border CURVE OF THE VALLEY ✧ . skyclan patrol

✧ . The sun hardly peaks above the horizon when Greeneyes and his set off, a dance of orange embers where night meets land in the distance that the lead warrior almost thinks his lack of sleep might be worth in exchange of seeing.

Dawn patrols have never been his favorite, but he’s used to them now, for the most part. Not to mention, he’s got one of the better borders, this time — a favorite of his, if he had to choose. Craning his head, he looks to his patrol.

Everyone awake? “ the young lead asks, a slight smile pulling at his maw as his gaze shifts from face to face. “ Momowhisker? Horsepaw? “ He can imagine the two of them must be tired — Momowhisker already had to travel to camp this morning, and Horsepaw, he’s not certain if the newcomer has dealt with a morning’s patrol quite yet. He’s sure Dandelionwish and Mallowlark are more than used to it by now, but he still looks to them too, still makes sure they aren’t falling asleep behind him.

They fall back into silence after that, and when they reach the border between river and pine, he looks back to them once more. “ Alright, everyone knows the drill, yes? “ he asks with a tilt of his head. “ Be polite if anyone shows up, and don’t cause any problems — “ Greeneyes shares a reminder with his group, though he doubts much of a problem will be had; the river’s edge is a fairly easy assignment to deal with, after all!​
  • // PATROL MEMBERS: @Dandelionwish , @MOMOWHISKER , @MALLOWLARK , @Horsepaw !
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Claythorn doesn't sleep like she used to. Not when she was barely a few minutes old, curled up against her mother's side- perhaps that was the last full rest she had, unknowing and unfearful of a world that would soon dig it's fangs into her and rip her from that warmth. She's on the dawn patrol this morning, paws pressing against stone, sand and reed as she weaved through new leaf early morning chill and dew. Eyes shifted towards the other side of the border as she emerged from the thick, ears perking gently.

Skyclan. Claythorn didn't have any picks or throws with them. They had sheltered Riverclan in a time of need, if she knew her Riverclan history corrrectly. The former colonist swept her gaze over her shoulder, looking desperately for someone less socially awkward then her to take over greeting Skyclan- but they hadn't caught up. Claythorn coughed once, and mildly spoke across their border- "Good morning, Skyclan." Be polite and don't cause any problems. She thought to herself, nearly an echo of the lead warrior.

She turned her head, moving to mark their border. That's what she was here for. That's what she was going to do.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The anxious energy that bubbled beneath her pelt refused to leave once Smokestar allowed Windclan passage to the beech copse. Even with Ferngill's reassuring presence, she found it difficult to remain unbothered by Smokestar's decision. But she knew she needed to trust her leader's judgment despite her reasoning. A soft sigh fluttered from bicolored lips as Sablemist trailed behind Claythorn. Patroling offered a way to work out her nerves, it was the only reason she opted to go earlier than her usual slotted time. The sound of voices across the babbling rapids gathered her attention as she looked up from marking a bushel of cattails. Skyclan. A friendly face as always.

With a polite nod of her head, she greeted the pine-dwelling cats. "Good morning Skyclan." Sablemist voiced although her voice trailed somewhat noticeably when her eyes caught the glittering fabric of Momowhisker's collar. He must have been one of their daylight warriors and although she was not one to judge, it looked...uncomfortable. She blinks, realizing her lapse in speech and promptly continues. "How are things?" As asked, pressing her cheek against a cluster of reeds.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
Skyclan was always a positive clan to be associated with, they never started arguments or drama and approximately 95% of them were a treat to be around. Two familiar voices catch her attention as she slowly tracks it down by following the direction it came from and the mingling scent of Skyclanners and Riverclanners. Her chambray gaze flicks to Claythorn as she offers a soft smile before shifting her gaze to the older warrior, Sablemist and repeating the same smile. "Good morning you two," she would respond to a purr as she glances at Greeneyes and dips her head slightly in a mutual respect.

"Good morning as well, Skyclan." Troutsnout would state as she rubs against a stray willow tree allowing it snag loose tufts of fur that lingered with the scent of Riverclan and of herself. Marking borders were therapeutic in a manner, but it was most likely because it was assisting her clan and getting the ones she cared about safe. She makes mental note of a daylight warrior by the thing known as a collar around his neck, which she held a similar thought to Sabelmist. It seemed suffocating, and she would probably be strangled if she wore one due to her thick coat.


Inky feet skipped fleet and excitable- oh, it'd been a little while since he'd strayed in this direction! RiverClan used to be precariously-tempered neighbours when he'd been elsewhere, but now that he was in SkyClan, things seemed to be a lot more pleasant. And he was certainly on their side against WindClan- at least, the one he'd fled from. At lest his grin hadn't punctured anyone's throat, and it shouldn't matter now that he was where he belonged- even if Dawnglare was away, for now.

Wide grey eyes, unblinkingly owlish, flicked to each of the approaching Riverclanners. "Morning! Good to see you all up and at 'em." He looked to Horsepaw, trailing behing his half-tail- a joyful gleam in moon-saucer eyes, he took a deep breath of the early-morning air, paws doing a little-forward dance.

"RiverClan's an easy scent to remember. How'd you describe it?" A neck-snapping tilt of his head punctuated the question, and like clockwork his attention snapped back to the Riverclanners. Yeah, he knew what he would say... like fish and freshwater! There wasn't anything like it, anywhere else... it wasn't like ThunderClan, where SkyClan's pine scent drowned their weak oakiness out. And he hoped for the poor Thunderclanner's sakes that they could fight stronger than that!

It's Horsepaw's first patrol - her first time seeing any of the other clans and to say she's nervous is a understatement She can't help but have her fur fluff up when she first catches their strange scent across the border, it's heavy with their spray (these cats really cared for their borders - wasn't their plenty of prey?). It'll take a while for her to comprehend Skyclan and now the other clans more thoroughly, she watches cautiously whenever she can flick her eyes across the border she does She sticks close to Mallowlark, her fur brushing his own occasionally. It takes her a few heartbeats to recognize that Greeneyes had meowed at her, she tries to straighten her shoulders to stand taller and nods "Very much so!" she claims hastily, whatever grogginess she had when she woke had quickly been dispersed when they drew closer to the border. Even then she was used to be awake at odd hours, she wasn't always granted the luxury of peaceful and safe resting places in the past like she is now. She's still getting used to sleeping without one eye open....

She sees them as they approach, their not much different looking then their own clanmates but their pelts appear so much glossier. They were swimmers, she could barely swim herself. They're kindly they don't meet them with their hackles raised or hissing, she wonders if they would if their paws crossed their scent line. Did these borders keep them placated and happy? Her fur relaxes and her breaths aren't as rapid, she gives Mallowlark more space not using him as a shield anymore. She dips her head their way, her gaze looks angry despite her efforts of relaxing her face her maw opens and closes as well and yet she can't find what words she wants to say.

She shuts it and just follows her mentor letting him talk in her stead, his attention does turn to her and he asks her a odd question Describe it? She takes another deep breath taking in the scents around her "Its... Very different then ours" she starts "I wouldn't call it extremely fishy but there's a bit of that there and a lot of dampness to their scent you can tell they spend a lot of time in the water" scent borders weren't a pleasant stench, she was still getting used to skyclans. It was a barrage of sprays from so many different cats.