pafp CRYING OUT FOR MERCY 𓆝 fishing net

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The twolegs who have started walking through their territory are dangerous, the warriors say. They leave behind terrible, deadly claws that shine in the sunlight and kill their fish, and they have set loose horrifying beasts called dogs onto the territory. Crabkit fears the strange hairless creatures, if not for their massive size then for the new danger that they pose to the clan. But at the same time, the little tomkit is also curious about the new things that have appeared around the island camp. The bright yellow, loud object that Eveningkit had brought into the nursery was kind of funny, even though it woke them all up and Hazecloud didn’t like it. Really, Crabkit… kind of wants one for himself.

He’s sitting in the middle of camp, a safe distance away from the river, when he sees it bump up against the shore. It’s something brown and… floppy? It moves with the ripples of the water, and mossy green eyes widen with surprise. Surely his mom wouldn’t be too mad if he went over to see what it is, right? "That’s weird…" he murmurs, head tipping curiously to one side. Behind him, his white-webbed tail flickers back and forth. He turns to the other kit who sits nearby, beckoning with a paw. "Oh, let’s go see what it is!" Without waiting for a response from Jaggedkit, he rushes to the water’s edge, looking at the thing up close.

Even when he gets closer, Crabkit still can’t tell what exactly it is. It’s thin in some places and thick in others, and looks like some of the woven reeds that RiverClanners make. The kit scoops up the weird woven think with his claws, intending to examine it—but when he tries to put it down, it gets stuck! An attempt to shake it off only gets it wrapped around his paw even worse! He takes a step back, but another paw falls into one of the gaps, and suddenly one of his hind legs is stuck, too! Turning back to Jaggedkit, he cries out, "Oh no… help!"

  • ooc: @Jaggedkit for dace!!
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore

jaggedkit & 05 moons & male & he/him & riverclan kit

Jaggedkit could tell without a doubt that Crabkit was the type to 'cause trouble, the type to get into it and not know particularly how to get out of it, and this in and of itself is why he had decided to be the best-est of friends with the other kit. Today was no different than any other day, accept this time they were out by the river and he was watching the fish swim by while his companion was doing something menial that meant little to him. Questions arose on his tongue that he stoked and prodded and pet but kept back for later when he was able to ask his father and get a viable answer, rather than one from someone who was just as knowledgeable as himself.

Needless to say he was definitely smarter than Crabkit, and he wasn't inclined to go anywhere near whatever in Starclan's name he had gotten himself into. "But, like, why? How did you even do that in the first place?" He stared, dumbfounded, at his companions mishappenings. "I'll uhm, well, I guess I can try to help you." Jaggedkit amended, looking around at the lack of other cats around them before trotting up to the weird brown thingy. He nodded towards the other kits tail seriously, "I need your tail. I ain't steppin' in that thing and gettin' stuck like you! No way!" He promised, motioning towards the others tail again.

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: you have full reign to pull him into the net by accident (please do!! humble his ass!!!) (note: i may or may not have posted with the wrong account SUE ME)
    tw/cw: —
    tag: —
    mentor: —
  • — chocolate tabby / cinnamon tabby chimera w/ high white, one blue eye and one green eye

    — physically healthy && mentally healthy
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission
Last edited:
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 At first, Jaggedkit doesn’t even want to help him, and Crabkit is left staring teary-eyed at the other kit as he struggles to fight his way out of the weird woven thing he’s trapped in. He’s starting to get worried, because he can’t pull his leg out of the thing no matter how hard he tries. The other asks how he got himself stuck, and Crabkit whines out, "I don’t knowww…" And he truly doesn’t! It’s like the weird twoleg thing just grabbed his legs and started dragging him in! "Jaggedkit, I think it’s eating me!" Panic starts to take over in place of curiosity, and he begins to wiggle frantically as the other tom finally agrees to help him.

Two of his paws are tangled up and twisted in the weird wires, and Crabkit has no way to turn himself around without knocking himself off balance and falling over. But still he attempts it, because Jaggedkit can try to pull him out by his tail! Except… when he turns, another brightly-colored paw gets caught in a loop of the thing. Where he had four paws on the ground before, the ginger-splashed kit now finds that he has none on the ground anymore. Entirely off balance, Crabkit tries to use the brown and white tabby’s shoulder to steady himself. But instead of using Jaggedkit to hold himself up, he only succeeds in dragging the other tom down with him. "AHH!" He shrieks, limbs flailing wildly as he tries to keep his balance (and fails). "Jaggedkit, HELP!" With three limbs tangled now, he can only hope that the other kit will somehow manage to avoid getting stuck in the weird rope-thing.

  • ooc: —
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore

jaggedkit & 05 moons & male & he/him & riverclan kit

Jaggedkit is no sooner reaching for Crabkit’s tail than he is being pulled and whipped into the twoleg contraption and rolling head over heels into the holes of the thing. "NO— OOMPH!" He cried, landing with a thud with his head through one of the holes and two of his four paws tangling within. His anger would be prevalent on his face, embarrassment and general bitterness creating a nasty storm of emotions on his maw.

"You— you MOUSEBRAIN what in Starclan’s name were you thinking?! Now I’m stuck too and we don’t have anyone near to help!" He was nearly shouting, ears back and a hiss ripening in his throat that he smooths over quickly with a sigh. "I guess we’ll have to wait for someone to come along and ask for help, now. 'Cause if we move we’ll just get even more tangled."

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: PLS HES SO MAD
    tw/cw: —
    tag: —
    mentor: —
  • — chocolate tabby / cinnamon tabby chimera w/ high white, one blue eye and one green eye

    — physically healthy && mentally healthy
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission
Last edited:

The presence of the twolegs grows with every passing day. Even Lavendersong and Frogbelly could no longer keep pretending like nothing was wrong when Shimmerkit asked questions. Cats seemed to go missing every day, warriors, queens, kits, even their medicine cat!

As she played in camp, Shimmerkit was very aware of both her parents watching her intently as hurried about. It wasn't that unusual for Frogbelly who always seemed to keep an eye on her, but it was more unusual for Lavendersong who was usually more lax in her parental duties. It was during a moment where their attention wavered, that Shimmerkit made a break, padding after Crabkit and Jaggedkit. When she approaches, she hears Crabkit shrieking, and she hurries over to see both kits thrashing wildly, caught up in a strange brown twoleg object floating on the water. "Somebody help!" Shimmerkit cried out, not quite understanding what was going on but assuming Crabkit and Jaggedkit were in some kind of danger. "Something is eating Crabkit and Jaggedkit!"

// let me know if this post was allowed! I'm assuming the thread was open but can delete if not!

It takes a village to raise a child. In this case, Robinheart finds herself feeling a need to take count of the nursery kits - to make sure every resident of the nursery was safe and accounted for. Her trio nap within the safety of the woven walls as the mottled tortoiseshell steps out into camp. Citrine eyes scan the nearest surroundings and note that everything seems fine. However her ears twitch at the panicky voices arising from by the water’s edge. Heart rate increases as the queen pads towards the noise, steps quickening as the three kits come into view.

Crabkit and Jaggedkit are stuck in twoleg contraption and Shimmerkit is calling for help. “Hey, it’s okay… it’s okay. Let me see if I can help,” Robinheart murmurs as she approaches, trying hard to hide any panic or concern situated on her face. Be brave. Be quick, She tells herself, worried that they’ll injure themselves or draw a twoleg’s attention. Neither would be good.

“Try and stay still. I’ll see if I can bite through some of this… stuff. Maybe it will all unravel? Or at least make it easier to free your paws.” If she could make the holes bigger it would be easier for the kits to pull their paws out. Robinheart, keeping her paws tucked away from the net, cranes her neck forward and down and grasps a loop of the net in her maw, chewing with the aid of her back teeth in the hopes of fraying and breaking the material.
[ penned by kerms ]
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 Crabkit continues to flail about in his panic, hardly realizing what he’s doing until Jaggedkit goes crashing down right beside him. The other kit falls with his head through one of the holes and his legs through another—and the expression that blooms upon his face is stormy. His ears are pinned back, voice rising to a level that makes Crabkit try to scramble back, to get away from the other tom. But he’s stopped by the strange woven thing, and one of his claws gets caught in the fibers. He trips once again and falls over, his shoulder dropping to hit the ground with a harsh thump. "I’m—sorry!" He shouts in return, his voice thin and high-pitched with panic. What was he thinking… What was he thinking? He’s an idiot! A complete mousebrain! Now Jaggedkit isn’t going to help him at all, and they’re both going to get eaten by this thing! "I don’t know! I—I don’t know!" They don’t have anyone nearby to help—they’re going to be stuck here forever, or it’s going to drown them, or some scary twoleg is going to come steal them just like it’s stolen some of their clanmates!

Thankfully, Jaggedkit calms down after a moment, his voice going back to kind-of-normal, and it helps to calm him down a bit as well. The other kit says that they’ll have to just wait for someone to help, because moving will just get them even more stuck in the strange object. Crabkit tries to take a big deep breath in an attempt to calm down, but it isn’t really working. He’s still really scared, even if Jaggedkit isn’t! Before he can begin to panic again, though, a familiar figure comes into view. Shimmerkit approaches them quickly, and without hesitating she shouts for help. "Yeah, yeah, go get someone to help…" he murmurs, allowing himself to go limp within the tangling wires. It doesn’t take long for a warrior to arrive behind Shimmerkit, and the tricolored tom calls out to her. "Rob-Robinheart!" He cries out, mossy eyes widening as he stares up at the older RiverClanner. The calico begins to bite at the weird thing, telling them to stay still, and despite his gratefulness, Crabkit still tries to move when she starts to chew on the object. "Help us!"

  • ooc: —
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore

jaggedkit & 05 moons & male & he/him & riverclan kit

Jaggedkit stared in annoyance at his friend, waiting impatiently for him to calm down enough for him to think properly when Shimmerkit makes an appearance and helpfully yells for someone to help them-- by saying that they were being eaten by something. If Jaggedkit could slam a large paw to his face without getting even more tangled in the Starclan be damned twoleg contraption, he would've. But, alas, he was stuck with an eye roll and a lazy flick of his ear as he waited (once again) impatiently for someone to come and help him.

Thankfully Shimmerkit did not disappoint in her yelling as, soon, Robinheart made an appearance. Jaggedkit perked up, almost making the mistake of standing straight up but stopping himself halway through as Robinheart started chewing through the mousebrained material.

Once the material had been cut and he was finally able to get to his paws, he tried to help Crabkit out of his own constraints before turning to thank Robinheart. "Thanks."

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
    tag: @CRABKIT @Shimmerkit. @robinheart
    mentor: —
  • — chocolate tabby / cinnamon tabby chimera w/ high white, one blue eye and one green eye

    — physically healthy && mentally healthy
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission

Shimmerkit is relieved when her shouting and pleas for help do not go unnoticed. The familiar form of Robinheart comes into view, speaking gently to Shimmerkit as she promises to help. "Oh thank you Robinheart!" The little she-kit trilled, stepping back so that the queen can free Crabkit and Jaggedkit from the net.

She watches with wide, blue eyes, as Robinheart chews at the strange material. It takes a moment for the net to widen enough for Crabkit and Jaggedkit to slip their legs through but soon enough they are saved. Once both of her fellow kits were safe and out of the clutches of the net, she steps forward. "Are you okay?" She asks, eyes flickering between Crabkit and Jaggedkit. "Did I get help in time?"
Nets are not common in ShadowClan, as far as Splashpaw is concerned, so even in all of her trash-eater knowledge she approaches on the (mostly) solved circumstance with a worried but quizzical expression on her face. The shouting had first alerted her to the commotion, however by the time she detangled (haha) herself from her duties, Robinheart was already making quick work of the discarded twoleg rubbish and setting the two little toms free. Still, one seems frustrated whilst the other is close to tears.

"Is anyone hurt...?" Or just scared? She imagines she would be, too. Splashpaw figures that the tide can get a little nasty sometimes, and so the kittens could've been gobbled up by the water if they weren't saved in time... But that's a pessimist talking, and the black furred she-cat tries not to be that. "We can wiggle our noses and toes, yeah?" She asks, as if it's a measure of health and safety.​
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 With Robinheart’s hard work, the weird thing snaps apart quickly, and Jaggedkit is able to free himself. Orange paws continue to bat around aimlessly for a few moments, until suddenly Crabkit realizes… there’s no tension holding his paws in one place anymore. He’s free! And Jaggedkit isn’t hurt, and he isn’t hurt—but then Splashpaw asks whether either of them are hurt, and Crabkit isn’t so sure anymore. What if he’s hurt somewhere and he just doesn’t know it? Can that happen?

He’s distracted from his worries by Shimmerkit, who asks if she got help in time. His orange-capped head bobs swiftly, a quick affirmative response that’s followed by, "I’m okay! You saved us, Shimmerkit!" Bright green eyes flutter up to the dappled queen as he adds, "And you did too, Robinheart! We almost DIED!" We almost… died. The thought makes Crabkit gulp, worry rising in his chest and bubbling like river foam at his throat. If no one got there to save them in time, would he and Jaggedkit both… die? Just like that? It seems impossible, unthinkable, but it might have happened if Robinheart and Shimmerkit weren’t so fast.

Turning to face Jaggedkit, a sorrowful expression winds its way across Crabkit’s face. "I’m… I’m sorry!" He exclaims, shifting his weight nervously from paw to paw. "Next time I’ll listen to you and I’ll stay still, I promise! Can we still… can we still be friends?" The whole time, Crabkit looks at the other tom with big round pleading eyes. He still wants to be friends with Jaggedkit, but what if Jaggedkit is really mad at him for this?

  • ooc: —
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore