private CURSED BEGINNINGS // venomthroat

Cottonpaw feels indebted most of all to Vulturemask - after all, despite struggling with much of the situation it's undeniable that the tom saved her from being someone else's meal. A husk, like Juniperfrost, but worse somehow. But still, so many cats had to experience her almost being torn away and killed and... she feels like she owes the lot of them. Maybe in time she'll make it up to her family that arrived, or maybe even Snakepaw somehow. Venomthroat, however... their words thud around in her mind every now and again still. She's a tunneller apprentice for a reason. Life on the moors is just a bit more unsafe for kittens of her size. They made that clear.

Her tail twitches as she picks out a prize mole from the fresh kill pile. It doesn't take long to find the inky colored feline within their camp shortly afterwards. Cottonpaw, never one to be apprehensive of her actions, trots towards them as if the other day hadn't happened. It's obvious it had - cobwebs clump along her larger wound and her gait is just slightly off to accommodate it, but she won't be the first to address it. Instead, she nudges the mole towards the warrior.

"I brought y'somethin' to eat," Cottonpaw offers. She's not quick to apologize for the event, though the act is somewhere on her tongue. She almost hopes that they take the prey and help her move along with life instead of lecturing her again - but all the same, she doesn't feel right in abandoning them with the gift without a proper reasoning. "It's, erm... for the other day, yeah? I'm..." again, sorry sits on her tongue. She clenches her teeth and sits back, unable to spit it out.​

venomthroat | 27 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
The entire hawk situation had bothered venomthroat more than they'd like. They are rather unused to caring about their clanmates - truth be told, other than their siblings, they have never bothered to get to know the others - simply lazing about within earshot to get the latest gossip, or accept a random challenge. Nothing more than that - no time, no effort, no attempt. It is not something that has ever affected their daily life. In fact, they'd like to think that their lack of lingering attachments to such useless things as friends is what has kept them alive for so long. But... seeing cottonpaw, that annoying child, get picked up like that - well, it'd made their chest hurt rather uncomfortably, had them panicked and almost making rash decisions like stepping in themselves. Vulturemask had moved before them so there had been no need, but the black furred feline is still left feeling wrongfooted and unsettled.

Speak of the devil! The event is not far from their mind when said bundle of blue fur comes strolling over, a mole held in her jaws. Dark gaze cannot help but narrow approvingly, even as they feel their mouth water at the tasty offering. Breakfast - no wait, what time of day is it? eh, whatever - in bed? Don't mind if they do. It seems to be a peace offering of sorts - or maybe a silent apology. Whatever the reason, they listen with only half an ear, eagerly gulping down the offering in only a few clean bites, until cottonpaw seems to stumble in her words. "You- you- what? You're stupid? Yeah, I know," they say, rumbling voice tinted with humor as they roll their eyes. "Tch it's whatever - your mentor 'ought to teach you how to fight back at least though," Actually, venomthroat doesn't even remember which foolish child was mentoring the one before him - the quiet one, maybe? "... they are teaching you, right?" they aren't sure why they ask - it's not as though they care. No, definitely not.