pafp crown thief - rogue attack

Aug 14, 2023
OOC; Do not reply until @GRIZZLYJAW has made a response. /CW/ Blood and injury.

Times were hard, harder than most seasons, and Honeydapple had joined the clans shortly after they had formed. The aftermath of that time still sent shivers down her spine.

Before becoming a clan cat, she had lived with her former mate, Gary, a nasty, yellow-stained tom who had never been worth her breath. They were situated in a temporary two-leg dwelling, and her capture came after a monstrous incident.

That time was filled with harsh silver dens and enormous prodding paws. Fortunately, a skirmish in the moving monster had given her the chance to escape, and she had taken it gleefully. Unfortunately, Honeydapple had no clue where she was and had to start her life from scratch. Briefly, she wandered, half-starved and alone, but the happiness of fleeing her prior entrapment kept her strong. During her scavenging, she met the most handsome cat in all the stars, Grizzlyjaw.

Meeting in the trash wasn't the most romantic encounter, but his harsh voice and sad eyes had taken her breath away. Despite having just met, he kindly knocked off the lid for her and dug through the grime to spare Honeydapple's 'beautiful coat.'

The memory brought her back to the present, and she cast an abashed glance at the hulking figure of her mate. Idly, she traced the soft lines of his massive tufts of fur, admiring their messy-but-clean appearance for the day.

Amusement curled the corners of Honeydapple's mouth and crinkled her blue eyes kindly. You're so adorable. The sentiment laid pleasantly in her mind as she brushed her soft coat affectionately against Grizzlyjaw's.

Quietly, they strolled through the dotted sunlight of ThunderClan's territory, meshed fur creating a cacophony of creams, whites, and grays. Eventually, their walk led them to a hunting ground, and a familiar pang in her stomach called all instincts to attention. Sadness ebbed at her as she began moving away from the comfortable embrace they'd been sharing.

Moving to the front of the smoke's frame, she awarded the massive cat one more loving nudge beneath his chin, murmuring softly against their fur. "I'll head towards Sunningrocks, and you go in the opposite direction. Try to cover as much ground as possible and meet back here, okay?" A smaller internal voice chimed in the back of her head. That way I don't feel your ribs every time we cuddle. She pushed the hurtful pang in her chest away and padded off.

Waving her tail gently as she vanished into the backdrop of the forest.

Alone and ready to start, she dropped low and inhaled deeply. Her ivory belly stood starkly against the dried greens below, but her yellow-dotted coat mimicked the decayed leaves scattered about. Her eyes narrowed in on the scent of a rabbit, and she moved forward with calculated precision. Knowing a fat rabbit was the perfect cure, she moved each paw, grazing the forest floor with precision, mouse-length by mouse-length, until her gaze met beady eyes.


Honeydapple sprang forward with apt force, her paws landing square on the rodent's back, snapping its vertebrae from the force, and delivering a swift, final nip. Once the life left its body, she set off to find a good tree or bush to bury it. Joy welled in her whole being at the brilliant start to a hunt. Yet, when the multi-colored feline turned around, she was face to face with a gnarled tabby.

Tattered ears, foul breath, and sickly yellow eyes reflected her stunned expression.

Shock numbed their paws to the spot, and surprise caused her to drop the hard-earned catch. In unison, they glanced at the fallen rabbit. Hastily, she dived to catch it, but in the chaos, the rogue charged her, slamming his full weight and pinning her to the ground.

The rabbit was forgotten as Honeydapple's survival instincts kicked in. She reserved her strength, moons of training guiding her decisions as she grappled with the tom's head, latching her claws into his ears and pulling with all her might. He screamed in pain and looked up with venom broiling in his eyes.

Leaning down into his face, she screeched as loud as her lungs allowed. "GET OFF OF ME, YOU BRUTE!" Honeydapple's words echoed off the trees as they continued to growl, bite, claw, and thrash about. The rogue tabby pulled free of the warrior's claws and raked his own down her sides. Fur flew around them both as her yowls of distress grew fervent.

Finally, she got her wish, both her hind claws found purchase in the rogue's tender stomach. Mustering up all reserved energy, the tortie bunched her muscles and pushed back against the rogue with all of her weight. This propelled the attacker off, and while he stumbled back, rage and fear got the she-cat to her paws. Through it all Honeydapple managed a startlingly cool head.

Until a shooting pain, hot and furious, throbbed up their side.

Turning to see the damage, she gasped audibly at the amount of blood clumping to her pelt. Upon further investigation, there was an angry, red gash running from inner thigh to her side. Suddenly, the forest began to spin on its axis, and Honeydapple struggled to hold ground.

In the blur of vertigo, she saw snippets of the rogue snatching the earlier discarded rabbit. "D-don't..." Weakly she whined, but with the rapid loss of blood, consciousness quickly evaded her, and the world went dark.

TLDR; Honeydapple and Grizzlyjaw go on a hunt together. They split up to catch more prey and after Honey catches a rabbit she's attacked by a rogue. They fight and she ends up getting a deep gash in her side causing her to lose a lot of blood and pass out. She will need medical attention.

cont'd ooc
This thread also acts as an intro for both Honeydapple and Grizzlyjaw. They are back written in as loners who joined shortly after Thunderclan was officialized. Due to traumatic circumstances, they have stayed reserved, except of course towards one another. Now because of the sickness, they've been working hard to assist the clan, and keep each other healthy. Unfortunately, Honeydapple has been caught up in the rogue mess as a result. Feel free to have your character react in any way they please towards Honeydapple.
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Grizzlyjaw would much rather die than ever admit that he was some shelter reject who eventually ran away from his more late "home" and even he kept this away from Honeydapple though she didn't have any trouble in reading him not after the time they'd spent together. He still remembers their first encounter with one another, the kind that isn't the most romantic and made him want to let out a dry chuckle or grimace at the fact that he basically dove through garbage grime for a pretty kitty. If he had to again, he would go through several of those metallic containers for Honeydapple just so she can have something worth eating. Thankfully, he didn't need to worry about grime and muck when they had joined the clans, now it was a matter of honing his hunting skills which took a few clumsy pawsteps here and there before he achieved it. It was embarrassing but he was rather satisfied in becoming a decent hunter, his biggest strength was fighting. Despite his sad eyes, Grizzlyjaw had an awful temper and little to no patience when he was on the streets which earned him a lot of the scars that littered his body.

His train of thought interrupted when he feels his mate bump and brush their pelts together and his attention becomes hers in a heartbeat, feathered ears shifting in her direction as his blue gaze focuses on her face taking a moment to investigate it for any creases of worry or discomfort or possibly anything that might be bothering her. His eyes, ears, and undivided attention would always be hers. He's about to ask her what's wrong the is promptly interrupted feeling her nudge her head underneath his chin affectionately and it shut him up immediately, the question and all words turning to mush in his brain only able to focus on the loud thumping of his heart that echoed within his ears. He'd never admit it with how cheesy it may be but he fell in love with Honeydapple each and everyday, she would oftentimes catch him off guard and his tongue got caught in his throat unable to utter a single word. He's stupidly in love with her like that and she occupies a large part of his mind, only smaller ones being unimportant worries that he dared not to utter.

She made it easier to breathe, stay calm, and anchor him completely just as he did her. She kept the wrathful beast that was his anger at bay. It wasn't always blissful moments considering that they still often argued from time to time, he got mad and said some shit that didn't sit well with him but left to cool down give them space, and returning to her with an apology. She's worth waking up to every morning or even watching her briefly in the dead of night before curling up to sleep, he oftentimes could not find sleep easy to come by due to his insomnia but she made it all easier. She's candy to his eyes and there was still times that he couldn't will the words from his throat, how they sink and clung there close to his heart, and simply taking in her beauty. Grizzlyiaw would not care if she was marred with scars like him or lacked that pretty coat, she would forever be breathtaking to him. Always.

He's a lovesick puppy but only ever for Honeydapple, he had the biggest crush on her despite the fact that they were already a pair even if it seemed a little silly to think about. His once focused and stoic gaze always softening at the sight of her as it does now seeing her smile and the way her face would crinkle near her eyes whenever she did so. He has to catch his breath and he offers a ghost of a smile hidden by the messy fur that shrouded his snout, he walks alongside her with their pelts brushing with one another and he's prepared to curl his tail around her own but she moves away from him. Grizzlyiaw can't help the frown that takes the place of his smile and tilts his head to the side wondering what was wrong or what he could've done to upset her but his blue gaze shifts away to hide the confusion. Although, he stops in his tracks when she draws near once more talking about how they should split up to cover more ground and he agrees with a nod of his head "Alright... Okay." Be careful. He thinks before watching her disappear into the foliage and his shoulders slumped.

With a soft huff, Grizzlyiaw casts one last glance in the direction of where she disappeared and walks along becoming very attentive of his surroundings with the set goal of bringing something back for the clan to feed any kits, queens, and the more elderly warriors. His feathered ears pricked up at the sight of a rather plump mouse and his body lowered into a hunting crouch with his narrowed gaze focused on its little fat body and he pounces forward snatching the small creature in his jaws, it isn't something quite large but he can catch more. He glances around cautiously before burying it near the large, gnarled roots of a tree so he could remember where he left it and lumbers away with his eyes scanning the area around him in search of anything else. His gaze finally focusing on an avian but the sound of yowling makes his feathered ears twitch and suddenly, the muscles underneath his plush coat are tensing up and streaks across the forest to where the sound of fighting cats were coming from.

The smell of blood making his heart race with fear, he finally skids to a halt finding Honeydapple injured and presses his nose to her cheek carefully "I'm here... Stay awake, love." His voice low and gentle as he says this sparing her a quick few licks to her forehead recalling a different time she had bled but he pushes the memory away as his attention whips to the rogue and his blood is boiling. The thicker bits of fur that rested on the back of his neck and shoulders rising, Grizzlyjaw was already a large tomcat but it only made him appear even bigger and his claws would unsheath from scruffy paws. His vision turning red as his tail lashed a few times to the sides and without warning, he was already upon the rogue that attacked his mate. He'd kill the absolute foxheart for laying his claws on Honeydapple and they were grappled in combat, the large smoke tom using heavy paws to swipe at the trespasser who in turn shrieked in pain dropping the rabbit.

The same large paw eventually slamming down the head of the other cat onto the ground that would be enough to briefly daze it and maybe even give the bastard a concussion, claws digging into his skull before snarling "Get the fuck out of here." He releases the cat that begins to stumble away on clumsy paws and turns to Honeydapple once more, his gaze softening with worry for his lover and drops the rabbit near her before pressing nose to her cheek seeing that she had passed out. He couldn't leave her especially if the rogue decided to come back and potentially finish what he had started so he stays by her side becoming a puffed and angry thing almost like a snake coiled up and ready to strike.
  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Wolfwind hears it – the hissing and spitting, while she's out on a hunt. It's both a blessing, and a damn curse that there was seemingly no prey around to be scared off, and Wolfwind is then racing after the noise, fur alight along her spine. A fox? Badger? Rogue? The thought of the latter makes her face furrow further, she adds more energy to her step, putting her namesake to good use as she comes upon the scene – and a gruesome one it is.

She comes, expecting to launch herself into a battle at once – but it's already over. She spots an unfamiliar cat – rogue, beaten and drudging away to leave Grizzlyjaw and a badly injured Honeydapple in their wake. Sharply, the warrior inhales a breath. She is upon them both in an instant, eyes wide in worry. " Stars, What — " Need she ask what happened? Furiously, she glances to the disappearing form of their attacker, hobbling away. " Another damn rogue. Saw one the other day, but she hadn't been... " she trails off in an exhale of breath, chest heaving from the adrenaline that was still coursing through her. Wolfwind watches Honeydapple close for a moment, ensuring that she too, still breathed; and thank the stars that she did. The wound looks bad. So fucking bad. She thinks there'd been less blood when Howlingstar had ...

" Shit, okay, um — " Time to use some of that lead warrior authority right about now, but damn, is she panicking. Wolfwind would glance back to the rest of the hunting patrol that she assumes came running with her – and assume correctly, she did. " Someone... run and tell Berryheart what – what happened. " Should they prepare to help move her? Would it be better for Berryheart to come, instead. Wolfwind grits her teeth. " I'll see that the rogue is gone. The rest of you... " Do what you can, really. Wolfwind addresses the patrol with a frown, before turning to trail after the retreating rogue.


Mousenose isn’t too far from Wolfwind, unwilling to hunt solitarily as long as the rogues are daring to cross their borders. She could fight off a rogue by herself—of course she could! She’s a great warrior, everyone says so. But why take the chance, she tells herself, stalking a squirrel nibbling a late-leaf-fall seed. No reason for me to put myself in danger when the Clan needs every hunter. She slips forward, her belly rumbling loudly in her ears. She’d eaten only a shared mouse this morning, and the squirrel is fat enough to—

Yowl—screeches and shouts and curses meet her ears, and the squirrel’s, too. It bolts up the nearest tree trunk, and Mousenose is startled into action. She sees Wolfwind’s gray shape blurring toward Sunningrocks, and she pelts after her. The scene is one she’d almost come to expect. Honeydapple lays on her flank, a wound gaping in her side, while her mate hovers over her body protectively. Trespasser’s scent is heavy on the air, along with the metallic stink of blood.

StarClan,” Mousenose exclaims, her nose wrinkling. Honeydapple’s wound… “That looks bad. Um, um, okay, I’ll… I’ll go get Berryheart and bring him here,” they fret, paws working the ground. “I’ll be right back!

She spins about, flouncing into the undergrowth and toward camp. Once she breaches the protective tunnel, she cries, “Berryheart! Rogues attacked Honeydapple, and she’s hurt real bad! We didn’t want to move her without you!” Her flanks heave with her panting.

  • @BERRYHEART @LICHENPAW came to camp to get them!
  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

Business jerked Berryheart back and forth- though there was beauty in his duty, and he was ever-thankful for his star-given opportunity, the tortoiseshell tom missed the days when he was called after for guidance and wisdom. His name now meant nothing good. Splitting the air, it only ever meant emergency- but his job was his job. He could not sleep it away, or dream of better things. At last he had hones his healing skills, and... it would be disrespectful to fail to put them to use.

He met Speckles with a sharp nod, a quick and silent acknowledgement- soon he scooped healing herbs into his lopsided jaws. allowing the apprentice to lead hte way with a silent flicker of his tail toward Freckles, signalling his student to follow. A limped gait slowed him down even at his fastest gallop, but he got there eventually- a rogue, Speckles had said. Berryheart's crooked features darkened into a frown.

At the sight of scarlet spilled, Berryheart sickened- but he swallowed the nausea down, determined to push forward and help. "Will someone fetch me some wet moss?" It was phrased as a question, but was really a demand. In the meantime, the fire-flecked medic attempted to staunch her bleeding, his marigold laid by a snowy paw, ready for use when he was at last able to get the blood to stop. The wet moss would be to wake her- she could never be properly rested sprawled here in the dust without an adequate nest...
The moment of terror felt fleeting as the comforting touch of thick fur surrounded her. It was as plush and soft as it had been on the day she first leaned against her towering mate. In her semi-conscious state, the world reappeared sporadically, like fragmented pieces of a puzzle. Hearing the gentle, reassuring voice of Grizzlyjaw guided her through waves of awareness.

What troubled her most at that moment now was the inability to smell his familiar scent, a source of comfort that always eased her worries. Like a bolt of lightning, her consciousness flickered in and out again. Head swaying, and her eyes fluttered shut while Grizzlyjaw dealt with the rogue who had injured her.

Sensations akin to being spun around and engulfed in flames overwhelmed the molly, forcing her back into the depths of unconsciousness.

Frustration, confusion, and pain were the only things she could register in her current state. An unrelenting, eerie warmth enveloped one side of her body, while icy coldness gripped the other. Now, most sounds were muffled by the roaring in her misshapen ears, leaving Honeydapple in a state of near-total sensory deprivation. Eventually, her once-rigid body became pliable.

Seemingly, in times of extreme duress, her body naturally sought rest, and surrendered to it. Despite Berryheart's persistent efforts to staunch the bleeding, she didn't so much as twitch from her current state.

Eyes remaining tightly shut, body limp, with only faint, shallow breaths indicating life. Surely, when she awoke, Honeydapple would be greeted by a world of soreness.

// Feel free to continue power-playing while she's unconscious!

EDIT 10.05 // Sorry for the gnarly typos
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Mousenose’s steps are frantic, but Berryheart’s calm, self-assured presence dampens the panicked flame in her heart. She watches him bend over a scarlet-splashed Honeydapple with anxiety glowing in green eyes. Fetch me wet moss, he commands in a tone that brooks no argument. The messy-pelted warrior hesitates, wondering if he means for Lichenpaw to do it, then decides it doesn’t matter. Even she can claw some moss from a tree’s roots and sink it into the river.

Damp, he’d said, so she presses water out of her prize in rivulets and brings it to him. “Is she gonna be okay? That wound looks nasty...” Mousenose frets, her ears tilting.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

He worked swiftly, and was glad for the cats giving him and his patient space. Even now he could be patient, hearing Speckles' paw steps fade into the sidelines, soon arriving to offer him a scrap of moss.

"She'll be alright," Berryheart answered, conviction in his tone. He had dealt with enough wounds by now to know that, had he arrived later, he might not have been so certain. Thankfully, though, his Clanmates understood that time was of the essence, and death was a fickle, brutal thing. To Embers' forehead he pressed the cold moss, a sensation that would likely wake her. Dull green eyes flickered to the surrounding felines, resolve hardy in said gaze. "I'll need help to bring her to camp." Plain as ever, he was expectant.