Apr 23, 2024
Cygnet's Cry found that his strength in simply waking waned from moment to moment, as though muscle and sinew seemed to decay within him, rotting and dissipating into black and cinder. Though he had narrowly survived, he knew that it had still gone horribly wrong. Stealth did not come easy to him, not without the lithe tail behind him like a streak of moonlight. Swirling pity and rue only festered within his gut, as if silver waves of mercury, never to keep and never to swallow in the first place. Upon the too-harsh day, the smoke point found himself curled up in the shadows of a makeshift den, as the gloom enfeebled a once-sleek and slender form. He reasoned that if he focused hard enough on recovery, then it would surely eke a little faster to him. Not that fate had ever been so kind as to simply reward him for his piety to the wordless concept, though. He only awoke once he heard the shuffling of leaves that indicated the advent of another presence. "What do you want...?" One good eye blinked open at the arrival of a pitch-hued feline, of whom he hadn't a clue of, though they seemed curious at best. Bleary glance rested upon the guard, though they did not protest. He let out a quiet huff, dull blue eye pooling along the ground now.

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This sucked. The daylight that sweltered ShadowClan was just awful. Their midnight pelt was a magnet for its ire it seemed. Shrike had found themself particularly wishing for a swift death then having to deal with it for more than another second today. They wondered if they would have more luck if their fur had miraculously fallen all out, though maybe their skin would be too sensitive to the harsh rays. They squinted as they sought shadows for refuge with little to nothing to show for it, everyone else had seemed to have taken residence in the open shadows. If Shrike tried to push in then half of their body wouldn’t make it, it was simply much too crowded.

It bothered them, with a growl of annoyance they huffed to go find somewhere else to sit. They figured it would be empty where the mysterious new loner had hauled up in. He was an unfamiliar face, though that was unsurprising since most faces here started off as unfamiliar. His circumstances of arrival were strange, that strangeness had brought curiosity though. They also wanted to check out his opinions on his limited time here, Shrike found it beneficial to pick the brains of other outsiders coming into the fray. If anything it was checked in to see if they were wrong for being so against the grain about it in the beginning. The more selfish motivation was that he probably wasn’t getting many visitors, so that means that there would be ample shade for them.

Their theory seemed right when there was, as suspected, a lack of visitors! They made sure to hide their delight over that fact, it would be seen as pretty insensitive if they were grinning over something in the face of an injured cat. “Company, figured you must be lonely or something.” It wasn’t a total lie, though they weren’t being honest about it either. With a flick of their tail they moved to sit down beside Cygnet’s Cry, a huff of relief breathed from their nose as they felt that difference in temperature without the sun hitting their pelt.

“I’m Shrike by the way, figured that you should at least know who’s sitting next to you” They shrug as they speak, tucking their head to lick stray fur below their neck into place. Trying to find something to do that would make them less weird or off putting right now as they sat next to this stranger. “Is this your first clan or nah?” Despite the blunt ignorance in their tone it was clear that they were curious over this.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


A younger soul would be crushed at a low turn-out, but Cygnet's Cry reveled in the quietude that he had been provided by an ungracious hand.

Glowering blue eye trained upon the trill of a voice that dared disturb his peace, like a raucous crow to irenic idyll, a sort of stranger in his paradise if he were to term such a hell as that. There were many cats that did not travel this far into the territory, into the makeshift den where Cygnet's Cry had taken unfortunate roost within. None except for that black-and-white feline that always lugged around that bitterly stinging scent of plucked herbs - Starlingheart, if his hearing had been correct. This warrior seemed much more blasé than their peers, tail flicking as if in beatific repose, though he hardly humored their too-amiable demeanor. He could not glean what they wanted from this, or what they aimed to achieve by talking to him. After all, those of the Clans did whatever they could to further their 'honor,' and any actions they took ultimately withheld an ulterior motive. Did you just come in here to get some shade...? Any sort of growl that would have surfaced to his maw now lie barren and guardant, anger rupturing naught but his own hopes that he could come and go through this clan with little hitch. He stared at Shrike, countenance immovable and almost statuesque in the smoldering irritation that besieged the rogue.

"Shrike? That is a strange name. Usually, your kind has another name attached to it. Like... Shrike-song." Cygnet's Cry tilted his head in an owlish manner, the gesture like the calm lilt of the ocean waves, fading into itself as quickly as it had reared upwards. Goodness, does the clan hate you so much that they hadn't given you a proper name? He bit his tongue, knowing it to be best not to bite that paw that fed. "This is my first clan, sure. I do not usually fraternize with you and your ilk. I'm just -" His head motioned towards his backside, coated in dried blood and flimsy cobwebs, as though it were the precession of his tragedy proffering Shrike's own judgment. His wounds spoke for themselves, a pitiful and bayed beast, lamb covered in the gentle veil of sanguines and sorrows. "- staying for an unforeseen period of time. I will quickly be on my way as soon as I can." He mewed with a monotone intonation.


He didn't immediately tell them to leave, to Shrike that was an open invitation. They adjusted themself as they sat down so that they could be comfortable, keeping in mind the tom who sat next to them. While they were pretty decently known for pushing their luck on how much they can get away with they didn’t want to press the patience of an injured cat. Still, they can't help but bark in laughter at the questioning of their name.

“Could you imagine me being called Shrikesong?” They finally wheezed after calming themself down enough. When were they supposed to be named anyways? They've been here for a while now so surely that collar was going to be forced on them soon. Truthfully they didn't even know what name would even fit, thank the stars that wasn't up to them. With a huff they tried to mash their name up with others around camp, nothing really seemed to fit, like two pieces of a puzzle that couldn't align. “Noooo I used to be like you, then I ended up joining their ranks. I guess they like to wait and see if newcomers are gonna fuck up before giving a name like that? Saves guilt maybe? A cleaner separation if you never let them properly join you.” They weren't actually sure what the process was for this. The uncertainty in their tone painted that clearly, they still pressed a paw against their muzzle in thought as they theorised. It seemed a little pessimistic but Shrike liked to consider themself a realist in that regard.

They weren't sure why they chuckled everytime Cygnet's Cry called ShadowClan their kind or their ilk, they supposed that they were and yet it truly didn't feel that way. As he gestures to his backside they couldn't help but follow the direction peering over at the cobwebbed and mangled side. They grimace in kind, out of sympathy and reflex rather than actual feeling of disgust towards his situation. “Don't think you'll be back anytime soon?” They were pretty sure that they already knew the answer and yet they felt inclined to ask. They wondered absentmindedly if the loneliness of living as a rogue clung to him like it did with them, or maybe that isolation was preferred. Not everyone craved interactions and community, or maybe he wasn't even alone? Did he also have family out there? "Anyone waiting for you back wherever your usual haunt is?" They bring a paw to their muzzle, cleaning long dried mud and dirt from the fur.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.