private Crossing the Frame // Mosspool

Aspenhaze has been so busy, but even still, their first apprentice has been on their mind. When she was renamed from Mosspaw to Mosspool, they were so proud. Unfortunately, they didn’t really have time to go over and give her congratulations, as they were assigned a new apprentice straight away. And what an apprentice Bubblepaw is…

They’re certain that it will not be the same, given how poorly her previous mentor seemed to do. They’re not the same cat, either. While Mosspool was dutiful in every sense of the word, even being strict, Bubblepaw is much more cheerful. Optimism might be something the clan needs right now, but her boundless energy is not something that Aspenhaze can reciprocate. Even so, they know they can make her into something great. It might not be as easy this time around, but they’re up to the challenge. They trust Smokestar’s judgement fully.

Well, they have another cat to focus on right now. When they spot the familiar brown pelt, their eyes light up as they stroll over. It’s a bit awkward to finally talk to her for the first time they are on equal footing, but all the same, it’s a powerful feeling. She might not be their daughter, but they feel the same as watching your kid grow up to be even more amazing than you could ever imagine.

“Mosspool. I hope you don’t mind me asking you for a quick chat. I’m sorry I didn’t come to you sooner, but you know how busy it’s been.” At least their new leader has been a pillar to them all, despite how easily he could have crumbled by now, and understandably so. “First off…I’m so proud of you. I know I said it before, but it’s still as true now. You deserved your promotion more than anyone else, in my eyes. You’re the finest warrior RiverClan could ask for.” They can feel tears edging the corners of their eyes, and they allow it.

After Aspenhaze takes a moment to collect themself from getting emotional, they continue. “I also wanted to check on you. I’m sure the journey was hard enough, but to come back to the news of Cicadastar dying…I’m sure it wasn’t easy. We seem to always be facing one crisis after another, hmm?” They chuckle, but it’s hollow.

// OOC : @Mosspool , also one of their prompts (#4)!
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𓆝 . ° ✦ Hearing her former mentor call her name, Mosspool instinctively went to stand at attention. Then she remembered herself. The emphasis that they put on pool found her ears. She forced herself to relax, even if it felt uncomfortable to do so. Moons of training under Aspenhaze protested against it. A tad awkwardly, she nodded in greeting to them.

"Not at all." Of course she would not mind a quick chat with Aspenhaze. During the lonely days of the journey, she would have thanked the stars themselves for such a chance. Even though she had eventually warmed to some of her companions from the other clans, they were no replacement for her fellow Riverclanners.

Even if she had heard it before, her former mentor's praise still made her chest puff up with pride. Especially when they continued on, going even further than they had before, to say she had been more deserving than her peers and that she was the finest warrior the clan could have asked for. It shocked her to see Aspenhaze's eyes brimming with tears, and it meant the world to her.

"Thank you, sir. I mean-" In her own ears, Mosspool sounded cold. Her words had their usual formality, and it was not enough to communicate the gratitude she felt. Instinctively, she had fallen back on it the moment tears threatened her; like a kit running to their mother. She could not accept the thought that she might cry as easily as her former mentor seemed to. There was, perhaps, more that they could still teach her. For once, her formality felt like it was getting in the way of her expression rather than assisting it. "Thank you, Aspenhaze." Mosspool managed, eventually. "You were the finest mentor I could have asked for. I was lucky to have you." The words were fierce with certainty, as though the stars themselves had assured her of the truth of them. She could not match them for vulnerability, but she could give them the praise with her whole heart.

It was almost reassuring when Aspenhaze collected themselves. Mosspool was not certain what she would have done with herself if her former mentor had begun to cry right in front of her.

She glanced away as they mentioned they had wanted to check on her. It would be a lie to say she was perfectly alright, and she respected Aspenhaze too much for that. So she decided on a more tepid answer. "The stars have indeed laid out a difficult path for us." It did seem that their clan was faced with peril time and time again. Part of her had thought that the journey would be the end of it all, but hearing about the rouge attack and Cicadastars death had put her on edge. It felt like they were particularly vulnerable without his guidance.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
As stoic as ever, but that is what Aspenhaze has always liked about Mosspool. They can tell how awkward all they've had to say so far is making her, but at least she's still taking it in stride. She deserves every ounce of praise that comes from their mouth, they truly do believe. It amuses them how easily being formal comes to her as well, not used to being on the same standing just as much as them.

When they are praised right back, though, it moves them especially. They were expecting it, or course, but such vigor takes them by surprise. A good surprise, nonetheless. They laugh heartily, not in a playful way but out of genuine joy. “I’m glad we both got what we wanted and more learning from each other, then. Thank you as well.” It was almost like they were meant to be. They doubt they’ll have another apprentice quite like her in a long time, if ever.

“The stars have, indeed. I find some peace in knowing that WindClan is slowly coming to an end. Not entirely, sure, but it will help to get rid of Sootstar and her friends.” There might not be word from StarClan themselves, seeing as they can’t even access the Moonstone as of current, but things almost seem to be taking a positive turn, despite all the devastation. Now to pray that rogues will not come back to haunt them for many moons yet.

That isn’t the only thing that gives Aspenhaze hope, either. Not when they have Mosspool to factor in. “Furthermore, you all made it back safely. That’s as much of a win as anything. We could have become so much smaller, and yet we are not. We continue to stay standing throughout.” It says a lot that they could continue to thrive as they have despite all that has been thrown their way, at least they think so.​