WindClan pools into the starlit clearing, their pelts illuminated by the full moon's glow. At their head is the proclaimed Queen of Wind and Hills, every piece of fur on her pelt thoughtfully groomed. She appeared heavenly in the dim lighting of the night; one could easily forget for a few moments just how dangerous the petite blue she-cat was.

Departing from her clan her paws carry her over to the boulder grounded near the outskirts of the clearing. Powerful haunches bend and push, propelling her upwards onto the rock with shocking grace. You'd think one of Sootstar's stature would struggle a little with the leap... perhaps some cats would, but not her.

She settles herself down, being mindful to avoid the spots chosen by Blazestar, Cicadastar, and Emberstar. The only leader she desired to sit with was Pitchstar... perhaps they'd display their newly blossomed friendship with pride tonight? She was awaiting to see how open the crazed leader appeared to be... perhaps tonight he'd show more stability than he had in previous interactions with WindClan.

While waiting for her fellow leaders to arrive, Sootstar uses her paw to broom fallen leaves off from the rock and into the clearing below. Fourtrees had made quite the transition in the last moon, no longer were the leaves a lively green... Now they were pigmented red, yellow, orange, and brown... Soon enough the branches of tree's would be entirely barren save for the pines, the only thing clothing them being a layer of snow.

She draws in a shaky breath, hoping their starry ancestors delay the frost and snow for as long as they could.

//This thread is for when the gathering commences, and the leaders begin to share their news! All characters are able to react in this thread to the news both verbally and quietly ^^


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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With fur riddled with decorative leaves and flowers, Hyacinthbreath follows not far behind her leader as they make their way into the clearing. Lit up by the moon, Hyacinth watches the light cast to the ground and sparkle upon the small rocks in the clearing. Her eyes search the gathering area, looking for the familiar face of Smokethroat- hoping he was present. Nonetheless, she seats herself amongst the growing crowd of cats and waits.

She only hoped it wouldn't turn to chaos.
For once, Emberstar arrived to a gathering and wasn't all smiles and cheer. Between Blazestar's announcement last moon, and Pitchstar's arrival on her territory just a few days ago, there was a tension in the air that even she wasn't immune to. Still, she tried to keep a smile on her face, if only a polite one, as she led her clan into the clearing. Even if she was worried, that was no reason to make the rest of her clan stress with her. If something went wrong, she'd handle it.

"Go, talk amongst the other clans!" she encouraged her clanmates in spite of the thoughts that swirled in her head. "Enjoy yourselves!" As she did, she waved her tail toward Howling Wind, indicating her deputy to stick close to her. The older molly was a skilled warrior and a trusted friend, and tonight she would have dire need of both. Especially seeing who had been the first to arrive before her.

Leaping atop the rock, the Thunderclan leader found that it was her and Sootstar who had been the first to arrive. How she wished it had been anyone else. Even Pitchstar, with his open aggression, might have been more welcome. Despite that, she greeted the other leader with a nod of her head and a small smile. "Heya Sootstar."

If all that Blazestar said was true, and she was inclined to believe him, it was perhaps not what she should be doing. She knew that. Yet still, what was the alternative? Emberstar was not like Pitchstar, she would not incite the other clans, even if she had reason. There were too many people counting on her for that. She would keep the peace, as long as she could.

There could not be another great battle.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar and SkyClan are next, and the flame point glowers at the great rock where Sootstar sits, chin held high. Apparently nothing could humble the blue smoke, and Blazestar has given up trying. Perhaps Emberstar, Cicadastar, and Briarstar are going to heed his warnings, however, and cut themselves off from WindClan.

Even Sootstar's presence can't extinguish the lightness in his step, the warmth and pride bursting blue in his eyes. The Gathering is an event held under a beautiful moon, SkyClan is strong, and he's a father. He's a father.

"Go ahead and mingle, SkyClan," he all but purrs, whiskers twitching. "We've nothing to hide this moon."

The Ragdoll leaps onto the stone's surface with grace and power -- a complete turn-around from the last full-moon. He pointedly ignores Sootstar, but turns to Emberstar with warmth. "Hello! It's good to see you again, Emberstar. You look well." She doesn't, at all. She looks tired, and her small shoulders are tensed as though she's worried something awful is going to happen. He gives Sootstar a cautious look. Had there been trouble with WindClan after all?

- ,,
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Weaselclaw holds his head highly, proudly, as WindClan enters Fourtrees behind Sootstar and Duskfire. He flanks Hyacinthbreath, unadorned with flowers and leaves as she is, but well-groomed and well-muscled beneath the silvery sheen of the full moon. He does not notice his co-lead warrior searching the crowd; he settles beside her, flicking burning blue eyes across the Clans that began to stream in.

ThunderClan and SkyClan. Kittypets. Weaselclaw barely suppresses a snort. The two flame point leaders are friendly enough with each other, but the King of Kittypets, as Sootstar calls him, does not acknowledge their great leader at all. At least Emberstar has the decency to attempt diplomacy.

He brushes his shoulder against Hyacinthbreath. "Things will be fine," he says, confident. In a lower voice, inaudible to any but the silver she-cat, "With ShadowClan on our side, no one will dare start trouble with us." He's confident in that. Pitchstar is a new leader, but he's displayed his ferocity to WindClan already. Weaselclaw did not appreciate the black tabby pushing Sootstar around, but part of him still has to admire the blatant strength he'd displayed, the loyalty to his kin and Clan.

- ,,

He...he was alone. For once at the gathering he was by himself. There was no Honeytwist to sit next to for comfort, no other medicine cats to mingle with; he almost felt repulsed at the idea of going to sit anywhere near them because he felt too horrified still by what happened. Dandelionpaw was a ball of nerves and barely held together, sinew stretched tight and muscles coiled to spring; if someone so much at looked at him too sharply he might burst into pieces then and there. This gathering was going to be a disaster, a nightmare, he didn't want to come but he'd had to. Even if he had not been made to, he had to know what was happening, he had to try his best to sink his claws into this alliance with ShadowClan because he just wanted one cat who would understand his struggles, talk to, help him learn...he only had Bonejaw as an option. Why she didn't despise him by proxy he would not know, but he wasn't about to say no to a friendship he desperately wanted. With his head up and trying not to look as unnerved as he felt, Dandelionpaw smiled placidly and quickly decided tha the was going to sit in the safest place here because rational be damned. Without much pause he would wiggle himself between both Lead Warriors and plop right down, almost immediately losing the tension in his shoulders after doing so. Say what you will about WindClan, he didn't like the tyrannical nature of it himself and he would be the first to denounce Sootstar when it came down to it; but they did look after their own and he was one of them.
Overhearing Weaselclaw's comment he chose to say nothing though his false bravado of a smile remained, he sincerely hoped it were true at least.

Into the clearing struts the rosette tabby, his clan pouring out behind him. A devilish smirk rests upon Pitchstar's face, the knowledge of what's to come wriggling it's way to the forefront of his mind like a worm to the surface after a storm. He's going to ensure that everyone leaves this clearing with the knowledge of the heinous acts committed by two medicine cats. He is going to sully their names with the blood they spilled, and he is going to delight in it. He is going to fuckin' savor it like it is the juciest piece of prey he's ever eaten.

"Enjoy yourselves, ShadowClan. Tonight will be a delightful one." Pitchstar winks at his clan before flourishing his tail in the air and parading through the crowd. Cheeky bastard he is, he purposefully aims to step on toes and smack others with his tail.

He doesn't reach the Great Rock without the grumbles and complaints of NPCs. The leader of ShadowClan leaps atop the boulder, pointedly ignoring Emberstar and Blazestar in favor of devoting his attention to Sootstar. He sits next to the blue smoke, nearly close enough for their pelts to brush, and Pitchstar shoots her a grin as impish as the glint in his eyes. He does not care for keeping their little alliance a secret; quite the contrary, really. He wants to flaunt the power of their clans combined, rub the other clans' noses in it. "Sootstar! How are you faring on this beautiful night, hm?"
as the crowd began to draw together, goosewooble would find himself a seat in the middle of the crowd. allowing himself a fair view of all the leaders, he knew he would be more in direct eyeliner of his leader. having a friendly face to gaze at while public speaking would surely calm his nerves if it were himself up there. much like the rest of the felines in attendance, he too could only pray to starclan that things wouldn't turn sour with this gathering.

− ♱ ABOUT : like a shadow the man materializes from where he’d been socializing just beneath one of the towering oaks, the silver patchwork of curls catching light like flitting minnow beneath lulling waves. there is a certain electricity in the air and — before the crowd stands a child, alone, downtrodden beneath where sootstar now settles from towering stone. pallid eyes blink, the name dandelionpaw pulling at the brim of his mind just in time for him to recognize the dusty tom as honeytwist’s apprentice. the woman herself is nowhere to be seen, and the boy looks all the smaller for it, even alongside windclan’s lead warriors towering near him. he spares them not a look, though his brows knit towards dandelion as he passes. muscles bunch and the river phantom lifts himself atop the rock, landing neatly in the sizable gap between pitchstar and emberstar. a brief glance is spared towards the rosette tabby to his right, conversing loudly with the blue smoke on the furthest end. he would not waste his breath.

good evening, emberstar. “ comes his oddly - sloped meow, icy luminaries lingering on the pair to his side before they finally slip, drifting to his left, “ blazestar. “ cool. it drips from his maw like water, and if one had not been aware of the precariousness of the greeting, nearly familiar. the tension of last moons gathering weighs heavy on him still but he does not show it, merely working corners of his dark maw into the ghost of a smile, “ a bit chilly tonight, yes? are you both ready for leaffall? “ small talk. it gives him a chance to look them over — notice the way emberstar’s shoulders slump, exhaustion seeping into her pointed figure. perhaps he would find her after, strike up a conversation. they were friends, he would think . . smokethroats words echo in his ears again and he knows it extends to more than just him.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.


Emberstar greets her, she almost scoffs... the birhght colored she-cat just didn't learn, did she? Sootstar did not wish to pretend niceties. Sootstar interprets Emberstar as being daft, but surely she had the intelligence to understand WindClan and ThunderClan were not pals... Yet Sootstar cannot afford to piss off too many cats at this gathering, so she bears a very quick and forceful smile.

Its all she gives the flame masked she-cat, the rest of the filth brings itself in to give her company. Blazestar does not acknowledge her and she appreciates it dearly, Emberstar was one thing but if she had to attempt manners with the king of kittypets she might just barf in her mouth. She wouldn't like that, it wouldn't be a very graceful image to broadcast of herself at the gathering.

But at last, someone she was at least semi-looking forward to seeing. Through the confused murmurs and gasps, Pitchstar emerges and leaps up onto the boulder. He promptly takes a seat right next to her, a bit too close... their fur almost touches, but she is pleased the tom wished to show their alliance off. Pitchstar might be hare-brained and off the walls one minute, but it seems that they really could agree and get along...

At the price of Honeytwist, and a slice of Sootstar's pride, but it was worth it for the protection over her clan. Other clans would know WindClan was no longer flying solo after this gathering, they wouldn't dare unsheathe their claws against WindClan warriors on their own land. Hopefully...

Sootstar grins and straightens her spine, "I am doing quite well, I assume you can say the same? You appear to be in quite the good mood." she observes, whether it was all an act or genuine she didn't care. "We have to join together soon... what do you say about a few nights from now?" She's vaguely referring to the feast between WindClan and ShadowClan, but she knows Pitchstar will understand her reference.

Ah, well, suppose... you could only chit-chat for so long. It was time to get this thing going. She informs Pitchstar she'd be happy to return to this conversation later in the night and rises onto her paws.

"Five clans, this moon's gathering will now commence!" The blue smoke hollers, her voice echoing through the clearing. Impatiently she waits for chatter to come to a halt, and lucky for the clans that doesn't take long.

"WindClan is doing just as excellent as we were last moon. No new litters, but it gives us time to put extra emphasis on training our current apprentices and children." She would honestly inform the clans, though she displays the lack of litters as a strength rather than something to fret about. "Coldpaw had finished his training earlier this moon, he is now named Coldsnap and serves his clan valiantly as a full warrior of WindClan." At the announcement, WindClan cats can be heard cheering their clan-mates name. Sootstar wears a prideful smile.

"We've had some issue with hawks, nothing we can't handle though. Their numbers have already begun to dwindle thanks to our intelligent and strong warriors. They were all very quick to not only strategize how to deal with the beast, but then impliment their plans and successfully fight them off." Sootstar boasts, hoping to show off how smart and strong her clan was. "And even though temperatures drop, WindClan has adjusted to the cold quite well. It's not slowed us down in the slightest." Well... it has, the cold sucked and most certainly made them more reluctant to leave camp. But it was true in the fact it hadn't stopped them from getting what needs to be done, done.

"WindClan has recently also joined paws with ShadowClan. A friendship between our clans has blossomed, and I hope it stays bloomed for countless of moons to come. I'd like to thank Pitchstar for the kindness he has showed my clan, WindClan will continue to return it to our new friends over the coming moons." She smiles to Pitchstar, but doesn't look in the other leader's direction at all. What type of looks would they have on their face? She'd love to see, but denies herself the pleasure.

"Lastly, WindClan has a new medicine cat, Dandelionpaw. Despite being new to the role, he is a quick learner and has already shown great potential in the mere moon he's been devoting his life to healing WindClan. As for Honeytwist, she has been exiled for unsheathing her claws against a cat we are allies with. She has proven to be unpredictable and untrustworthy, if you see her on your stretch of land I suggest chasing her out." Or putting an end to it altogether... her inner-voice hisses.

Was there anything else? Probably, but the other clans didn't need to know of it. "That is all from WindClan." with a dip of her head, she sits back down beside the ShadowClan leader.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar flicks his tail, impatience and discomfort heavy in his paws. Briarstar and Cicadastar aren't here yet, and the longer he has to sit here with Sootstar, the longer he contemplates simply leaving and returning to the comforts of the pine forest.

But Briarstar never arrives. A vaguely familiar rosette tabby pelt moves through the cats below the stone. Fiery eyes cut through the crowd and a warrior Blazestar does not recognize at first mounts the stone. It takes him a moment to realize who it is -- Briarstar's son, the cat Pitchsun, who'd been named her deputy at the last Gathering.

The flame point stares. Pitchsun pointedly ignores both Emberstar and Blazestar, instead favoring the WindClan leader and sitting close to her, asking her how she is faring. His jaw drops. Where Briarstar had taken his warning under consideration, her son has ignored it completely!

"Are you speaking for Briarstar at tonight's Gathering?" He asks, left eye twitching. Was she still not feeling well? The smoke must have done a number on her. He and the black she-cat would never be friends, but he still finds himself wishing it were her standing with the leaders tonight instead of her son.

He shifts uncomfortably as Cicadastar joins them, bringing RiverClan streaming into Fourtrees behind him. He nearly bolts out of his fur when Cicadastar addresses not only Emberstar, but him, too. He wears his shock boldly, but it's not unwelcome. He dips his head to the tall tortoiseshell chimera. "Good evening, Cicadastar. The thick fur helps with the chill." He smiles faintly, but he can't stop looking at where Sootstar and Pitchsun are sitting and conspiring. "Leaf-fall. It's going by so quickly. Just yesterday we were panting from heat." Worry darkens his brow, worry he can't shake. "I hope RiverClan is well?"

Sootstar soons calls for the meeting to start, and Blazestar turns his attention to her, friendliness sapped from his face as he listens to her talk. She speaks of a new warrior, Coldsnap. Cats below them cheer for him, though SkyClan warriors are notably not among them. Faint satisfaction tightens his jaw.

But it's all gone again as Sootstar preens, WindClan has recently joined paws with ShadowClan. She names Pitchstar, and Blazestar's gaze jerks sharply to Briarstar's son. His surprise is almost comical. The last time he'd seen Briarstar, she'd been a little worse for wear, but she'd been blessed with the same nine lives they all had. How had they been taken so quickly?

And besides that... WindClan and ShadowClan are forging an allyship right in front of his nose!

Blazestar hardly hears Sootstar's news about Honeytwist and Dandelionpaw, but at Honeytwist's name, he looks up sharply. Fritter. The she-cat had been driven out? Had attacked another? He searches the gathered cats below, finding her young apprentice sitting alone. His heart tightens. Fritter had been a faithful member of Rain's colony before the Clans had formed. It's a shame Sootstar's tyranny had driven her to claw another cat.

Blazestar steps forward, his heart pounding. He gives Pitchstar a long, critical look. "Pitchstar. My condolences. It's a heavy burden to have to lead after your mother, I'm sure. But I caution you to think carefully about who you've allied yourself with. You were at the last Gathering as Briarstar's deputy. You heard your mother say she would consider my words." He leaves it at that -- for now.

"SkyClan is flourishing, despite the cooler weather. We have two lead warriors to assist Daisyflight and me in our duties, Deersong and Redstorm." He exhales, breath pluming white before him in the chilly air. SkyClan cheers for the lead warriors. "We also recently held ceremonies to welcome Snailheart, Finchthistle, and Winterwink as SkyClan warriors."

The shadow is lifted only briefly from his face as he says, "There are also new kits. My children were born only today, before this Gathering. Fireflykit, Burnkit, Crescentkit, Morningkit, and Howlkit are all strong and healthy. They are with their mother in the ThunderClan nursery." He brushes past this as though it is inconsequential. "SkyClan has had trouble with rogues at our borders. A former SkyClan warrior named Vermilionsun has been spotted with a few underfed outsiders. He left peacefully when we confronted him, but they did dare to hunt our prey. I'd keep an eye out for that sort of thing."

With that, Blazestar steps back into line with the other leaders. He finds his gaze darkening and slipping to where Pitchstar and Sootstar sit together. An alliance. It spells disaster for everyone involved.

- ,,

His first gathering. He had been trying to avoid this as long he possibly could. The last one he hadn't been allowed to attend and the first gathering he hadn't tagged along just because of how little interest he had for the other clans. He didn't care what they where going through or how fortunate they might have been. It was all about them bragging about thier own clans in the end of the day. Boring talking. However, today he had decided to attend for the first time but he had to admit he wasn't amazed with any of this beside feeling anxious with how many cats was gathering around here. Leechpaw didn't say anything, didn't seeked attention or to interact with any of the cats here, not his own clanmates or the cats from the other clans. He keept his head low and looked far from approachable. He literally send a glare to anyone who meet his eye. Stay away.

After a long search he found the cat he had been looking for. The dark pelted apprentice took a seat beside thier new medicine cat silently. A huff would get choked down when listening to Weaselclaw being bemused with him and anything he said like always. Nothing new there. His word would earn the apprentice to roll his eyes. What was the point of having left shadowclans ground to begin with if they where going to get entangled with thier lives once again?. The allience between them would only last until one of them broke it. Leechpaw grimaced, glaring at Sootstar and Pitchstar as they interacted with each other. Leechpaw had heard what had happend on the border causing Honeytwists exile. He might not have been the biggest fan of her wishing for her to leave them but not in the favor of an other clan.

He cast a side glance over at Dandelionpaw, knowing if any cat had the most get effected by all of this it most be him. Leechpaw wonderd what truly lay behind that smile of his. His grimace turned into a frown and as his gaze got cast down to his paws. His tail moved over to slightly nudge the medicine cat's back even if it was only for a second. Weither it was on purpose or not was left unsaid....In any case Leechpaw did not remove his gaze from his paws, and his ears fall back as he was forced to listening to the other clan leaders proudly bragging about thier clans...yuck, he couldn't wait for this all to be over...

Pitchstar merely chuckles at Sootstar's observation on his mood. "Why wouldn't I be? I have thrilling news to share." Once more, he winks, this time directed at Sootstar. She seems to catch his drift. An offer is made, and Pitchstar's eyes narrow, although his cutting grin remains. Ah, right. The feast. His mind still screams at him, danger. An opportunity for the WindClan queen to strike. Let his guard down, and he would have another scar to count upon his jugular.

Oh, but he wouldn't let his guard down. Not within this pit of vipers, he wouldn't. Fleecefur has taught him a valuable lesson, indeed. And, it would be worth it, should Sootstar hold true to her promise of protection.

"Eager, aren't you?" Pitchstar teases, yet his voice holds no warmth. "Very well, I'll toss you a bone; within the next couple of sunrises, our alliance will be officialized." It's vague, purposefully so, a glint in copper eyes.

SkyClan's so-called leader ruins the moment. An unimpressed expression befalls the flame point. "Ah, you- What was it? Hazestar?" Pitchstar didn't forget Blazestar's name, truthfully. He just wants to get a rise out of the kittypet. But his defiant teasing ceases as Blazestar asks about Briarstar. His tail lashes. "What do you think?"

Before tensions could rise even further, Sootstar commences the Gathering. Pitchstar falls quiet, puffing out his chest as Sootstar announces their alliance and Honeytwist's exile. But, ignorant little kittypet he is, Blazestar finds a way to sour the cool night breeze. Offering Pitchstar condolences in the same breath with which he criticizes the rosette tabby's decisions. "Yes, you're right, Blazestar," Pitchstar's voice is eerily calm, a far cry from his outbursts at WindClan and ThunderClan's borders a few sunrises ago. "I did hear. My conclusion? Sootstar did what was necessary to protect her clan. It would be wrong for me, for any of us, to fault her for that." A threat neutralized. The SkyClan warrior had attacked first, and Pitchstar couldn't fault the smoke for landing the killing blow. Because, if Haze attacked once, he would attack again.

"How typical of a kittypet, to stick his nose where it does not belong!" A joke tossed to the crowd below.

Blazestar speaks next, and Pitchstar makes a show of appearing uninterested, examining sharpened claws with heavy-lidded eyes. He even throws in a yawn once or twice, for emphasis.

Finally, finally, Blazestar shuts up, and Pitchstar rises. "ShadowClan is faring well! The fire from last moon has since been extinguished, and little of our territory has sustained damage from the flames. Fortunately, our fresh-kill pile has not dwindled." A lie forced through teeth gritted into a false smile, but he would sooner keel over than admit that ShadowClan is struggling.

Pitchstar wishes, more than anything, that he could avoid the monster in the clearing. Briarstar. But, he knows the question would be asked sooner or later, as evident with Blazestar's earlier inquiry. So, he clears his throat, a shadow falling over his features. "ShadowClan mourns the loss of my mother, Briarstar. She was a noble and valiant leader, the greatest of which the forest has ever seen." He falls silent, brows pinched together, before his grin returns and he perks up for the audience's judging stares. Don't show weakness. "But, ShadowClan is still as strong as ever. I, Pitchstar, have elected Chilledgaze as my successor, and ShadowClan's first ever lead warriors have been welcomed into our council; Geckoscreech, and Flickerfire." His gaze seeks them out in the crowd, urging the rest of the clearing to applaud them.

And now, the moment he's been waiting for all night. Inhaling sharply, Pitchstar straightens his spine. "Our medicine cat, Bonejaw, was attacked nearly a moon ago. Two reprehensible bastards, who many of you might foolishly refer to as StarClan's chosen, laid tooth and claw on my aunt. What was I to think when she'd dragged herself into camp, bloodied and bruised, and reeking of our neighbors?!" Pitchstar laughs, low and manic. "That's right! Honeytwist and Cinderfrost, medicine cats of WindClan and ThunderClan, inflicted wounds they were supposed to mend!"

He allows his revelation to sink in, teeth bared and ears pinned.

"Oh, but not to worry! I ensured that they were punished thoroughly for their crimes!" Pitchstar's eyes narrow. "I'd advise all of you; if you see Honeytwist or Cinderfrost on your territory, attack them on sight. Do not show them mercy. They didn't show Bonejaw any, so why should we?!"

Rabbitnose narrowed his eyes at Pitchstar. The toms voice was enough to make him want to claw his face. He rarely felt this way about others he met. He almost wondered if he was over reacting, but as he kept talking he was reminded he wasn't.

Who does he think he is?

I don't give a rats ass about what happened to your aunt, she probably instigated it. The world doesn't revolve around your family.

I hope he heals.....But stars help him if he crosses our border again.

His distasteful glare dissipated as he took a breath and banished his resentful thoughts.

He was going to be kind to Cinderfrost and Honeytwist out of sheer spite. Though, he doubted he would ever see them again.

I won't apologize for being who I am
The enthusiasm the boy held for his first gathering was practically palpable as he quietly selected a place to sit amongst the crowd. With whispered apologies flung towards several cats Coyotepaw's gaze finally flickers up to land upon Sootstar as she opens with windclan's announcements. He listens attentively, honeyed ears fully erect as pride blooms within his chest. The clan of his birth, windclan, seemed to be doing quiet well for themselves despite a few run ins with hawks and it sounded like the clan was flourishing despite the encroaching cold. Leopardcloud always claimed that their former home was dangerous, a place that they needed to escape from. But sitting here now he couldn't understand why she wanted to leave in the first place. A smile touches his lips once the black smoke's announcements are finished and Coyotepaw's attention falls upon Blazestar next. However, the leader of skyclan does not look at all happy for Sootstar and instead ushers a warning of sorts to Pitchstar.

That look, the darkened expression the ragdoll wears upon his face is one Coyote knew all to well. An expression he was often gifted by several within the ranks of skyclan. His breath hitches in his throat, paws shuffling nervously as he listens on. The rosette tom sticks up for windclan's leader and for a moment the boy is thrilled to see someone that does not look at those born in the moors as monsters. That is until Pitchstar insults Blazestar, and the young apprentice finds himself torn between who to internally defend. While Coyote did not approve of the blatant show of mistrust against his former home he didn't like the disrespect flung Blazestar's way either. This feeling was fueled by the fact that the kittypet leader had been nothing but good to him and his family. His brows knit together and his jaw tightens. the muscles there contracting and loosening as the tom continues on speaking about two individuals banished to exile. This was certainly not how he envisioned his first gathering would go at all.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Sootstar's emerald gaze locks onto Blazestar and the fur on her hackles bristle with heavy irritation. She feels her claws dig into the stone below, the WindClan she-cat wants nothing more than to drag her claws against his flesh. There was not a leader in this forest- a cat in this forest- who irritated her as much as the kittypet king. Almost she verbalizes a defensive hiss, but Pitchstar proves he is capable of speaking up for himself.

Sootstar's fur lays flat, pleased. It takes everything to hold back a smug grin, it takes everything for her to not burst out laughing. Finally a tom who saw her side! He was no ordinary warrior either, but a leader of ShadowClan who could help her strengthen WindClan. This alliance was going to go far, she knows it!

To avoid fueling the fire, though she so desperately wants to, she stares into the crowd aware from the other leaders. Eyes are fixated on her own clan in particular, gauging their reactions. Pitchstar would eventually go on what sounded like deranged ranting on Cinderfrost and Honeytwist, telling the clans of their crimes and how they've been adequately punished. He says what Sootstar did not even have the gut to say, attack and don't show them mercy if you spot them.

Sometimes Sootstar doesn't know whether to bounce up and down in glee or question every choice she's made with befriending this tom. Sometimes it felt a bit too much like she was staring a tom-cat version of herself in the mirror. The conflicted look is vaguely readable on her face, likely only possible for clan-mates to pick up.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

− ♱ ABOUT : the toms reaction is nearly comical. it brings but a fleeting glimpse of a smile to his maw, the ghost of familiarity. his attention, however, pulls towards where the shadowclan and windclan leaders settle, his icy gaze locking firmly on the odd pair. he does not hide his blatant stare, a looming figure about the moonlit darkness, face lax with thought. sootstar stands to speak and he hardly listens, her voice a dull drone about the back of his mind as he takes in briarstar’s son in his rumpled glory. a blink, calm despite the implications that ring loud in orbital ears. the smoke steps back and pitchstar takes her place, but the words that leave his maw leave the man nearly gaping.

how typical of a kittypet to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.

that’s enough. “ inciting anger at a gathering, and his first! the mottled tom nearly sighs, ears angling downward just slightly in agitation. briarstar had left an unstable heir, though he could only assume her numbers had been few and far between since the separation of clans. the marsh colony had already been struggling — he, sootstar, briarstar, pitchstar. they knew of the horrors beyond the marshlands, the scarcity. they’d lived it. shadowclan. arguably the weakest of them come the seasons turn ; territory a barren waste in leafbare, feeding off the scrawny rats venturing too far from the rapid packs of carrionplace. and he's a mind that sootstar knows this well − the petite blue smoke was clambering for alliances where she could, it would be almost laughable should it not now prove a new threat. icy blue eyes watch where the rosette tabby speaks, his movements too alight, too animated. it nearly disturbs him. it does disturb him, and the frown that pulls at his maw only deepens as he pitched his voice upward, prodding intentionally at the massive pointed tom to his side. its grating. its frustrating. a migraine pulses at his temples with each mocking yawn the dark tom makes, childishness prickling at the ends of his pelt and nearly rising silvery curls in an annoyed bristle. he does not have a hare in this race, he knows ; his maw remains shut. pitchstar confirms what he suspected : briarstar is with starclan. he dips his head despite the way he bristles still, respect for his former leader outweighing the newfound disgust for her heir.

his warriors were strong, numbers high and ever - growing. windclan nor shadowclan proved a threat, not with emberstar surely at his side. though, the pointed molly seemed to be proving a separate threat all of her own. honeytwist and cinderfrost.


" again? " its out of his mouth before he can stop it, the ridges of his tongue pressing firm against the roof of his mouth to sustain the hiss that threatens to burst from his snarling maw. flame rips up the length of his limbs, twining into marrow and forcing claws from sharp, ivory knuckles, gleaming tips flitting over corroded stone. again he thinks of a time long ago − of stepping between opposing warriors, one foaming, spitting with grief and the other licking wounds still weeping blood into the war - stained ground. she'd done nothing but incite violence since the day her family was broken ; mental with loss, delusional. to put her in a position of power after everything she'd done? he begins to question emberstar's ability to lead her clan safely, and the expression that befalls bicolored features says just as much. the tall felidae glances towards her, wide - eyed, brow furrowed, " is this true? is she gone? " its quick, brisk, " i cannot risk my borders being open to anyone willingly sheltering a cat so prone to violence, a murderer of − how many times, now? " with each gathering, each passing interaction, he's heard of another crime, another attempt on life by a molly who should have been left in the carrionplace to rot moons ago. should he hear report of her scent being found near thunderclan border, he would call their alliance into question. it's clear in the way he holds her gaze a beat longer, the moon beating down on shadowy features even more sullen with disgust.

" tell me she is in exile, emberstar. " slow, careful. she was a smart molly. she was capable − why the blue mink had not been under watch to begin with was beyond him, but now, he simply wanted her cast out. deserted, left to rot somewhere outside clan life. he thinks of a time just after the fire, after flames brutalized thunderclan camp and sparks still marred the leaf - layered ground. the way she'd arched over the water, spewing theoretics ; of how things could have been resolved without war, despite the way he lashes out at her own peers, feral and mad. she spoke bitterly of the pointed molly that had so graciously taken her in, kept her within her borders in what he could only assume was pity. despite having just pulled her from rioting flame, cinderfrost dubbed her an accomplice to murder. she'd cried, sobbed into his rivers, to him − and sinks her claws into bonejaw once more, only he was not there to block her blows from sinking into his former best friend. why she'd been chosen by starclan was beyond him, beyond even them now, he supposed.

honeytwist was of no threat, he knew. the small cinnamon tabby he'd beaten once before, his warriors could surely do it themselves should she be found traversing their water - laden grounds.

it was silent. the crowd was waiting. the tortoiseshell chimera lifts to his paws with a bit more force than necessary, arching claws making a distinct, grating shhhink against the stone underfoot. it's all too loud in the quiet clearing, " a former warrior by the name of spiderfall has been accused of murder and exiled. if seen, he is to be attacked on site." he does not say who was murdered. he does not mention the pull of tissue when he ripped the tom's eye from it's socket, doesn't mention the blood that had seeped through the bicolored curls of his forelimbs. he does not mention pumpkinpaw. he merely stares forward, unblinking. tinnitus rings in his ears, "the twolegs that have plagued our lands have seemed to move on, and land prey seems to be returning. along with our river's bounties, our freshkill pile grows higher each day. " he thinks of their spoils from the campsite patrol and expression finally beams over his bicolored features. a smug smile, the slightest upward tilt of his tufted chin, "riverclan continues to prosper ; and with that prosperity, growth. " his tone lifts, words a near purr.

" this moon we welcome garpaw, stormpaw, mistpaw, koipaw and gloompaw to apprenticehood and their first gathering! may starclan light their path into warriorhood." they would be present, and he attempts to find them in the crowd, eyes warm. after a moment, he opens his maw once more, " and speaking of warriors − a congratulations to the two newly named, lakemoon and rainwhisker! "

normalcy. he would give them their moment, aside from the tension that still lines the slope of his slim shoulders. after a brief pause to accommodate whatever familial whoops would surely come from his warriors, he would continue, " as you can see, we are faring well. so well, in fact, that i have decided to take a right - hand at last. " he stands tall, puffing the curly ruff about his chest, " standing before you today is buckgait, yet another worthy addition to my growing council. " at the base of the rock, standing about the other deputies, though he pointedly does not dub her as such. she is a bold, intimidating figure ; despite their grievances, he does not question the power they hold standing together, " that is all for us. " a deep breath, a turn. he moves to step back alongside blazestar, his gaze lingering on the paired windclan and shadowclan leaders. he does not trust them, and it's would be clear in his vacant expression should they know him well enough to tell. they do not. thus he merely sits, wrapping his curled tail and moving his sight to emberstar. waiting.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.

The warm words of the other flame-point beside her bring her comfort, as usual. It was nice, to always have a friend beside her at these gatherings. Given her apprehension, at the moment she appreciated it all the more. Emberstar gave him a nod and a winning smile. "Thanks, you too!" she responded brightly. Then another welcome face joined her, Cicadastar. Her smile toward him was just as bright. "It is a little cold, isn't it? Don't worry though, Thunderclan is well prepared for leaf-bare!"

It was nice, to be reminded that she still had some friends here. That she wasn't alone. Emberstar stood a little taller. Everything was going to be fine, she assured herself, not all the leaders were unreasonable like...

Pitchstar arrived.

Her eyes followed him, and unbeknownst to her, her smile vanished. This was the first time she had seen the tom in good spirits and for some reason that unnerved her. She had never been so unsettled by another's delight before. It was a strange sensation to her. Her paws shuffled beneath her restlessly. Even sharing same rock as him did not sit well with her.

Finally, it's time for business. Sootstar begins the proceedings, and Emberstar stiffened as she announced the partnership of Windclan and Shadowclan. She didn't like that, she didn't like that at all. After the last gathering, neither of them had her trust, and now they had joined forces.

Blazestar's next, and she listens to his every word dutifully. Except when he addresses Pitchstar and her gaze can't help but dart toward him. Other than that, the news of Skyclan is good and she is glad to hear it. Through her nerves, she attempts to give him a nod and a warm smile.

Then it is Pitchstar's turn and all her warmth vanished. He mocked the leader that had come before him openly, in front of the entire gathering. Mocked the peace they had all made together. Anger rose again in her stomach, making her sick. "That's not... you can't..." Emberstar's claws scraped against the stone beneath her. The rest of his announcements only made her sicker. How he seemed to revel in the announcements of the slight against his own clan.

Cicadastar was more composed in his reaction to Pitchstar's words, and she was grateful for him. Until he turned to her demanding news of Cinderfrost's exile. She cannot bring herself to speak, not yet. Her eyes avoided his. The Riverclan moved to give his announcements, but her head was too abuzz to hear them. Emotions swirled within her, but to speak with them would be to threaten the peace. She wasn't sure what to do.

Then there was silence, and she stepped forward. The eyes of all the other clans and all the other leaders on her.

Emberstar is the youngest leader and for once, she felt like it.

Swallowing her emotions, she began to speak. "Cinderfrost," it felt wrong to start with that. She wanted to speak of all the wonderful things about her clan, not the single cat who had banished from it. Her fellow leaders had demanded an answer tho, Cicadastar had demanded an answer, and she would provide. "Has been banished for her attack on Bonejaw. She is no longer welcome in Thunderclan, and we warn against welcoming her in other clans as well." There, that was it, all she needed to say. Yet, she didn't want to. She hated the thought of leaving it there.

So, she didn't.

"A decision I would have made," Emberstar continued, her tail swishing behind her for a moment. "With or without the threats that the new Shadowclan leader brought to my border." The forest needed to know what manner of leader sat in the marshlands now.

"Cicadastar is mistaken about the nature of her crimes, though." She added, finally meeting the Riverclan leader's gaze. There was no animosity in her eyes, but there was a sharp flame. "Cinderfrost has not committed murder, no cat's lay dead because of her." Emberstar stood tall as she declared it, as she believed it herself, even though it wasn't quite accurate. The scar across her chest attested to that.

Emberstar tried to breathe easier, now that it was all said. She couldn't. "Thunderclan will not be without a medicine cat, however, as our friends in the stars stars have led us to Berryheart!" she declared breathlessly. "He has my full faith and I will be working closely with him going forward."

"Thunderclan has also appointed it's first lead warrior, Flycatcher! I could not ask for more capable paws to assist me going forward. Four new apprentices are also present at this gatherin;, Acornpaw, Roepaw, Pearlpaw, and Mothpaw! Four new warriors have been granted warrior names as well, Stagstrike, Robincrest, Flamewhisker, and Leopardprowl! To Rabbitnose and Sunfeckle, three healthy kits - Sparkkit, Flickerkit, and Mosskit - have been born! As Blazestar declared, his kits have been born by Little Wolf in our nursery and grow stronger every day!" she punctuated it all with a determined nod.

"As you can all hear, in spite of the fire, Thunderclan continues to recover and grow strong!" Emberstar told them all with fiery pride.

Before she stepped back, there was one more thing she needed to address, but it needed its own room. "Unfortunately, amidst Rabbitnose and Sunfeckle's litter, there was a fourth kit." The leader added softly. "Dovekit, she is with the stars now." That was all she said of it, then she dipped her head in respect and stepped back.
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