Cruisin' Through Life | intro


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023
The early morning sun kisses the horizon, ready to wake the forest with it's beaming light and all too welcome warmth. Leaf-Bare had been harsh with the blizzard, all the snow that had previously trapped SkyClan within it's own camp. They had become imprisoned within their own home, and as days passed WindClan had decided to invade. He remembered those blood-curdling screeches and yowls all too well; the gnashing of teeth and glinting claws that splattered scarlet onto a blank canvas. It seemed so long ago now, but it barely had been a couple of moons ago. Funny was time was perceived to each individual. Now the snow had melted mostly amongst the pine floor, only some clumps remained from where the sun never touched. The ground squelched under paw, caked mud staining and matting everyone's fur. New-Leaf was soon to come, Auburnflame just knew it. Budding flowers were beginning to sprout, birdsong now echoed within the trees. Good times were among them. He hoped, at least.

Sitting in the nook of a tree, Auburnflame nestled between the sturdy trunk and the base of a thick woven limb that provided excellent support against his weight. He relaxed in his perch, shaded mint hues closed with patched paws tucked under his chest. His thick, plumed tail swayed with the breeze as it hung lazily below him while the chirp of birdsong touched his elongated ears. The forest around this time was ever peaceful. He inhales deeply, drinking in the crisp morning air before exhaling into a loud sigh. The warrior was supposed to probably be out hunting right now, but he had the rest of the day to do so. Why not take the advantage to enjoy what they took so often for granted?
He's just about to drift off to sleep when a sudden rustling sound has him lazily opening an eye to see what was approaching, the familiar scent of SkyClan billowing off of them. His ears pull in their direction to see a pelt emerge from the elderberry bushes. "Morning!" He trills warmly, waving his feathered tail in greeting to them.


Duty would not stop for anything, that was what Silversmoke had promised when he had first joined the group all those months ago. It had been repayment at first for a bloodied eye, the group had not been able to save the majority of the vision but they'd likely saved his life from the budding infection that may have come from an untreated injury. It was the cause of his war against idleness, and why, when he got wind that somebody might have been missing from assignments that morning, he went out to investigate. Rumours ran rampant in the clans, it may not have been a true statement at all, but the newly promoted lead warrior still wished to investigated. The spotted tabby moved through the bushes, his ears pinned back at the threat of his wispy pelt getting caught on the tangled branches. His sight locked onto a lazing creature, recognising the calico as Auburnflame but not recognising their intentions. Was he... resting? Silversmoke moved forwards, his head held aloft with the promise of maintaining his newfound authority.

The calico greeted him with a lackadaisical 'morning' and Silversmoke's eyes narrowed. "Morning." He said it as a statement and not as a greeting, his pointed stare briefly wandering to assess the position of the sun in the bleached sky. His nostrils flared in thought as a light breeze trickled through his long fur. It was uncertain whether it was that budding gale or suspicion that caused the silver strands to ruffle, it didn't matter either way once his attention settled back onto the warrior. "Aren't you supposed to be on patrol right now?" Silversmoke hadn't been around for the morning calls to action, his paws still sore from traversing to ThunderClan atop of his other responsibilities, he'd been granted an extra few minutes to snooze. But, that lie-in was over now. Things needed to be done around the camp and territory to prepare for newleaf, and it was up to him now to oversee the warriors and ensure their compliance in promoting a bright future for SkyClan. When there was an afterlife that promised eternal rest, it made little sense to take the time whilst alive to grow bored of the very concept. His cranium tilted slightly to the side, he awaited Auburnflame's answer, searching diligently for signs of lying.

❪ TAGS ❫ — The voice of the newly-promoted lead warrior questioning an unknown subject about their duties is what grabs Slate's attention. He flattens his ears to the back of his skull instantly, hardly able to stomach Silversmoke's—from his perspective anyway—pretentiousness. It oozes from his tone as if he is the law itself and won't hesitate to reprimand a lower rank because now he can. Hmph. "Aren't you supposed to be on patrol right now?" Slate mimicks quietly to himself, but finds that mocking Silversmoke behind his back won't help him feel any better.

So, the longhaired tom steps from behind the undergrowth as well, perking his ears and staring over at where the lead warrior is addressing Auburnflame. He doesn't know the latter very well, but it doesn't seem like he's a warrior that typically lazes about ( from what he's noticed anyway ). Slate was not an advocate for slacking off; that was one of the very few qualities that he and Silversmoke shared. He liked to keep himself busy in order to maintain a sense of purpose. However, what Silversmoke seemingly failed to realize was that cats were allowed to take some time for themselves. There were tons of cats in SkyClan patrolling and hunting on a daily basis; what difference would it make if one—stars forbid—wanted to rest? Just because the silver tabby was a workaholic didn't mean everyone else had to work themselves into the ground. The clan would eat and the sun would rise with or without one warrior relaxing for a short while.

Slate simply cannot help himself when an opportunity to try and knock his rival down a peg was presented. "Don't mind him. The guy gets a fancy new rank and now he's SkyClan's personal little stickler." The orange-eyed former rogue snorts, issuing a challenging glance in Silversmoke's direction as if to say, "What are you gonna do?" It would be an awful shame if the blue-eyed tom lashed out and cost him his new ounce of power. Slate would be lying, however, if he wasn't fully willing to make that happen.
  • Haha
"It's fine, he's on the noon patrol." Orangeblossom reassures Silversmoke as she appears, rolling her eyes as Slate tries to initiate the usual back-and-forth. If Silversmoke took the bait, which he almost certainly was about to, she fully intended to leave and tell Blazestar that they were bickering. Again. Honestly, she's not sure if he should denote Silversmoke or promote Slate so they both shut up.

To her cousin in the more positively expressive tone she reserves exclusively for family she meows, "Anything interesting up there?"
Emerging from the bushes was a familiar sight if silver fur, spotted patterns trickling over wispy fur and a brutish look in the eyes of the lead warrior. Auburnflame traces over the thick tom with interest, a twist on his lips into a smile as Silversmoke replied to him. The lack of warmth within his tone didn't go unnoticed, but the perched warrior brushed it off with a flick of his tail. He wasn't the least bit bothered by the abrasiveness of the lead warrior; especially after sharing dens with Orangeblossom for most of his life.
Heterochromatic eyes narrowed as his head craned up to get a better look of the lazing warrior, following up with the question of the hour. Auburnflame mulls over the question for a moment, flicking his barbed tongue behind ivory teeth as a heavy silence filled the air between them.
With a final sigh that sounded more of a groan, he pulled himself up to a stance and stretched. It was probably time for him to get going anyways, he'd been lazing in the nook of the tree for long enough. "I was just enjoying the mornin' sun is all! But I guess you could be right." He mused, an innocent ploy edging his words with mischief sparkling his vibrant gaze.
A darker hue of scarred mass slipped from the fronds, a fiery gaze that held even less friendliness than the latter. Slate was a tom with quite the rugged exterior from observing from afar, though he never acquainted himself to the dark warrior until now. Venom swathes his tone as snorts a jab towards Silversmoke, earning a mild huff of amusement from the speckled tom. "That's right! New Lead Warrior, he is! Done already got in 'ya noggin', didn't it?" A bark of laughter rips from his throat at his expense, throwing his own jabs of good-natured banter.
Now, his favorite is here. She appears beside Silversmoke, an authortive aura about her. His own cousin, Orangeblossom. She speaks now, covering for Auburnflame that he's on noon patrol and he nods enthusiastically, knowing that may not have particularly been the case but he'd owe it to her to join the patrol. He probably would have, anyways. "Heya, Orange!" The tom calls down to his cousin, moving to descend from his previous perch and landing gracefully in front of the duo of rivals and her. "Nah, nothing interesting, really. Just enjoyin' the peace before a hard day's work, 'ya know? " He moved to butt his head against her shoulder in greeting with a rustic purr.