They don't know what to do about the knot in their chest. It had begun a long time ago, maybe just when they were born, but lately it's been heavier than usual. It starts to hurt his heart whenever someone speaks to him. Berryheart was good at unraveling it, but after the apprentices' argument in his den...well, he figures the medicine cat could use some space from him. And so he finds himself at his second favorite place to seek advice, outside of his mother's listening ears: Howlingstar's den.

Never before had he dared to approach the den so closely. Even as a kitten, he had learned to respect a leader's space. Here is where she went for privacy, for a moment's respite in all this hard work, and with that it became untouchable. Today, Duskpaw has pushed himself to touch anyway. His thick fur brushes slowly along the outer wall of her den as he comes closer to the entrance. The knot in his throat gets even bigger. Had he been out of line, talking to warriors the way that he had? They had not seemed pleased about it, and even if Raccoonstripe had stood up for them there's no erasing that worry. If ever he had a hope about being the best warrior ThunderClan could want...wasn't he supposed to respect those with more knowledge than he had? Wasn't he also supposed to stand up for his clanmates when they were hurt? The apprentice's ears pull back in unease.

He can't quite get his head to poke through the den entrance. "Howlingstar?" Dusk calls softly, "are you still awake?" Though it was not quite dark, the low sun filters through the forest's trees and camp winds down to a low, lazy buzz. Their bellies were full and their fur was neatly groomed, and most of them would soon fall asleep soundly. Duskpaw wishes terribly that he could do the same.

  • ooc: @HOWLINGSTAR small child needs advice
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
Howlingstar had just departed from a session of sharing tongues, taking a small mouse with her back to her den. She enjoyed spending time with her clanmates, but sometimes a leader needs moments alone. So, settled on the cave floor, she eats her dinner in silence with only her thoughts to keep her company. By the time her grandson pokes his head in, she is brushing the remains away with a paw to bury later. She turns bright eyes to him, a smile already reaching her lips at the sight of her kin. "I'm awake," She assures gently, shifting into a sitting position and tapping the ground beside her with her tail. "Come here, my love. What did you want to see me about?" He seems uneasy, and she's prepared to talk him through whatever is on his mind. That's her job as his leader and grandmother.