cross out the ones that [ MAGGOTFUR ] heard my cries and watched me weep


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

  • maggotkit | maggotpaw | maggotfur
    → 'maggot' because her father believed her cursed; 'fur' for her striking appearance
    → will respond to maggie

    21 moons | ages realtime on the 1st
    → revamped on 01/01/23
    → born 01/01/23

    female [afab] | uses feminine pronouns [she/her]

    biromantic | demisexual | polyamorous
    → single; not looking [open to plotting]

    shadowclan | queen
    → born and raised in shadowclan
    → previous ranks of kit and apprentice
    → loyal to herself above all else; deeply loathes clans other than shadowclan
    → devout starclan believer; has picked up some unusual traditions and superstitions from magpiepaw
  • longhaired blue silver tabby with low white [25% mainecoon; carries polydactylism] | reference
    ↳​ Maggie's appearance is not nearly as daunting as one might assume based on her name - a rather femininely built she-cat, she's actually quite pretty. With a thick, double-coat of fluffy, slightly wavy fur, much of Maggie's bulk is made up of bits of fluff, with her actual body being quite petite and thin, though that doesn't mean she's lacking in physical strength and power. Her large ears are graciously tipped with long tufts, and her long legs lead to large yet deceptively dexterous paws. Having finally hit her final growth spurt, she towers over most at a whopping 12 inches tall, and weighs in at a full 20lbs. Her eyes are large and wide, almond shaped with rather round pupils, and a little button nose sits just beneath them. A large, fluffy, plumed tail completes the look - nearly as long and large as the entire rest of her body. In terms of coloration, she's a distinctively-patterned blue-silver tabby, her clouded-tabby markings a deep grey blue superimposed over a coat of pale silver, with white toes on all four paws, a white tail tip, and the entirety of her head, neck, and chest being white as well. The velvety skin of her nose and paw-pads are a soft pink, and her eyes are a strikingly soft shade of bright teal.
    → tall with big paws, appears bulkier than she is due to fur, striking turquoise eyes
    → no visible scars/injuries
    → no accessories

    → tends to be quite forward with her words, well spoken and eloquent and often purposefully choosing more complex vocabulary to seem smarter than others. her voice is slightly accented, and her tone lofty - she feels she is better than everyone else, and every bit of her mannerisms are carefully crafted to reflect this self-image.
    → maggie tends to hold herself quiet gracefully, giving off an air of self-importance and dignity. she moves gracefully despite her large size, head held high and haughty. her expression is always neutral or frowning, eyes cold and steely, and she has a habit of looking down her muzzle at others when listening or speaking. her tail is the only expressive part of her features, it's swishing easily giving away her more irritable or excited moods.

    designed by crazyclaw | toyhouse
    → faceclaim tba
    → voiceclaim tbd
    → aesthetic: turquoise and violet, ruined childhoods, grunge, rebels, graffiti, bones, taxidermy, bruises and bitemarks, bandages and black eyes, sharp teeth, muzzles, bloodsplatters, wolves, panthers, warning signs, neon lights
    → theme weeks
  • intellegent | fearless | cunning | resourceful | patient
    ↳​ long description here
    power hungry | mischievous | impulsive | morbid | offhand
    ↳​ long description here
    narcissistic | selfish | brutal | bloodthirsty | abrasive
    ↳​ long description here

    → likes: bones, rocks, feathers, beetles, shiny objects; food
    → dislikes: cats older then her, being told what to do
    → fears: nothing
  • extroverted — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — introverted
    reckless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cautious
    competitive — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cooperative
    emotional — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — composed
    lazy — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — diligent
    energetic — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — calm
    playful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — serious
    ↳​ maggotfur does not limit her hoarding habits to just inanimate objects - no, she collects people too. more likely to approach those her age or younger, she's steadily collected herself what she refers to as a band of pawns and oddities. anyone who does not fit the preconceptions of what is normal, anyone who has been let down by the adults in their lives - well, she makes it her job to be their new provider. all she requires in return is their loyalty. a fickle feline, its not uncommon to find her subtly bullying or mocking these friends, but should the tables be turned or someone else try to do the same, she reacts violently - they are hers, after all.
    ↳​ extremely food driven, it's not uncommon for maggotfur to go after anything that moves when hunting. she is far from picky, and has been seen eating everything from ice and bones, insects and spiders, frogspawn and tadpoles, even the strange twoleg rubbish that litters carrionplace. nothing is off limits, and she's been seen making more than one joke about eating her clanmates should she grow hungry enough.
    favorite food: anything
    favorite activity: hunting
    favorite time of day: sunset
    favorite weather: cold and grey
    favorite season: leafbare

    → goals: to rise through shadowclans ranks until she holds power
    → achievements: was given ptarmiganpaw to train; was given leechpaw to train; redacted

  • health: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    hunting: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    fighting: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    attack: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    defense: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] stealth: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] running: level | 60/100
    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ​
' my patience running thinner on this melting clock '
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  • VIRIDIANSKIES(npc) x WOLFBITE(npc) | fostered by SNAILCURL | gen 01
    → no surviving littermates;
    → 3 half-siblings (npcs);

    crushing on NONE | 1/2 of unknown
    ↳ previously crushing on sunflowermask
    → parent to none;
    → grandparent to none;

    other relations:
    → foster sibling to mothpaw, sproutkit;

    family tree
  • trusts: magpiepaw
    respects: magpiepaw

    close friends: magpiepaw
    friends: raggedbite, sunflowermask, halfpaw
    acquaintances: eeriepaw, crowpaw, smogmaw, ferndance, needledrift, frostbite, chilledstar, starlingheart, mottlefox, sharpshadow, tadpolepaw, garlicheart, scorchedmoon,

    hates: ashenfall, most of shadowclan, applejaw, sabletuft

    mentor(s): npc
    apprentice(s): ptarmiganpaw; leechpaw

  • outgoing — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — withdrawn
    confident — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — insecure
    conversational — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — shy
    narrow-minded — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — open-minded
    unbothered — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — sensitive
    heartless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — empathetic
    vengeful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — forgiving

    ↳​ hard to make platonic connections with, prone to judging others based on factors outside of their control such as their relations, age, etc. - once a friendship has been formed however it is extremely hard to break

    ↳​ hard to romance, has skewed views of relationships and 'love' but once in a relationship is very loyal. more likely to form relationships of convenience or duty then any emotional commitment.

    love language: gift giving; views exchanges of physical items as being more meaningful/permanent than actions or words could ever be
  • Magpiepaw |
    " Magpiepaw? What abut him? He was our medicine cat apprentice, starclan's chosen... until he died, anyways,"
    ↳​ If Maggotfur were to ever admit to having such things as friends, Magpiepaw would have to be one of them - her best friend, in fact. The strange tom wriggled his way into her sights early on, and despite everything Maggotfur has grown unreasonably fond of him. she is still struggling to work through her fascination with him, to put a label to the feelings - but one thing she's certain of is that he was her favorite clanmate by far. His death shook her - left her reeling, even if outwardly it was not as apparent as one would expect. In fact, his death has lead to some... interesting choices, for lack of better words...

    Raggedbite |
    " Raggedbite was... alright, I suppose. He didn't deserve to die, "
    ↳​ Raggedbite was someone that Maggotfur would very much like to collect - she found his scatterbrained-ness to be quite fun and amusing, and purposefully went out of her way to interact with him for this reason - even if it means beating him soundly in their sparring sessions while giving help in the form of scathing criticisms. She was very fond of him, proud of the wrrior he'd gorwn into, even if she didn't show it.

    Smogstar |
    "Smogmaw was a good deputy for shadowclan - strong and hardworking... surely, he'll make an acceptable leader, "
    ↳​ like most cats who are older then her, Maggotfur would not trust Smogstar as far as she could throw them - nor does she see reason to even try. however, he is one of the few cats to pay attention to and acknowledge her efforts and her skills, and she is quite keen to try and take advantage of this fact to perhaps push herself up the ranks. any words of praise that fall from her mouth are naught but empty platitudes, but really, there are worse cats in the clan - and she thinks he'll be a far sight better then most as leader.

    " ____? Who's that? Doesn't sound familiar, "
    ↳​ Perhaps the mollies best-kept secret, and both her best decision and biggest regret - a single night spent interacting with a stranger in a moment of weakness. An escape, a chance to be someone (anyone) other then herself - to acknowledge the pain and hurt that follows her paws in the wake of Magpiepaw's loss and, perhaps even worse, replacement as medicine cat apprentice. She knows only of them as a cat who'd both given her a second chance, and utterly destroyed her ambitions.

    Sunflowermask |
    " A Windclanner is a Windclanner - lying rats, all of them, "
    ↳​ there is an undercurrent of hurt, and truthfully, hope whenever Sunflowermask crosses Maggotfurs mind. they were one of the few cats that ever caught Maggotfurs interest, and through their quiet interactions she had grown to think of them as a friend. With Magpiepaws advice, she was aware of her own growing feelings for the windclanner - something she never truly planned to act upon - but any... daydreams she might've had for their continued interaction were shattered when Halfpaw's disappearance is revealed to have been windclans fault. Maggotfur is left feeling betrayed by her friend, and when she no longer see's them upon the thunderpath for any of their shared meetings, she takes it to mean they've abandoned her in the end,

    name |
    " IC quote here "
    ↳​ full opinion goes here

' cerebrum jailed with thoughts, most would consider rot '
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  • Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
  • kit-hood. — 00-03 moons
    summarize childhood here
    apprenticeship. — 04-11 moons
    summarize adolescence here
    warrior-hood. — 12-99 moons
    summarize adulthood here
    elder-moons. — 100-?? moons
    summarize elderly days here (opt.)
  • event title — thread
    event title — thread
    event title — thread
    event title — thread
    event title — thread
    event title — thread
    event title — thread
' a smaller line of lyrics or a quote will go right here '

━ cradles by sub urban
I live inside my own world of make-believe, kids screaming in their cradles, profanities. I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach - cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep,
━ freak by sub urban
let me be your freak show, I could be your favorite monster. rattle my whole cage, remind me why I can't be fostered. let me be your freak show, I could be your favorite monster - lock me up, don't let me out 'cause you know I can't help myself,
━ inferno by sub urban
manic like a chandelier, crack the ceiling, Marie Antoinette 'cause she's lost her head. falling for exteriors, as appealing as they might be, I know I'm afraid,
━ uh oh by sub urban
fool me once, that's one too many, better luck next time you've met me - where's the dunce who caught you meddling?
━ choke by IDKHBTFM
if I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die - and that would be just fine, and what a lovely time that it would surely be, so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep,
━ bad bad things by ajj
so I looked into your eyes and I saw the reflection of a coward you and I both hate very much and then I grabbed the knife and I let the blood out of your throat and I smashed those tiny mirrors inside of your skull,
━ hit and run by LOLO
history will hate us but they'll never forget our names - they never saw us coming, 'til they hit the floor. they just kept beggin' for more, more,
━ knives by neoni
you better sharpen up your knives if you wanna make it through the night, you better remember that you can never trust nobody - take the gloves off, things get ugly
━ body bag by neoni
murder in the first degree, sucks that you didn't succeed. lock you up and toss the key, welcome to living dead to me
━ haunted house by neoni
broken windows and a warning scribbled on my walls - saying that you better turn around. wouldn't be the first to try to burn me down, your move, you choose. could you love me at my worst, 'til the coffin's in the dirt? or try to break me like a curse? you know that will never work - I'm a little bit absurd, I like dancing on the verge. anyone can love a pretty little mansion but could you love a haunted house?
━ utopia by neoni
the system's always been broke, be honest - don't you feel like its holding you hostage? stay in line, 'til you fall in your coffin,
━ tongues and teeth by the crane wives
I will only break your pretty things, I will only wring you dry of everything - and if you're fine with that, you can be mine like that
━ rabid by nicole dollanganger
we're the same, we're both rabid animals. got sick heads and minds, we were both born feral like fields growing high, we're just those dark animals, the sad things at night. we know no control
━ give us a little love by fallulah
if I never turn, I will never grow - keep the door ajar when I'm coming home. I will try, can't you see I'm trying? give us a little love, give us a little love - we never had enough, we never had enough,
━ monster by meg & dia
his little whispers - "love me, love me," that's all I ask for "love me, love me,"
he battered his tiny fists to feel something. wondered what it's like to touch and feel something,

' a smaller line of lyrics or a quote will go right here '
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maggotfur 22 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?

[box=50%; color: white; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][right][color=mediumpurple][size=16px]WONDERED WHAT IT'S LIKE TO[/size][size=17px]
 TOUCH AND [B]FEEL SOMETHING[/B][/size][/color][/right][b][color=mediumturquoise]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b][center][size=14px]          maggotfur [color=mediumpurple]♛[/color] 22 moons [color=mediumpurple]♛[/color] female [color=mediumpurple]♛[/color] she/her [color=mediumpurple]♛[/color] shadowclan queen           [/size][/center][b][color=mediumturquoise]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=99%; float: center; text-align: justify;][fleft][img width=130px][/img][/fleft]                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.                       

[fright][size=11px]          [color=mediumturquoise][b]━[/b][/color] actions [color=mediumturquoise]&[/color] [b]"[outline=#000] speech, [/outline]"[/b] [color=mediumturquoise]&[/color] [i]'thoughts/quotes'[/i] [color=transparent]━[/color] [/size][/fright]           [/box][b][color=mediumpurple]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
[box=99%; color: mediumturquoise; text-align: center; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11px;]   [b]M O N S T E R ,[/B]  [color=transparent]-[/color] H O W [color=transparent]-[/color] S H O U L D [color=transparent]-[/color] I [color=transparent]-[/color] F E E L [color=transparent]-[/color] [B]?[/B] [/box][b][color=mediumpurple]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/b]
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