny legs could carry him, away from the ragtag conglomeration of exiles and rogues that had nearly killed him. It bothered Snakehiss, knowing that the mad queen's supporters were still managing to survive out in the wilds. They deserved to perish just as Sootstar had, for their cause was of little worth anymore. To think that they worshipped a dead cat, one who likely was not even in StarClan! Wherever Sootstar was, she was not among Silverpelt.

Triangular ears twitch at the sound of pawsteps across the dark road, causing him to duck low to the ground and hope that the shadows were enough to conceal him. If he was still a WindClanner, he may have boldly addressed the ShadowClanner across the way, but he was alone now. He had no backup, no reinforcements; if he were to be attacked, no one would be able to help him. So, for now, Snakehiss simply watches the movements of the stranger through narrowed eyes. With no cover, he was not too difficult to spot against the grass if one looked hard enough.

  • ooc. @Maggotfur.
  • SNAKEHISS —— exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to rowanpaw , viperpaw , and privetpaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png

    a shorthaired black solid with green eyes. a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.
maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
The acrid scent of the thunderpath is a familiar comfort for Maggotfur.

For a cat whos spent their life in such a desolate place as Shadowclans marshes, she's long since learned that there are far more bothersome things then having to navigate the muck and rot of places like the marsh or carrionplace. The sting of her nose is only temporary, and the grime that streaks her pristine pelt if she isn't careful can be easily bathed away. Things like hunger and grief are not so easily shed.

Magpiepaws death haunts her - Sunflowermasks betrayal (their absence) fills her thoughts. And with mind wandering, so do the mollies paws - keen blue eyes searching for telltale gleam of bone upon the asphalt, carrion killed by monsters and picked clean by the carrion birds until all they leave behind is treasures to add to her growing collection. She darts across the path thoughtlessly - confident in her abilities to fend off any trouble that may find it's way to her.

But instead of bone-white or shining silver, eyes land upon hunched figure and a glow of green - body freezing for only a moment. He says nothing, and for a moment neither does she - before she draws herself to her full height. " You- why did you hide there? " she says, lilting voice cold - no matter her beauty, Maggotfur has never been a kind creature. Still, she makes no move to fight - she might relish in bloodshed and violence, certainly, but she has no interest in staining her paws tonight - not here, where memories of lifeless back and white body still haunt her mind,

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
〕Ah, it seems that the stealth he had once been renowned for had failed him. Starvation had made him weak and had dulled his skills. That, or perhaps this was not the best spot to seek cover. He was still used to WindClan's tall grasses and heather being able to shield him from view.

The she-cat's gaze falls upon him, her voice icy and her stance confident although not immediately indicative of a threat. Well, the cat's out of the bag now. There was no use in pretending that she could not see him. "Clan cats do not usually take well to rogues." Snakehiss responds, rising to his full height and meeting a pair of blue hues. There is no mention of his connection to a clan; his moorland scent is long gone by now and he no longer resembles the healthy, well-fed form of a moor runner but a scrawny, hungry outsider. It is a shameful thing, but these days, Snakehiss finds it hard to care. As much as he obsessively grooms himself, there isn't enough time in a day to primp his pelt when there is traveling and hunting to be done.

Aside from the marshy ShadowClan scent that clings to her pelt, Snakehiss also notices the molly's natural beauty. Silvery blue stripes cascade down from a head of pure white, an appearance that is admittedly stunning ( at least for a ShadowClanner ). She was perhaps the most beautiful creature to grace his sight in moons, as all Snakehiss had seen thus far was lands barren and dull. "Aren't you going to attack me?" His inquiry is tonally more curious than goading. Snakehiss doesn't wish for a fight, not in his pathetic state, but he knew that he would have chased off a rogue from the edge of his territory if given the chance.

  • ooc.
  • SNAKEHISS —— exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to rowanpaw , viperpaw , rosepaw and privetpaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png

    a shorthaired black solid with green eyes. a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.
maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
The state of the tom before her only brings up memories best kept buried - the gnawing ache of hunger, of cats with far to many ribs. Maggotfur is no stranger to hunger - no, she is a creature carefully crafted by it after all. That aching emptiness that never quite leaves, not even now, no matter how much she eats until she can't any more. Tail flicks slowly, the only sign of her unease - not because of Snakehiss, stars no, but her own mind. Her emotions. They leave her unsettled - and its for this that she blames the fact she can't hide her snort at his next words.

Eyes glitter with amusement - because in truth, she'd love nothing more then a good fight just then. The feel of her claws tearing through fur, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue? it's a thrill she lives for - would gladly die for. But it's just... not the same, not anymore. The thought of obsidian fur and volet eyes stay her paws, and instead she just shakes her head. " Sure - I could, but why should I? You don't look like much..... of a threat, " she says, letting her words linger in a way that suggestions she just means he really isn't much at all.

Besides, she's confident she'd win any such scuffle - though whether that self-assured confidence is true or not? Well that's something they're not about to find out. Not tonight anyways. " If you know clan cats so well, then why are you here? " she says, after another moments pause where the thought occurs to her. Now her own curiosity has sparked - because somehow, this stranger doesn't seem like them, fascinated by the morbid beauty of death that lingers in the place. Eyes rover Snakehiss' form, and if they linger for a moment to long on the white that adorns his throat - an actual star shaped 'star spot' her mind supplies, ever so unhelpfully - well, that's no ones business but her own.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
〕Snakehiss' eyes fall half-lidded as Maggotfur doesn't regard him with any esteem, instead denoting him as some skinny, harmless nobody. This does not please the former WindClanner who used to pride himself on his ferocity, but his tone merely reads as irritated, not outright angry. "I don't necessarily take that as a compliment, but... I suppose it's true." The black-furred tom grumbles. He is pretty unremarkable right now, any lean muscle he used to retain now deflated and nothing of note. Snakehiss detested how he looked, but day-to-day survival was at the forefront of his priorities at the moment.

Her question is fair and, seeing as it was not overly prying, Snakehiss supposed he could answer to the best of his ability, "Let's just say that I'm not in the good graces of the other rogues at the moment." It was true. Snakehiss would not dare share more than that; he's sure that this ShadowClanner would take an opportunity to maim ( and potentially kill ) a former supporter of Sootstar. The relationship between WindClan and ShadowClan under the Moor Queen's reign had been turbulent, to say the least. Was it any better under Sunstar? Snakehiss would not know; he's not overheard any recent news. "I'm lying low in this area until it's safe." The tom explains. He hopes that his honesty will deter the she-cat from trying to chase him away; if he were truly a threat to her clan, he would have attacked her already.

While she did not appear to be here to chase him off, her gallop across the road had startled him. He had expected her to remain in ShadowClan territory. He inquires with a flick of his tail, "Why have you crossed over the Thunderpath?" Clan cats do not venture onto the tarry black path often; any warrior with a brain knows that it's an infamous death trap. Perhaps it was something she did often; after all, Snakehiss would understand wanting to get away from the gross, swampy bogland. When WindClan had stayed in ShadowClan territory, he had loathed the feeling of mud squelching in between his toes.

  • ooc.
  • SNAKEHISS —— exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to rowanpaw , viperpaw , and privetpaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png

    a shorthaired black solid with green eyes. a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.

maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

The tom admits to avoiding the other rogues - 'Let's just say that I'm not in the good graces of the other rogues at the moment.'; clearly an understatement if he's bothering to talk to her. Tail flicks and head tilts, her curiosity only rising the more they chat.

" Its... nice, " she says slowly, glancing away for a moment. " to get away sometimes. And there's always something new here - bones, carrion... cats, apparently, " this time her amusements more genuine, wry smile twitching across her lips as she gestures vaguely towards the acrid scented path.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T