His brother really had a hold on that rock, didn't he? And an awful part of Fernpaw was jealous that he'd kept the same one all this time while he had to rebuild his washed-away collection from scratch. Most of all he was curious, though. Curious as to why exactly this one rock was special- why he looked after it so diligently, up-kept it as if it was truly a sign from the stars. It had gotten to the point where Fernpaw had started to believe it- or at least wanted to believe it, wanted to try holding it for a little while just to see if it would guide him to more success.

"Darkpaw!" As soon as Fernpaw saw his littermate, his call broke through the air- the warning given for the fire-pelted tom's hurtling approach. Aqua eyes flitted down to the pebble, ever-attached. It was regular. Like every other stone Fernpaw had seen- he had tens just like it kept crammed by his nest. And yet- yet, Darkpaw something in it... saw StarClan in it, and even if there was a chance he could get a cosmic answer to his problems... "I have a proposal! You and me, let's have a fishing contest. Winner gets your pebble, and- if you win, I'll never ask again." Incessantly throughout their lives had Fernpaw pestered is brother to let him trade- even suggesting heavily weighted ones, ten shells for just that rock- this would be the eternal settlement of this. Fernpaw was at least good at keeping his word.

\ please wait for @DARKPAW !
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( =ㅇ༝ㅇ= )ノ Fernpaw's call alerts him to his brother's rapid approach before the thundering pawsteps do— Darkpaw turns away from the clanmate he'd been chatting with, a smile already pulling at his lips from the simple sight of seeing his littermate. "Fernpaw!" The chocolate-furred tom echoes the ginger tabby's enthusiastic greeting, waving a paw at him. He misses the way that his brother's eyes flit down to his prized pebble, kept close to him when not tucked safely away in his nest. Too preoccupied with his curiosity, wondering why Fernpaw had careened towards him with such fervor.

Darkpaw leans forward, whiskers perking and lips parting to ask. But Fernpaw beats him to the explanation; he comes with a proposal. Darkpaw's mouth remains open around words he didn't get the chance to speak, forming a small 'o'. A fishing contest between the two brothers. That sounds fun, he thinks to himself, heartbeats before the conditions are laid out. The winner would get his pebble, his gift from the stars. And if Darkpaw won, he would win the added bonus of Fernpaw never asking again.

Suddenly, the competition doesn't sound so fun, with stakes this high.

Fernpaw's tried to procure Darkpaw's special pebble for as long as he could remember. Pestering him to trade; ten shells, random trinkets, and even other pebbles. But nothing could ever be worth parting with StarClan's gift to him. Even if his brother's disappointment at being denied hurt his heart... He couldn't give up his special pebble.

Darkpaw blinks at Fernpaw, caught in a momentary stupor by the sudden challenge. "Uh. Sure." The agreement's leaving his mouth before he has time to think it over. He really hopes he won't regret it. The chocolate-furred tom wouldn't call himself competitive; every competition he's taken part in over the course of his life has been treated more like a game than a competition. He didn't care who won and who lost, as long as everyone had fun. But this time is different. There's a spark in his dual-toned eyes, determination to win set in his jaw. This time, he could lose his pebble.

Darkpaw's already lost it once. He couldn't lose it again!

"What're the rules?" He asks, paws fidgeting with his pebble as the pre-competition jitters begin to overtake him.​
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The acceptance had him giddy- a buzz of determination crackled along his pelt, then. He was passable at fishing- there had been a reason he had not asked for a spar. Green eyes flickered with newly-revitalised strength. It was high-stakes, he knew that- he could tell by how Darkpaw protectively pawed his pebble. The chances of him winning were looking better and better- was Darkpaw really nervous? Perhaps he'd struck a good skill to challenge on...

What're the rules? Fernpaw paused, jolting still for a moment. A thoughtful, deep frown of contemplation overtook his expression, then. He chattered his teeth behind his lips as he contemplated, eyes seeming to illuminate with the sheer strength of his idea when it at last came to him. "Oh-! We should get a warrior to time it. Most fish caught in that timeframe wins! How does that sound?" Seemed like a fairly easy challenge, but hopefully one that they would be equally matched on.

He would find his fortune; Fernpaw was sure of it. The forces of karma in the world had yet to bless him, and today would be a better one than any.
penned by pin
What a silly competition to indulge in. Crappiepaw stumbles across the other apprentices with a disbelieving sigh, stumpy tail twitching as they take in the sight before them. They consider Fernpaw a friend of theirs; his brother is a bit of a strange case. Crappiepaw does not know him well, but admires him all the same. "You are having a fishing contest over Darkpaw’s pebble?" It sounds unimportant to them, at first, but then a thought strikes them.

If they recall correctly, the pebble that Fernpaw wants is the same pebble that Darkpaw is oddly protective of. They suddenly find themself invested in the brothers’ competition—mostly because it is a chance to selfishly observe two of their peers. But it is also interesting, because what will Darkpaw do if he is to lose? "I could keep time. If you would like," the calico offers. They hope that the ginger tom does not only want a warrior to time them, but their voice is soft and unsure. They do not know where they fit in this interaction, offering their help and hoping that the others will want it.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
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It’s a warm sight, to see siblings so happy in eachother’s presence. It almost made the memories of his own childhood resurface, his siblings were older and while his eldest sister was the fun one who always proposed games and challenges, he did recall the banters with his other sister. He missed that, his eyes peer with adoration above a gleaming smile as Fernpaw offers a competition.

we should get a warrior to time it, with grace and a bouncy set of blonde toes to bring him to the trio of excited paws’. " I can be the warrior! " he trilled, with quivering whiskers as amusement lights up his smile. " ah- I mean, I am a warrior so I can time it for you guys " he laughs over his verbal fumble.

" Oh- you have a timer cat " he realizes at Crappiepaw’s offer. He smiles to them kindly, but isn’t quite ready to be left out of the childish fun. " I can keep count of the fish! … like uh- scores " he offers finally.

" what counting system are you gonna use?... ah- the stakes seem really high here " he asks Crappiepaw with a curious tone, playful and light as his curly tail dances side to side.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

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