private curiouser and curiouser || florabreeze


i look in peoples windows
Jun 6, 2024

In her two moons of life, Adderkit had learned a considerable amount about clan life. She knew of StarClan- the basics anyways. She knew that other clans existed, though she couldn't name them. She knew each clan had a leader. The leader of SkyClan, the clan she belonged to, was Orangestar, her aunt. And she knew that clan cats slept in their clan's camps. Honeysplash did anyways, as did any of the cats Adderkit could think of. Except for one. Florabreeze. The small tortoiseshell lays in her nest, mother and brothers sleeping soundly beside her, as she considers the fact that Florabreeze leaves SkyClan every night. Why was that? Why didn't she sleep in the warriors den with all the other SkyClan cats? This is suddenly the most important topic Adderkit has ever thought about, and she resolves to ask Florabreeze about it the next time she saw her.

The next morning, as soon as Florabreeze stops by the nursery to say her hellos, Adderkit abruptly states, "Everyone else sleeps in camp but you don't." It takes her a moment before she realizes she didn't ask her question. "Why don't you sleep in camp?"

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Stopping by the nursery had quickly become integral to Florabreeze’s routine, it was vital to her to say goodmorning to Honeysplash and the kits. She wouldn’t call herself superstitious by any means and yet it had become an almost ritualistic thing, maybe she would receive bad luck if she were to ever not do this. That day hadn’t arrived though, so here she was at the nursery with a wide grin as she faked being a morning cat and a ‘goodmorning’ ghost on her tongue.

Adderkit had stopped her from that usual plan, she blinked at her abrupt statement. Pleased that the kit was talking she didn't falter her smile, she had noticed that the kit was rather quiet around others so she was thankful that she was comfortable enough to talk. Florabreeze was known as a chatter so while she would be more than comfortable to chat away the morning for the both of them it was good to know that Adderkit wanted to speak. “Why don't I sleep at camp?” She parrots at first, vocalising the question thrown at her so she could wrap her head around it.

Oh! Right, she probably doesn’t know about daylight warriors. With a thoughtful hum she gestures for Adderkit to follow her to a quieter corner of the nursery, deciding to sit down and using her tail to pat the space next to her for the kit to sit beside her if she so chooses. “You’re about to learn a new SkyClan fun fact, Addy” the nickname rolls off the tongue, a pleased purr rumbles from her as she thought about how to word this. “SkyClan is very special in the fact that kittypets, which are cats who live with twolegs at the twolegplace, can join them” she leaves space for the young she-cat next to her to question her if there was anything in that sentence that she didn’t quite understand.

“These kittypets join SkyClan during the day, they hunt and participate in regular clan activities just like clan cats do but they go back to their twolegs during the night. As they have their own nests to sleep in there” She speaks with a thoughtful hum. Olive eyes scanned her young Tortoiseshell face for any confusion in case she needed to clarify anything. “They’re called daylight warriors, since they are here during the daylight. I’m one of them!” There’s very apparent pride in her voice, she loved being a daylight warrior and was very thrilled to be able to introduce the topic. “So I go back to my housefolks nest at night to sleep. What made you think of asking this? Did you miss me?” There's a teasing trill to her voice but it was clear that she was being lighthearted, a soft and fond expression finding its way on her face.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Adderkit settles down beside Florabreeze, her tail curling around her paws as she listens. A comfortable warmth flutters in her chest at the nickname.

Living in SkyClan, she has heard the word kittypet before, but was never sure what it meant. She supposes this explanation makes sense. "So... what's twolegplace like?" She had recently began wondering what the SkyClan territory was like, and now she had a new focus for her curiosity. "Oh, what are your housefolk like? Are they scary? Is the food yummy? Do you get to sleep in comfy moss like us?" She pauses for another moment, finally registering Flora's comment about how this was unique to SkyClan. "Wait, why don't the other clans have daylight warriors?"

Florabreeze playfully asks if Adderkit missed her, and she bristles slightly. Her embarassment is as clear as the greenleaf sky as she fidgets with her paws. "I was just wondering..." she mumbles, refusing to admit the obvious. Of course she missed Florabreeze. Most of the other kits had two parents, and Florabreeze is as close to a second parent as Adderkit is ever going to get, a fact she is perfectly content with. Flora is better than any dad could ever be.

“That's an excellent question Adderkit!” Her fur puffs out and a pleased purr trills from her as she praises the kit. She had never thought about how one should explain twolegplace to a child before. Anyone who knew about it well… knew about it! “Twolegplace doesn't have many trees, it's very different from SkyClan. There's a lot of metal boxes and different coloured nests where twolegs sleep. It can be very noisy sometimes but it's also very pretty, they have a lot of lights that appear when night falls” it's the part Florabreeze enjoyed most when coming home.

“There are unique flowers and animals that aren't seen here at camp or at the clan. You never know what to expect, which is very fun” She's sung enough of its praises though. It's important that she highlights the negatives too, it's never too late to encourage healthy caution. “It can be dangerous though, maybe when you're older and with your mothers permission I could show you.” Her tone conveys a serious tone but she pushes aside after a moment to give Adderkit a playful wink.

Her feathery tail adorned in tabby markings and white patches wraps around the young girl's side. The daylight warrior considers her questions with a soft hum, like she was singing some kind of lullaby. The questions were endearing and she was always happy to share information regarding her home away from home. “My housefolk are very kind, they're gone throughout the day but my sibling, Ditto, keeps them company if they come home early! I've known them since I was your age” she wasn't going to inform Adderkit how she exactly crossed their path.

Her feelings were pretty mixed on them, overall positive and she ultimately wouldn't change a thing but she did wonder what would have happened if she wasn't taken to be given to them. “The food is yummy, I'm mostly given the same kibble most days but on special occasions I'm given warm featherless birds to eat” She grinned at the thought, those were good days and they weren't too far apart whenever she got it.

The last question caused her to chuckle “I don't sleep on moss, but it's comfy! It has to be large to fit me since I'm so big” it also wasn't technically her nest since she got to sleep on her housefolks couch. It was nice to be able to reminisce on her housefolk and her home. That good mood was momentarily paused at the question of why other clans don't have daylight warriors.

“That's another good question, it's also a little tricky to answer. Not all of the clans are as accepting of kittypets, some are not very trusting of outsiders. I think they're jealous because of how cool SkyClan is but that's just what I think.” She's not naive, she knows that herself and other daylight warriors are looked down upon. In her opinion it was their loss but she wasn't going to go into that with Adderkit, not now anyways. Maybe when she's an apprentice and has to see the other clans then she'll divulge more information, what she gave was enough in her opinion.

Noticing her bristling and her fidgeting she decided to not press on her further. “I missed you too.'' Her expression is soft and it's clear that she's genuine. She often thought about Honeysplash and her kits while she was away.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Adderkit can't imagine not having very many trees around. It sounds like a nightmare. Florabreeze mentions something called metal, and she tilts her head. "What's metal?" She waits patiently as Flora continues talking about twolegplace, her ears perking at at the idea of lights appearing at night. "Like stars?" That makes sense. Stars only come out at night, so it's probably related.

Does she want to visit twolegplace when she's older? Maybe. It would be nice to see the place Florabreeze calls home, but Adderkit can't get over the idea of not having so many trees around. However, she supposes that one visit would probably be fine.

As Flora's tail wraps around Adder, she instantly feels even more comfortable. Her pseudo mother mentions having a sibling, a fact that Adderkit hadn't known. "You have a sibling? What are they like? Why aren't they a daylight warrior like you?"

The young tortoiseshell scowls. "You eat the same thing every day? Doesn't that get boring?"

When the topic switches to why the other clans not having daylight warriors, she nods, the explanation that other clans were just jealous making total sense. Of course they're jealous of SkyClan. They were the best clan, after all.

Ever the keen mind Adderkit manages to pick up on something that Florabreeze hadn't ever really spared a second thought to. "Ah, well, truthfully I'm not too sure. It's a twoleg thing, like how we have dirt and grass I think? I hear that word mixed in between their strange talking" She hums out loud and presses a paw against the ground below them and traces out small patterns absentmindedly. She realised that it was really refreshing talking to someone so young and curious. She was rather proud of her home and was more than happy to prattle on about anything if prompted, she would probably do it even unprompted. "Yeah! Like stars, kind of picture huge stars on funny looking trees" she muses with a nod, trying to picture how the lights look in her mind so she could paint a better picture.

"I do! Two technically, have you ever seen Sfogliatella around camp? She's a daylight warrior, my older sister too! By blood. Ditto is ah" she waves her paw in the air as the word escapes her. "Oh! Adoptive kin, he was brought in by our twolegs. He's like a little baby sibling to me, I'm not sure why they aren't a daylight warrior. I'd like for him to join one day though, but that's his choice" she nods as she speaks. While she would like for that to happen she knew ultimately that she wanted whatever they wanted, so if they weren't feeling it then she wouldn't force the daylight warrior life style on them. It took a lot of inner strength to not burst out into a fit of laughter at the scowl that the young tortoiseshell suddenly had plastered on her face. She manages to squash the urge easily enough, with a twitch of her tail she instead beams in delight.

"Not every day, but for the majority of days. I quite enjoy it actually! Leaves out the annoying option of choice every day. I don't think I could survive having to decide on something new from the fresh kill pile every day and night" She sighs dramatically. Glancing down at the young tortoiseshell she then lightly nudges her, mindful of the fact that she could very easily knock her over. "You're old enough to eat prey right? You haven't gotten bored of that yet?" Her tone is dreadfully unserious and yet she tries her best to hold a rather serious expression. "Is there anything you like to eat yet?" Florabreeze held onto the opinion that Adderkit was a rather strong and willful child so if anyone was going to have a stance on something as food surely it would be her.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

The image of stars on trees is certainly intriguing. The more Flora talks about twolegplace, the more interested Adderkit gets. She definitely wants to visit when she's older. Surely Honeysplash would let her go. Adderkit blinks at the mention of Sfogliatella. As much as she loves to watch the rest of the clan go about their day, she doesn't pay too much attention to their names. "No, I don't think I've seen her around."

She scrunches her nose up again when Flora says she doesn't like the idea of picking her own food out every day. "But that's the best part!" Being able to pick her own prey is her favorite. She shared her meals with Honeysplash, Cloverkit, and Weaselkit, so she wasn't always able to pick what they ate, but when she did get to pick, it was always more fun. She nods when Flora asks her if she can eat prey yet. "Yeah! And no, I haven't gotten tired of it, because there's so many different kinds." She thinks for a moment on what her favorite food is. "Well, I don't love having to eat around fur. I hate when it gets in my mouth. So birds, I guess?" Probably not bluebirds, though. Those were cute and she always felt slightly sad eating them.

Only slightly though.

There's a pause then a quick nod as Adderkit explains that she hadn't seen Sfogliatella around. "That's okay! Keep an eye out for her, she's y'know pretty similar to me in like..." another pause "size? I guess, so I don't think she'll be hard to miss when you know who you're looking for!" She wasn't really sure just how observant the young she-kit was but she looked forward to the idea of her bounding up to the daylight warrior for updates. Florabreeze made a point of not hiding the chuckle in response to her protests, she was happy to agree to disagree with the kit. Sure there must be appeals to being able to pick your own food every day but she enjoyed not having to make that choice. Since joining as a daylight warrior her life had been full of choices, oh no don't eat that berry you may die or do I climb that tree and hunt there or do I hunt from the ground? Needless to say she enjoyed not having that autonomy over her meals. It was a guarantee when she went back each night and rose each morning, it also made the rare times where her twolegs give her something different extra special.

This was a little too complicated to her so she had no idea how to even begin explaining that to Adderkit. So she chose not to, instead asking if she can eat prey yet. "Too many choices" she sighs dramatically at the fact that she hadn't gotten tired of it yet. That dramatic sigh transitions to a giggle "I'm glad though, there are a lot of different prey out there. I'm excited for you to see it all yourself one day" how strange it was to think about this small kitten beside her being old enough to leave camp and see beyond SkyClan one day. She really hoped it would live up to whatever expectations Adderkit had. "Birds huh, any particular kind? If you don't know names you could describe them. I'll try my best to find and bring em back!" she grins, it would be a kind gesture would it not? Plus trying to hunt for something in particular seemed like a fun challenge.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}