private cuddling buddy - coyotecreek

The wind against his fur causes him to shiver. It's times like these he wishes that he had a longer pelt. Leaf-bare if harsh for many reasons. Prey is naturally less plentiful but due to them being surrounded by water the camp and their territory in general is much cooler than usual. In green-leaf it is helpful, but it seems like the river comes with a price. He supposes he can't complain. It just means he stops swimming a before the sun goes down. It is a shame that he can't swim as much as he wants, but he would rather not get sick. Nevertheless his pelt is slightly damp and as much as he would prefer to dry outside of the warrior's den, tonight was chilly and he had a nagging suspicion that he would catch a cold.

When he does enter the warrior's den he sees some faces already retiring for the day. Snakeblink is one he sees resting already and as much as he loves to talk to the other tom, he knows how hard his friend works. He can't help but sigh with a twinge of disappointment. As the moons passed he's gotten closer to Snakeblink and he would be lying to say he didn't feel more at ease in his friends presence. After all, it was because of Snakeblink that he wanted to change and figure out who he wanted to be. Coyotecreek rests beside him and he smiles at the sleeping tom. I think you'd be cute with Snakeblink. Don't tell him I said that though he might kill me.

And then, he lays down in his nest and closes his eyes. Within moments he's fast asleep. Unfortunately in his unconscious state it was decided that he needed more warmth and that it was going to get one way or another. That poor poor soul who would be cuddled up against would be Coyotecreek. If the poor tom woke up he would be met with Pikesplash burying himself into his fur. As for what would happen if Coyotecreek shook him or dare tried talking to him while he was asleep. Well... Let's just say the tom could ask him anything and he would respond honestly and a bit slurred from his sleepy state. If he was shaken Pikesplash would freak out so either way it would be amusing. For now though, the silver tom would smile at the newfound warmth.
  • ooc : @coyotecreek gasps in how dare the silly cuddle against coyote. feel free to do anything! kill him, who wrote this smh it's a joke
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
( ) coyotecreek is rarely seen in the warriors' den, and an even more unlikely sight is him actually sleeping in his nest. too often since the rogue attack he has paced on guard duty, but his lack of sleep has caught up to him. tonight, snakeblink has dragged him to a nest, sat him firmly down and ordered him to sleep. ordinarily coyote would argue (if it had been anyone else, he would have), but snake's worried green gaze, the soft fur pushing him gently into his nest has caused coyote to melt temporarily. so, he lays in his nest next to his friend, slumbering lightly, mouth slightly open.

he is not aware of pikesplash's presence as the man settles into his own nest - too lost in his dreams is he to notice the slowly creeping paws as the other moves closer and closer. it isn't until coyote finds himself wrapped in soft silver fur, gentle paws kneading into his own body that he awakens. the comforting motions rise him slowly from his slumber, and he scents snakeblink for a moment. a slight lurching in his stomach shakes him from his pleasant enjoyment as odd eyes glance around to see the brown and white tom still in his own nest.

coyotecreek tells himself he isn't disappointed (let's be honest here, he would've liked to cuddle up to snakeblink.) rolling slowly over, he comes face to face with another familiar tom. pikesplash lays sprawled half over coyote's body, silver fur mixing with ginger and white. soft snores rumble in coyote's ears, and the gently kneading paws don't ease up, even with movement. a wave of endearment washes over the tom in this moment as he gazes at the peacefully sleeping face of the other. pikesplash is not a cat he knows well, but he does know that the tom and snake have a friendship, one he wonders if will one day turn into something more. he has not experienced this particular side of pike, but he finds himself enjoying it. it's just comforting, he tells himself.

"hey, bud," he whispers, adjusting slightly so his paw wraps around the other's shoulders. odd eyes flick across the other's face, attempting to perceive any sign of awareness. "enjoying a cuddle?" there is a sudden strong urge of affection. "you could've gone to snake, you know. you two could cuddle, be all cute together." the implication is that pike and snake look cute and like a couple together.
Maybe he should call himself fortunate that Coyotecreek didn't shove him and begin to yell at him for intruding in his space, but maybe that would have been better. He would die from embarrassment if he was ever told that he was quite the cuddler and enjoyed it. Not that there was anything wrong with that it was just that... He wasn't close enough to do that with someone within their clan. And from what he's seen mates share a nest and cuddle. Apenhaze and Petalnose were an example of such. Pikesplash himself has never shared a nest with anyone before so.... Unbeknownst to him, the tom he's decided to cuddle had some questionable thoughts.

Namely jealousy. If he was told someone was jealous of him he wouldn't believe it because there was literally nothing to be jealous of? While he was indeed close to Snakeblink and their relationship was growing closer by no means did it occur to him to take a chance and ask Snakeblink to be more than friends. He simply loved the lead warriors company and hoped they would spend some more time with each other that was all. If Coyotecreek were to take a leap of faith and ask Snakeblink to be something more he would be supportive. So much so that it may have befuddled the other warrior, considering the ginger and white tom thought he was a threat of all things.

When he is manhandled, he whines in frustration at the movement. He was already quite comfortable, so forgive him for expressing his distaste. Finally, the jostling settles and there is a voice. Unconsciously he grins at such a nice sounding voice. He feels safe and warm and practically sung a lullaby. His eyes are still closed without a doubt, but the slight movement from Coyotecreek has him opening his maw slightly. "Mmmhgm?" Then, there is that nice sound that lulls him further into slumber. He doesn't answer the question verbally, but he does answer by burrowing himself into Coyotecreek's fur.

Wwwayyhh... The silver tom would shift slightly and tilt his head up, slivers of green taking in the ginger and white tom. His brain has yet to wake up fully but it is able to register who this is and vaguely what is leaving Coyote's maw. It's difficult to pay attention, his eyes struggling to stay open even a sliver. His answer comes slurred and slow, "sss-sake fahhr. Kaiyoh closeer. Ahnd warm. Mhgmmm, y-you too... cute." To emphasize his point he practically goes limp and rubs his head against the ginger and white tom's fur. Purrs could be heard, maybe a little too loud for Coyote's comfort.
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
( ) it is odd, sharing a nest with someone. coyotecreek hasn't had the experience since his kits became apprentices (since wolf's howl passed). there's something calming about the warm, sleepy scent that wraps the both of them as pikesplash burrows further into ginger and white fur. the purr that now rumbles softly in the tomcat's throat cannot be helped, even if he is still more amused and endeared than delighted. he tries to swallow them, as to not wake his surprise nest-mate, and begins to settle back in, resigned to his fate as a pillow.

it's only when pike gazes up with barely opened eyes that coyote feels his heart pick up. he thinks he hears something about getting closer, and him being warm. then, a sort of mumble of agreement and the sentence that causes muscles to tense. y-you too... cute.

uhm... pardon?

odd eyes stretch wide for half a beat before he blinks, ears flicking as he leans down. "repeat that last one for me," he requests softly, but the other tom goes practically limp as he leans heavily into coyote's flank. top of the silver furred head rubs against the ginger tom's chin, purrs pouring from his throat like water down the gorge. coyotecreek finds himself at a loss, too comfortable to force the man to move, and too caught off guard to ask for clarification. briefly, he wonders if his leg is long enough to paw at snakeblink, maybe ask the tabby to help his tired friend into his own nest. still,something in him hesitates.

maybe it's the warmth on a cold night, or the gentle breathing, but there is something soothing about the way he is cuddled close to pike. he wonders what wolf's howl would say... probably something like it's about time you found someone new, you fox of a cat. he pictures their mottled fur, their river ripple laugh as they support his clumsy romantic endeavors from starclan. is this a romantic endevor? no... he doesn't think, so although it is so nice to be held, to feel another heart beat so close to your own. there's blatant flirting going on, at least he's pretty sure that calling someone cute counts as that. maybe this is a direction he doesn't mind. coyotecreek's thoughts spin a mile a minute as he gazes down at the peacefully smiling face of pikesplash.