private crystalline tears // snakehiss

Her claws shred the moss that had been so graciously donated to the medicine den. Seconds before, It had been in one piece, freely rolling beneath a cotton tufted paw - but grief and fear clutches her chest and her claws act of their own volition. This stupid... kittypet illness, called yellowcough by the RiverClan medicine cat, has caused her more turmoil than necessary. There are cats like Brightshine, who are both sick and pregnant - or Sunstride, who's mate is close to bursting whilst he struggles on his own. And now, her mother, father, and sister - though only the first had a shot at being properly healed.

It's stressful; Cottonpaw didn't think that this position would be simple and easy, but she hadn't thought that StarClan would attempt to damn her so soon. Why did they have to pick her so late? Surely she missed signs on her the cotton bud was a last resort to finally get her attention, before it was properly too late for her to be of use. In any case... she needs a walk. She needs to separate herself lest she destroy more nesting material on accident.

"Snakehiss?" tufts of moss still stuck to her paws as she steps out of her den, the herbal scent clinging desperately to her plush fur similarly. She finds the black furred tom with ease, and touches her nose to his shoulder briefly, "Could you take me out? I just want to go on a walk, to clear my head..." She wants to obey Wolfsong's wishes in not going alone. Snakehiss might as well be the same thing to her mentor, but hey - he didn't specify.​
Unease and tension wrack WindClan's camp as more cats succumb to the kittypet illness spreading along the territories. Some cats are even moving themselves to the abandoned badger sett, causing emotions to run high as families parted from one another. Thankfully none of his kin had been affected ( with the exception of Whitepaw, but she is not kin to him aside from their shared blood ). However, Snakehiss would be lying if he claimed that it was easy to live day to day, wondering if he would wake up with a dreaded cough or fever.

He is healthy for now, though, thank StarClan. The touch of a nose bumps his shoulder, alerting him to the presence of a certain blue-hued she-at. Cottonpaw's company as of late wasn't as insufferable as he initially predicted it to be; she entertained his stories, said flattering things about him ( most of the time ), and gave him plenty of attention. It was... nice, admittedly. Snakehiss wasn't sure if this was what he would call a true friendship, but whatever it was, he liked it. Better her than her sister, Bluepaw, anyway.

Snakehiss supposes he'd be amenable to a walk in the territories. "Very well." The young warrior meowed, getting to his paws and strolling toward the camp entrance.

As they commence their outing, the dark-colored moor runner cocks his head ever so slightly in Cottonpaw's direction. "Something troubles you." Most likely; Snakehiss was apathetic to most of his clanmates' troubles, but he wasn't daft. Most cats let their emotions manifest their auras, their movements, their tones of voices... everything. It is not difficult to tell when another cat is dealing with mental turmoil, and Cottonpaw is no exception. Something is on her mind and he's curious as to what exactly — it could very well be the plague keeping the medicine den busy.

  • apologies for the lateness! retro to the journey (i'm assuming?? akskscs)
  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles