it’s raining light this evening — it seemed like it always did when the curl - furred feline ascends the rock first. spidery limbs launch him upright, launch him from snakeblink’s side where the equally as lanky lead warrior settles alongside the forests deputies. already, the news burns at the tip of his tongue, hangs to each barb of his tongue like viscous honey. it coaxes him, ladens his throat with something sweet and silklike — but his teeth clench hard. caged within his throat those words would remain, despite his deputy’s clear absence from the base of tallrock. there, instead, is snakeblink ; far more likely to accidentally inform another clan of his untimely fate than risk the knowledge of kits.. of their kits. he wants to howl it to the blazing moon above, wrench the stars attention to the life growing beyond his reed home.

he does not speak a word of them.

not now, when moor dogs circle underneath, perking their ears to any crack in his facade — a breathed weakness. like a pack of vultures, picking nastily at the splayed remnants coating thunderpath in layer and layer of forgotten viscera. their dirt - packed claws had crossed his borders in what seemed like moments now after he’d spoken his clans tragedies. to tell the world his mate, brutal and guarded as he was, was incapacitated for at least a moon further yet. he thinks of the well of blood blossoming from the mongrel queen’s offspring and fights the urge to bristle at the thought, glowers idly in her direction when her dam approaches. and if she look back in his direction, it’s then that he snaps his head upward, a wide, sharp - tooth grin gracing angular features, ” evening, all! “ a crow of hello, a flourish of his thick tail meant to draw attention. how did it feel, to sit beneath him now for even a second? ” let this gathering commence! “

murmurs die, eyes lift and flint against the harsh moonlight shrouding him in ivory. ” first, ashpaw.. ashpaw, thought to have been.. she had been missing, for moons — but she has finally, blessedly been returned to us. she’d been caught, stolen by twolegs on our own land, but she is home.. yet not without her troubles. howlingstar, “ it’s rare that his attention turns to her in anything else than anger, but icicle eyes flick towards her, settle briefly on the stripes of her features, ” i encourage you and your clan to keep a keen eye out for twoleg activity. it seems they frequent the campsite in greenleaf, and they are greedy. “ the ginger mollys awkwardly healed forelimb and grimy fur, sunken in at the sides enough for bone to peek through her dulled coat, ” they’ve begun setting traps, and i’ve no doubt they would cross our borders if they so much as spot their prey. “ he didn’t know what they would stoop to, and he didn’t intend to find out.

” despite our setbacks, we’ve a strong set of apprentices this moon. darterpaw, flutterpaw, otterpaw, and silverpaw — “ the latter he only hoped petalnose was ready for. worthy of a lead’s patience, she was. starclan knew she was not for the less confident, ” and two, bright young warriors : prairiesun and lambfang. “ not many, but they were brilliant, eager to ascend their -paw ranking and beyond. not a large batch this moon, but a blessing nonetheless. he hopes they beam now, flocked at every side by friends and elder warriors come to welcome them into their ranks with paws stretched wide. it was not all, he’d even mentioned their recent loner plight last month — but the leader straightened himself anyway, wrapping his tail neatly around unsheathed paws and giving his already sleek chest a simple lick. some things were best kept close.

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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Sootstar almost looks serene in the moonlight. A cat who held no knowledge of her untamable fury and her swift calls for battle may have thought her incapable of committing such atrocities when gazing upon her tonight. The only hint would've been looking deep into her blazing eyes, there was something eerily cold in their depths.

She allows the long-snouted tom to give his news. He speaks of twoleg troubles primarily, Sootstar cannot help but think of Adderpaw's... problem. Thankfully since then, WindClan hasn't seen the trio of twoleg kits on their moors, with any luck they never would again. Sootstar takes mental note regardless; they'd be even more cautious around the bridge knowing twolegs might leak over from it.

Cicadastar wraps up with the announcement of three apprentices and two new warriors. Once he is seated she stands.

"WindClan continues to do well this green-leaf. We have new warriors, many of them amongst you tonight. Sparkspirit, Larkfeather, Azaleafrost, and Morningsong." The WindClan cats in the crowd send out a congratulative cheer, she raises her head higher in pride.

"We also have four new apprentices, Juniperpaw, Hollypaw, Littlepaw, and Scorpionpaw. Kits of Juniperfrost, I know he stands at my side tonight with an overwhelming amount of pride, if only he could be here to celebrate the growth of his kits with us." A sly glare is casted in the monochrome leader's direction. She will never forgive what RiverClan has done to WindClan and the lies they've strung to cover them up.

Sootstar then sits back down in her thunder-marked position, that would be all from WindClan.

Wide eyes settled upon the leaders, attention snapping over as the announcements began. Twitchbolt's trembling form lowered to a seat, eyes intently settled upon the monochromatic king of RiverClan. Twolegs, setting traps... it was a reality that Twitchbolt himself was, unfortunately, intimately familiar with. That shelter.... he'd never felt so lonely, even when Quillstrike was only whiskers away from him. Even when he'd seen Daisyflight, Butterflytuft and Snowpath carted in. Even when- wen his mentor had been whisked away, hurled into Silverpelt by those Twolegs in a way Twitchbolt still could not fathom.

This RiverClan apprentice- Ashpaw, her name- he was glad she hadn't met the same fate. A frantic gaze fell to the ThunderClan leader for a moment, attempting fleetingly to gauge her reaction, before his attention skittered back over to Cicadastar. New RiverClan apprentices and warriors... they were thriving as ever, it seemed.

Sootstar was next to speak- and, as if on instinct, Twitchbolt's fur prickled a little, spiced of fur standing in bristles. A spot of snow and dirt in the crowd, he stared up at her upon her blackened spot, awaiting any boastful claims about the fight she had instigated with SkyClan. A spark of surprise lit in wide eyes when there was nothing. No mention of any attack- no mention of ThunderClan's part in their invasion. Nothing- of new warriors, new apprentices. He could hardly believe it- was it borne of shame for its underhanded nature, or... simply because they did not succeed in killing more Skyclanners.

Instinctively, Twitchbolt's vision blurred to Blazestar. Was this- this danger going to be kept completely under wraps, swept away? Sootstar's insatiable hatred of Blazestar- of Dandelionwish, of Coyotecrest, of Mallowlark- did ShadowClan and RiverClan need to know, in case they held any fugitives within their midst?
penned by pin ✧
Blazestar watches Cicadastar move, spiderlike, to the ledge of the Great Rock. His accented voice rings out through the crowd, hushing all chatter and announcing the beginning of the Gathering. His news, for the most part, seems pleasant. A lost apprentice of theirs had returned home; at the mention of Twoleg involvement, the Ragdoll’s mouth tugs into a frown. Howlingstar is closer to that Twoleg Camp Cicadastar speaks of, but any mention of such creatures in their forest brings him unease now. Besides a pawful of apprentices starting their training, though, RiverClan has nothing further to announce.

Curiously, the WindClan leader shoves her way to the ledge next. Sootstar makes no mention of the failed ambush she’d tried to launch against SkyClan, and Blazestar watches her with a stony expression. She discusses new warriors and new apprentices—some of which, she exclaims, are Juniperfrost’s kits. He remembers the ice-eyed blue warrior at his border many moons ago, demanding fealty from Coyotecrest who’d barely begun his training then.

Blazestar’s mouth quirks. He ambles to take Sootstar’s place, flicking his tail to and fro behind him. “SkyClan flourishes,” he says with a hard, challenging note in his voice. “Our warriors drove a dog from our home this moon before it was able to take any of our Clanmates' lives.

Speaking of dogs... Blazestar continues, WindClan attempted one of their infamous night-time raids on our camp, but we were able to intercept them. It was a bloody battle, but we managed to defend our home.” His gaze drifts over those gathered below, his chin lifted proudly. “Our warriors fought nobly against WindClan. Two of the apprentices present now stand among you as warriors—Drizzlepelt and Howlfire!” His daughter has many of her kin in attendance tonight—and whatever their thoughts on him, they will celebrate and remember her name.

He goes on, “Our former lead warrior, Sheepcurl, also returned to the forest after escaping Twolegs. She recovers from her ordeal. Now on my council is Twitchbolt, who trained under Daisyflight herself.” He searches for the nervous young warrior in the crowd before continuing, “We had kits begin their training this moon as well. Plaguepaw, Falconpaw, Sorrelpaw, Zappaw, and Mothpaw will all make fine SkyClan warriors one day.

The one bit of sad news arrives bittersweet, however--“One of our queens, Yukio, lost his litter shortly after birth. But we are StarClan-blessed again. One of our warriors, Sootspritespark, is expecting her own litter of kits.” After a heartbeat, Blazestar wraps up, dipping his head. “Nothing further from SkyClan.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Nervous
Howlingstar is unusually late to the Great Rock, having taken to chatting with warriors in the crowd rather than ascend to her spot early on. By the time she finally reaches her perch, Cicadastar calls for the Gathering to begin. She takes her place beside Blazestar, offering the other leaders a nod. The RiverClan leader speaks of a returning apprentice - it's good news. StarClan has blessed the young one's return and she lifts her gaze to show her support. She is a bit stunned to hear him address her, admittedly, and for a moment she expects to be berated over some slight she hasn't perceived ThunderClan to make. But instead, he warns her of twoleg activity and she dips her chin in understanding. "We will be vigilant," She assures in a neutral tone, not unkind. He finishes his news by announcing new apprentices and warriors, and Sootstar steps forward next.

Her muscles tense beneath her fluffy pelt and she stares straight forward, eyes boring holds into the heads of random warriors below. Does Sootstar know ThunderClan warned SkyClan of their approach? She waits, ears rigid as they face forward. But she says nothing of the battle. Nothing at all. A side-glance is cast her way, one of curiosity. She only brings up news of new warriors and apprentices, just like the RiverClan leader. Will Blazestar say something, she wonders?

He confirms her suspicions swiftly, and with relief, she takes notice he leaves any mention of ThunderClan's involvement out. She lets herself relax, only slightly. When he brings up the naming of Howlfire, however, she perks up, turning wide eyes upon him. Her granddaughter has earned her warrior name? Elated, she trills softly, "That's a fine name." For a moment, she allows herself to search the crowd, seeking her patched pelt, before Blazestar continues with his news. A new lead warrior? She doesn't recognize the name, but she makes a mental note to find out who this Twitchbolt is. The next news is not so fortunate - a lost litter, one of life's deepest tragedies. She dips her head solemnly.

When he is done, she steps forward, "ThunderClan is doing better than we were last moon. The boars have finally left our territory, and we have peace once more in the forest." She fails to mention to loss of two of her lives. "I have named a new lead warrior: my granddaughter, Wolfwind! I look forward to all she will contribute as a trusted member of my council. I have also named two new warriors this moon: Basilwhisker and Burnstorm." She puffs her chest out with pride and casts a well-meaning smile towards Blazestar. Surely he would be happy to know his son is thriving as a young warrior. "Sunfreckle has given birth this past moon to two healthy kits: Rainbowkit and Sunshinekit. He has also taken in a young orphan, Emberkit, and I am happy to report his family is thriving." Like before with Flamewhisker's litter, she does not mention the kits lost to StarClan.

"Moving onto more sour news...ThunderClan has had deserters. Spotflare, and his kits Cherrypaw and Patchpaw, have left the clan. If you see them, know they are no longer ThunderClanners, but loners. They do not speak for my clan any longer." She feels the familiar claws of betrayal tear through her, just like every other time she thinks of the family who left in the night. Closing her eyes, she calls out, "That is all."


After her Blazestar steps forward. The sting of the massive tom-cats claws still could be felt in her throat, she ignores it and locks her cold gaze upon him.

He speaks of dogs, births and the loss of kits, a terrible thing really. Of course the only piece of news she truly cares about is the bit that pertains to the battle WindClan had brought to their border. Her eyes flashes in alarm, he thought SkyClan won? The proud glint in his eye and the booming voice says it all.

She bites her tongue, she won’t squabble about this. However, she wasn’t above a sly remark once Howlingstar wraps up her news. Three deserters. ”Maybe they’ve joined SkyClan or RiverClan.” The vaguest smug look forms upon her face. ”It would not be the first time they took in deserters.”

they only partially listened to the others, if they were being honest. maybe its the exhaustion catching up with them, or the fact that they simply don't care. they're taking in the information, but they're not actually interested in any of it.


they scoffed at sootstar's comment. as if she had a place to comment on anything. still, they do their best to ignore anything that follows, and speaks up.

"last time we gathered, we spoke of the threat of bears. they're gone now, and we are safe but... not without loss. poppypaw had her life taken by these creatures and I can only hope she's watching over us right now."

there is a beat, a pause, in which they ckose their eyes before turning to howlingstar with an acknowledged dip of their head. they mouthed a thank you to her before continuing. they hoped that howlingstar understood why they were thanking them. they would forever be grateful for the temporary help onto their own territory, to keep them out of that tunnel.

"all the news isn't somber. we have some new kits. forestshade and starlingheart each had a beautiful and healthy litter. screechkit, briarkit, flintkit, nettlekit, ghostkit, and sweetkit. we also have accepted a young kit named caterpillarkit, abandoned by her mother.

emberkit has become an apprentice, as well as tadpolepaw and wheatpaw. we have some of our finest training them into warriors. and speaking of warriors, loampaw has been made into loampelt. he has completed his training and will be an amazing addition to the ranks.

geckoscreech has also chosen to no longer be within the lead warriors, and we will always feel grateful for what she's done for shadowclan, and what she continues to do.

... i do believe that that's all. are we done here?
Blazestar eyes Howlingstar, dipping his head at her acknowledgment. She’d been present at Howlfire’s birth, and after all, Little Wolf had named their fiery daughter after the ThunderClan leader. His own eyes begin to glow at her news—Burnstorm, his son, has received his warrior name. “Burnstorm,” he murmurs, trying to ignore the wistful tug on his heart. “Also a fine name for a fine young tom.” No matter the young black warrior’s feelings about Blazestar, he will always be proud of the cat he’s become. He searches the crowd, hoping to see those broad-shoulders, the inky-black of his fur.

Howlingstar speaks of deserters, and Blazestar gives a low trill of sympathy. It’s interrupted—rudely—by Sootstar’s conniving interjection. “Maybe they’ve joined SkyClan or RiverClan,” she says coyly. The flame point forces the fur on his shoulders to remain flat as he addresses her. “There are no ThunderClan cats in my Clan,” he retorts, blue eyes filled with indignation. “If I had to guess, Howlingstar’s deserters were not refugees afraid for their lives.

He shifts, disgruntled, but prepares to listen to Chilledstar’s news. They state ShadowClan has rid themselves of the bears, and though the ebony leader does not verbalize it, Blazestar catches a long look cast from them to Howlingstar. He tilts his head. “I’m glad to hear ShadowClan is well,” is all he says. “But I’m sorry for your loss.” Losing an apprentice—such a shame. There is news of two new litters and a kit taken in by one of the queens, and of one of Chilledstar’s lead warriors stepping down from her position.

Blazestar meets the ShadowClan leader’s icier blue eyes and nods. “I have nothing further.” He stretches, feeling the burn in his muscles, and momentarily winces from the still-healing fatal wound Sootstar had left embedded in his belly. “I’d like to congratulate my son before he leaves, so if we’re all done…” He flicks the tip of his tail.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun


Sootstar meets Blazestar’s gaze, he promptly deflects her remark and she in turn gives a huff of defiance, but no further bickering comes from her tongue.

Chilledstar announces new kits and the stepping down of a lead warrior, but Sootstar merely returns the lack of interest they show for the other four clan’s news. An ear flicks and when the leaders begin to talk of the gathering ending the blue cat rises onto her own paws. ”The gathering is adjourned then.” She agrees.

As she propels down from the rock she yowls, ”WindClan, with me!” before making way to the exit of the clearing.