camp cuddle weather // casual chat

The air is brisk, the windchill only making it all worse. Cottonpaw survived the first weeks of leaf fall by puffing out her fur, grooming properly so that her leafbare coat would come in more naturally and unimpacted - but now the seasons are shifting again, and in time her natural defenses will not work as well. StarClan - she's willing to say that her fur hardly keeps her warm now, if she's out in the open with her friends!

She thinks back to ShadowClan camp, complaining then about the cold air, and cringes a bit with the conversation ensuing. She thinks of Snakehiss, and though she smiles at the thought of using him for his warmth, she can't help but hope he doesn't show his face this afternoon. What kind of she-cat does that make me, though... she wonders, almost hoping that the tom is out hunting rather than in camp.

Regardless, her tail sweeps around her body, and she for once isn't abusing someone's personal space. She is, however, more than willing to chat her neighbor's ear off. "I feel like we're going to see so many more couples in the future," she laughs, turning towards them, "And love-confessions, if only to feel a little warmer on leafbare nights," while the improper time to have a litter, it seems like the best time to find a match (at least, for the season.)

[ anyone can be who she's talking to! ]​
Juncopaw's fur was bristled as the cool wind battered her side, searing the recent cuts and scratches from her little.. thorn bush incident. At her pale paws was a young rabbit, which has has grown from the leaf-fall weather since she caught it. She sat amongst a group of cats, all resting, grooming, eating or simply passing by; as bad as she was with her social skills, she was not above the occasional hangout with other apprentices, so long as they didn't blabber about something stupid.

Her ears were angled towards Cottonpaw, an apprentice she felt rather passive towards, as she spoke: and remained so, despite Juncopaw's attempts to act distracted with her meal. Couples? Love-confessions? The thought of such a connection never crossed the mind of this molly, who generally had no interest in forming even the smallest of bonds with other cats. At her age and mental immaturity, the thought if it icked her, akin to the concept of 'cooties'. But, in a rare moment of genuity, Juncopaw sat nearby and listened; some part of her was intrigued by the gossip that circulated amongst apprentices, and for whatever reason it was not always out of malice. She picked at the rabbit at her paws as she discretely listened, pretending to be distracted and disinterested, and would sharply side-eye anyone who would dare glance her way with any semblance of surprise at the typically aloof apprentice's subtle involvement in such a conversation.


praise be the heavens. praise me, i'm the lord.
Although WindClan didn't need to follow the code that the clans had agreed upon - that kits and queens were to be fed first - Mouseflight found himself still sharing food with those that needed it more than himself when he was able to so that they were still able to eat. He'd gladly take something smaller or more frail if it meant that those that were still growing and nursing could get the energy they needed - he could just go off and hunt something else if he was still hungry after all. It was now that the calico was eating, rabbit almost gone as he listened to the small bits of chatter by the apprentices. Despite no longer being one the warrior still found himself gravitating towards the ones so close in age to himself, his friends and acquaintances from before the journey, especially if it meant he could be near Cottonpaw and listen to what she was saying. He enjoyed her stories and though the last time they had spoken properly they had been interrupted by Snakehiss he still lingered nearby in the hope that conversation would drift towards stories naturally once more.

Though this time he found himself coughing for a moment, the words coming from the apprentices maw one of love and couples, confessions to feel warmer during leafbare. It was a surprise to him and thus the small bit of rabbit he had been chewing on had gone down slightly wrong for a moment before ears flicked back for just a second and he shook his head. "I don't even know of any potential couples that didn't already couple up." The tunneler admit, taking a moment to think before a small shrug came from his shoulders. He'd much rather be talking about anything else, the awkwardness of talking of love and relationships causing the tom's ears to burn, not wanting to think about who could potentially get with who for too long.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
It may not look like it, but she loved gossip and romance was among her top favorite subjects. Of course she would be here and shake her head at Mouseflight and Juncopaw in disappointment. Bummer. You're all bummers except Cottonpaw. Mouseflight didn't say anything wrong, but it just proved the tom lacked imagination. Or that the tom was only giving a safe answer to satisfy Cottonpaw, which boo throws crowfood at him. She had thought about potential couples and did they make sense no, but sometimes looking cute together was enough for her to smile about. Nevermind that the cats in question were not dating, but let her dream of her clanmates cuddled up or giving each other flowers live.

"I am going to be so real with you, I think Venomstrike and Rattleheart would be such a cute couple." She was most definitely not throwing her brother under the bus here, but she's seen the way he looks at Venomstrike. It's to the point where she wants to just shove her brother into Venomstrike and see what happens. By the time she was an elder, he would still have yet to say anything about it. Maybe they others save for Cottonpaw would look at her funny, but she said what she said. It wasn't a crime to put it out in open and it wasn't like she was cursing either cats in question.

Her statement doesn't answer Cottonpaw's question and she seeks to correct that. "Oh I want so many couples to happen during leaf-bare you can't even imagine. Confessions too. Speaking of which..." A mischievous glint and smirk are given towards Cottonpaw. There's no harm in asking right? The others can always leave if it bothers them so much. "Who do you think is cute Cottonpaw? I'll tell you who I think is cute too if you spill." This is fair, right? You tell me who is a cutie in your eyes and I'll tell you who I think are hotties in my mind!
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

A crowd had gathered just to natter, apparently. Grooming and talking made it all take twice as long, interrupting yourself... but Featherpaw had made it a priority, at some point in early life, to keep himself pristine. Therefore he was roped into this social activity, sitting amongst a gathered crowd and listening to the drone of their conversations. His scowl was deep-set, so much so it looked like a stain on his face- the night before had not been kind to him.

Young and over-concerned, talks of love made her pull a face- she looked around to the dreamy-eyed cats around them, wondering why it was all so important to them. What was the point, even, of being interested in other cats' love-confessions? It just seemed like... like icky, all-too-personal stuff. Featherpaw did not speak a word as he groomed himself into immaculacy, but the wrinkle of abject disgust written on his face said all the words kept being his gritted fangs.

I'll tell you who I think is cute too if you spill. Cute couples, cute cats- it was just horrible. Disgusting. Too much. A scoff was knocked out of her, betraying her opinion on the matter.
✦ penned by pin
Slatetooth sat near the small gathering of cats, eyes half closed and paws tucked underneath him as the wind battered his short fur. He remembered living through leaf-bare before, and dreaded that he'd have to do it once, twice, maybe even three or more times. There was no warmth in WindClan's camp for a feline characterized by solitude.

But there was warmth in the words of others tonight. Cottonpaw started off the conversation with the mention of mates, couples and love-confessions, prompting others to join in on the gossip with their own predictions and questions. Apprentice gossip wasn't something that Slatetooth was particularly interested in, being significantly older and more aloof than most of this crowd, but his whiskers twitched with interest when he spotted a black-and-white figure moving around the edge of camp.

"What about Gravelsnap and Periwinklebreeze? Are they together yet?" he hummed thoughtfully. The two had been inseparable for quite some time, and frankly he'd be surprised if they weren't officially mates by now. "Gravelsnap!" he called over to his brother, beckoning him over with a gesture of his tail. He hasn't talked to Gravelsnap much, if at all, until recently - maybe this was a chance to get to know something about him. As Gravelsnap makes his way over, he muses, "I was just talkin' about you. Why don't you join us?"


describe the way the sun hit
a tree you saw when you were ten

interacting with @GRAVELSNAP

Gravelsnap is minding their own business, pointedly ignoring the gathered group that rests on the other side of the camp. The talk of couples and love escapes their interest, and they wonder why their clanmates even bother to continue the conversation. It’s no more than gossip, making conversation at the expense of others. The black-patched tom wonders what the subjects of their gossip would think if they knew they were being talked about. They hear their own name, faintly, and their dark ears flicker toward the group. Why are they being discussed? The concept of being close to another is nearly enough to make them gag. Well, except…

Hazel eyes narrow as Slatetooth calls their name, and the moor runner stalks over to the group. Their eel-black tail lashes irritably as their brother tells them that they had, in fact, been the subject of conversation. Why doesn’t Gravelsnap join them? "I have better things to do than gossip," they say flatly, raising a brow in suspicion. "Why were you talking about me in your… matchmaking?" Because that’s what this will turn out to be, isn’t it? Some sort of attempt to set up their clanmates with one another? They’d heard Rattleheart and Venomstrike named, as well; they don’t think the two have much chemistry, though. Maybe this group is simply terrible at matchmaking.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]
Idly munching on an already picked-at critter, Redpaw looked up at the rising voices. Though he had been half-heartedly listening to the cats around him chatting, he decided to focus at the mention of his mentor. Surprise and confusion puzzled the ruddy feline as he looked on, unsure of what to say or how to feel at the implication. His mentor got along quite nicely with the other warrior, but Redpaw hadn't personally spotted any drastic changes, romantic or otherwise. Now, he'd be sure to keep an eye out.

As the chatter boxes grew in number, his wilful absence became less optional. Sighing, the moor runner apprentice gave up on the task of eating. For a change, he was on Gravelsnap's level of disgruntled. He'd never been a big fan of gossip, and relationships were already complicated enough for the young apprentice. Why would he seek to further muddy his already thin social circle? The flash of a familiar white and black pelt made his throat dry up. Weird. Blinking away the strange sensation, he decided to add his own meow to the mix.

Low and brittle, his unused vocal chords thrummed to life. "Uh... Yeah, it's a bit strange to pair up random cats?" His tone held no malice or any accusatory remarks just plain uncertainty. Redpaw wasn't the brightest cat around, but even in his obliviousness, he could feel a discomforting amount of awkwardness creeping in. Not sure how to take the match ups being mentioned.
Before she's given an answer another voice joins the fray and it is none other than Slatetooth. A potential couple is brought up that never occured to her. "I don't think so?" She's not very close to Gravelsnap or Periwinklebreeze to confirm or deny. It doesn't help that Gravelsnap is a moor runner either. She wouldn't know much about him unless they spoke to each other (they didn't). Gravelsnap bounds over at Slatetooth's call and immediately ruins the mood. What a grump. Live a little! She decides not to answer the question, considering it had been Slatetooth who mentioned Gravelsnap. Not to mention his fault for calling such a sourpuss over. Then, another voice interjects.

Immediately she glares at poor Redpaw. "Why are most of you so boring?" She can't help but sigh and shake her head at the fact that most who decided to show up either found it strange, disgusted, or just clueless. It wasn't like they were going to be killed by randomly pairing cats with each other. If Rabbitclaw said that Redpaw and Cottonpaw (this is an example) would be cute together, this did not mean by the laws of Rabbitclaw both of them were supposed to be mates. Redpaw is an apprentice she has a soft spot for, so she decides not to to glare at him anymore. "It's not strange Redpaw. It's just weird if you pair cats who are already a couple with someone else. Like, uhh... If I said Wolfsong would be cute with... I dunno, uh, Harbingermoon." The thought of Harbingermoon and Wolfsong together makes her shiver in disgust. No way, that's just cursed.

"Look we're not saying whatever pairings we say have to happen. It's a little complicated but it's more like... Hey I think they would be nice for each other. If you want to try your hand at it you can tell me who you think I would be nice with. I'm not gonna kill you or yell at you for whatever name you give, that is, if you wanna dip your paws in this." She hopes Redpaw would play along or someone else would jump in and say a name, but she really does wish Redpaw would just take a leap of faith. He had her permission to try and say who he thought would be nice to see her with. Let's make a joke out of it if he says someone I totally am not interested in. Don't wanna scare the little guy off.

  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Immediately upon Gravelsnap's arrival, Slatetooth begins to regret the decision of calling him over. Was his brother always such a hardass? He can't help but roll his eyes at Gravelsnap's words. I have better things to do than gossip. "Yeah, so do we," he retorted. "It's called, 'taking a break'." As exasperated as he was, there was still a playful glint in his green eyes. How strangely backward it was to be the brother with a relaxed side, after all he's been through that Gravelsnap has not. "Why was I talking about you? For fun, I guess. Just wondering how things are going with Periwinklebreeze. You two follow each other around like lost hounds," he mused, giving his brother a wink, all the while waving his paw at Gravelsnap in faux dismissal. He could walk away if he wanted; Slatetooth didn't care. Save him more embarrassment, at least, which was brought about by Rabbitclaw's vague look of disapproval towards Gravelsnap. Why in StarClan's name did I call over the grumpiest cat in the Clan?


describe the way the sun hit
a tree you saw when you were ten
Her fur fluffs out as the conversation flows around her, some annoyed with the topic she's brought up, others surprised, and a few just as curious and enthused as she is. Cottonpaw remains quiet for a bit, a bit too aware of her actions - she beckons Juncopaw closer with a reassuring smile, yet shifts away from Mouseflight slightly. Even Featherpaw, the kitten too engrossed with cleaning, is afforded a cursory glance. Snakehiss mentors his sibling... would that bar the entire litter, she wonders? She used to be housed with them, it would feel odd if... she could no longer associate with them.

Rabbitclaw's suggestion catches her by surprise and she doesn't say anything at first. As said before, everyone chatters on without her. Her face and ears feel warm and despite the anxiety nipping at her nose, she's a little excited. Who knew that she, runt of her litter, tunneler failure, StarClan damned - would be among the first to find love? (She ignores that they've not traded 'I love you's yet. In time, surely. In time.)

Venomstrike and Rattleheart - yes, she nods in agreement as Rabbitclaw names them. Slatetooth also suggests Periwinklebreeze and Gravelsnap, even going as far as to drag his brother in and hound him for answers. As Rabbitclaw tries to teach Redpaw of the easygoing nature of gossip, Cottonpaw bids a giggly, "Oh, if we're going after siblings -" she cranes her neck around, looking for her own brother and the white she-cat he's protective of, "Addervenom and Whitepaw, I think - neither of them know it yet, though. Clearly." She laughs at her own joke, and listens to Slatetooth and Gravelsnap bicker for a second.

It's hardly much longer after her suggestion before she buts out again - "Actually," she turns, addressing Rabbitclaw again, "Snakehiss. He - uh, he asked me to be his, once I've gotten my fully trained name. It'll be moons from now, but I'm excited - we're excited," she grins, and she's certain that it's genuine, even when it feels strained at the edges. "Alright, I held up my end of the bargain! Your turn, Rabbitclaw!"
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Reactions: SNAKEHISS

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- Cottonpaw's beckon caught her by surprise. Juncopaw actually looked over her shoulder - nobody was behind her. Huh? She turns back towards the group with a puzzled look, and briefly contemplates her options. Though she was above love and couples and all this sappy talk, she had to admit there was some part of her that yearned to hear more. Like.. a normal seven-moon old girl, longing to belong with others her age, to bond over girly gossip and girly crushes. Maybe a break from her normal routine wouldn't hurt.. so long as nobody important was watching.

Sheepishly, she grabbed whatever was left of her rabbit and creeped over, finding an open spot next to Cottonpaw. As she listened to the speculation and rumors of other cats float about, she realized just how much she didn't know any of them. For being born on WindClan soil, she was just as ostracized as any old rogue. Normally, the thought wouldn't bother her; it was always the norm for her to be aloof, solitary, reclusive. But something about this environment, right here, right now - it was warm and welcoming, and she just.. didn't belong. But some part of her, deep below all that brainwash and ambition, wished to. Cottonpaw beckoned her over, despite Juncopaw's very blatant reputation of being rambunctious, mean, and just.. awful. All of these thoughts were making the silver tabby shudder. This is so weird.

She nearly choked on a piece of her rabbit when Cottonpaw announced her engagement with Snakehiss. She didn't really dislike the tom by any means; hell, she stood next to him and cheered him on when he was beating up Sedgepounce. They didn't interact much, and she didn't know him (not like she really knew anyone, anyway,) but he was no Hollowcreek. Still.. Cottonpaw and Snakehiss? It was like rabbit and fox, clear as day. Not to mention.. Cottonpaw was only a couple moons older than herself, and Juncopaw couldn't fathom getting so close with another cat at this age, even looking past the childish 'cooties' aspect of it.

The silence was almost deafening for a moment, and it seemed most cats shared her uncertainty. Uncharacteristically, she was going to break it, and put in her two cents. Hopefully in a not-mean way. "Uh.." Juncopaw cleared her throat, taking a brief moment to un-gracefully cough up the string of rabbit meat that lingered in her throat, before speaking. "That's.. err.." What was she supposed to say? Cottonpaw beckoned her over and included her in the group, was she really about to insult her and her relationship goals? "..Congratulations." She really couldn't see the similarity between the two. But props to her, I guess.

  • JUNCOPAW she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of mocking-grin.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.