private curiosity certainly culled the cat // cottonpaw


my skins smothering me
Apr 26, 2024
Windclan was their neighbor. They were moorland cats that ran through heather and spry grass, or burrowed deep into the earth with tunnels. They ate rabbits, they were fast cats and lithe ones too. Though there was also so speculations about the heather-formed clan that weren’t too kind either.

Like the rumor of Sootstars’ cruel behaviors, they ate their young, they trained night and day and never slept. Torture really, to be never be able to sleep, but that besides the point. Each clan has its stigmas and Windclan was not immune to it either, but there was hope Sunstar would be better.

Still, the young black and white cat found themselves at the border regardless. They sat on the bank of the river, watching the breeze sway the heather from where they sat. They sat in silence, quietly observing the world as they dove into their own thoughts.

Camp had been hectic with disappearances and they missed their sister dearly. Frecklepaw wasnt doing well with Trouts’ absence either and Magpiepaw was at a loss of what to do about it. They couldnt bring their sister back but they tried to be there, tried to help, but they felt like everything was falling through forming cracks. They flexed their claws into the sand and swore softly to themselves, and huffed slightly.

Riverclan was going through it too and they offended wondered what the other clans thought of them. What sort of silly things they thought they did on the daily basis. It was a distraction from the sorrow that tugged at their chest, thinking of rumors or not true things about the clans. Or they could be true and just really well hidden.

Magpiepaw looked up from the heather and twitched their ear slightly. The breeze carried soft scents with it and they wondered if a patrol was coming by. If so they should get going as to not cause trouble with the patrol, so they stood and waited for a moment to see whom it was. ​


Of A Monster
Cottonpaw didn't often leave alone - with Granitepelt and his lackeys patrolling the limits, it wasn't smart to make oneself a sitting duck. However Wolfsong couldn't always leave with her, and in the same manner she couldn't always wait for a patrol to gather. She likes to think herself capable enough to fend off a cat and, if not, loud enough to call for help from miles away. This doesn't dissuade her fears, especially as she approaches RiverClan's borders - but she feels a little comforted by her own confidence.

The tall grasses part as she spots the bridge. Fierce memories replay in her mind but she tries to tamper them down, pressing her lips into a thin line. She spies a cat over the way and instinctively wants to leave again. However, she notes how the other is smaller, and mostly alone. If she's attacked... well, she knows better this time, at least. And hopefully she'll hold her own easily.

She approaches the water's edge and carefully inspects it for anything worthwhile, saying nothing to Magpiepaw across the way yet. Her ear twitches, however, and the soft bubbling of the river without conversation gets on her nerves. And so, she speaks first. "Hey there," she calls, tugging a stem from the riverbank and looking over the roots that've pulled up with it. Blue eyes look forward, towards the RiverClan apprentice. "I've not seen you before. Are you new to apprenticeship?" She pitches for idle conversation, moving to pull another stem from the sandy mud.​
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