private crying in my prom dress // ivorykit


Mar 19, 2024
// @ivorykit

It had taken her several days to soak in her uncle’s words. During that time, she’d been noticeably quieter around the other kits of the nursery, avoiding them in favor spending time alone. It was boring. And lonely. And she missed hanging out with Ivorykit. But as she approaches the downy-furred she-kit she keeps repeating Skyclaw’s words in her head to give her strength for what she’s about to do.

You are forest-born. You should be hanging out with forest-born cats, not kittypets.

She sees her friend and her heart drops, steps faltering.

That little white kit you play with? She was eating kibble and sleeping on beds of feathers before coming here. You think she won’t run off back to twolegs the moment leaf-bare is here?

She swallows hard and forces her eyes into a narrow, pushing forward again. The anger she feels is synthetic, molded by kin’s paws rather than her own genuine feelings, but there is anger in her eyes nonetheless.

Your mother wouldn’t want this for you. She wouldn’t want you to be held back by cats like that. Stick with the right crowd, Scarletkit.

The right crowd. The right crowd is her kin, those who earned their spot in this forest. Her siblings, her cousins. Hopekit and Coalkit, even if the former makes her want to yank her fur out. Nightbird’s kits. Fadingpaw. Ivorykit is…the wrong crowd. She’s a kittypet. She’s not as worthy as the rest of them. And how can Scarletkit ever go far in this clan if she’d held back by the likes of her?

“Ivorykit…we can’t be friends anymore.” She can’t bring herself to meet her gaze, eyes instead fixed on the ground.
Ivorykit has noticed her friend's seclusion, and it has weighed on her brain for nearly a quarter moon. Scarletkit was once insistently at her nest each dawn, imploring her to do some activity — groom one another's fur, build makeshift dens, play Clan leaders, something — but lately, each time Ivorykit tries to meet her friend's eyes, she shifts them away. It's been lonely for her, too. Perhaps even moreso. While Scarletkit has slowly withdrawn from her, the rest of the Clan seems to have turned their teeth in her direction. There was a time when Ivorykit had been more-or-less welcomed as well as any other cat, but now cats like Ravenstrike and Redflower mutter curses around her, whispering hateful little words. Kittypet.

Scarletkit hasn't been right since Moonwhisper had died. But Ivorykit could have understood! She had lost her mother, too, right by the Thunderpath, and the two of them could have shared their sorrows together, supported one another!

When the mottled she-kit approaches her, Ivorykit nearly stumbles with relief. Her dark eyes shine, and she trills a happy greeting. "Ivorykit," she starts, and there's something ominous about the way Scarletkit mutters her name.

"We can't be friends anymore."

Ivorykit's heart twists in her chest. "What?" Her curled ears flatten against her fluffy white skull. "What do you mean? Why not? Did I..." The frustration leaves her almost instantly, causing her tail to droop into the dust. "Did I do something wrong?"

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

If her heart wasn't pounding before, it sure is now. The pain in Ivorykit's voice threatens to bring tears to her eyes, but the weight of her uncle's words press heavily down on her shoulders like stone. She must remain strong. "No," Scarletkit mews, her voice cracking slightly despite her efforts to sound firm. "It's not anything you did. It's...what you are." There's no going back now. She forces her eyes into slits, pushes down the lump in her throat. She has to be strong. For her uncle, for her mother. For her legacy. For her family line. "You're a kittypet. I need to stay close to cats who belong here, not- not you."

She swallows hard, eyes suddenly falling to fix themselves on the ground. It's hard to keep looking at her friend - ex-friend - like this. "You're- you're weak. You're not a true ThunderClanner, but I am. I can't have you holding me back." And the more she says it, the more she can pretend she believes it. Split eyes grow harder as she looks back up and meets a chocolate gaze. She tries her best to ignore the pain in them. ThunderClan blood runs hot and pure through her veins, through her kin's veins, through many of her clanmates. Ivorykit is nothing but...but a kibble-eating outsider. "Don't- don't come around me anymore." There is a finality in her words, paired with a lashing of a dual-toned tail. She turns her back on the companion she's had for so long and walks away, stone-faced as the final brick is cemented in her own personal wall. Goodbye, Ivorykit.
Scarletkit's blue-gold eyes fix on her with wavering conviction. "No," the other she-cat says, "It's not anything you did. It's... what you are." Ivorykit flinches as though her friend has sank her teeth into her flesh; she takes a blundering step backward, the blow wounding her. Her whiskers quiver, indignation battling with pain. "What I am? I've always been..." Kittypet, there's that word. Ravenstrike's face flashes before her, and she feels her flanks start to heave.

Kittypet. It's what she'll always be, isn't it? Scarletkit had listened to Ravenstrike and the others, and now she's lost her only friend in the Clan besides Palefire.

"I'm n-not weak," she cries, and there's a hitch in her voice that makes her internally scream. I can't even cry, because that will just prove her right. The pale-furred kitten chokes back an angry sob and rights her posture, her tail twisting behind her.

"I can't help where I came from," she tries, but Scarletkit is already turning away from her, resolute in her decision. Oh, StarClan, why did you bring me here if I'm just going to lose the cats I care about? Her eyes brim with tears, but she does not let them fall.

I can't be a weak little kittypet. I won't.
  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

  • Sad
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