border Cut and dry | Patrol

The last moon (season really) has worn Firefang ragged and yet she doesn't complain she was never the type to shirk her duties, especially when it came to patrolling. Moons ago she wouldn't have even been entrusted with the opportunity to lead one, still she knows why she was assigned their border with Thunderclan rather then any of the others that'd been a calculated move. She held no resentment towards the forest-clan, today would be uneventful unless an apprentice decided to mouth off. She couldn't have been more wrong.

It wasn't exactly rare to see a twoleg running through this neck of the woods, but as she leads her patrol closer she hears their babbling noises and her hackles raise. Her heart quickens and she tries not to think about what these beasts had done to her home; their territory and how their presence before had preluded that disaster that'd singed the moors and scarred her flesh. "Twolegs. Stay low" she orders over her shoulder tersely, she would move into a prowl stalking forward her eyes flitting around. Objects lay scattered across the dirt and grass none more prominent then a large thing a flat surface with 4 unmoving unliving legs holding it up. She glares at it as if it'd rush them but it doesn't move, the twolegs aren't close to them, not yet anyway so she continues on.

"Lets mark the border then haul tail out of here" she meows, every step she makes is cautious. Her ears stay pricked and alert, she hears the crunching of large feet coming closer and she ignores the cowardly instinct in her heart urging her to run.

  • /// Wait for 3 windclanners + a guest star
  • T9vHBkT.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 24 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
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Featherspine would rather have been leading this patrol herself... but she stalked behind Firefang dutifully, still. By the command of a cat she respected she was on this patrol, even if she followed one she did not particularly like, now. All his misgivings were pushed aside when the stink of Twolegs rushed into his nostrils, overpowering and obnoxious as ever. They left their junk everywhere, stomped all about the place, ruined everything. And now they traipsed along this border as if they owned the place, leaving... stiff, wooden creatures grazing at the undergrowth. Stiff, boneless and unnatural...

Featherspine's horned ear flicked at Firefang's request- she dipped her head in understanding, not willing to allow the animosity between them to put either of them in any danger. "Right." A harsh hiss, edge beginning to find its way into his voice. Still, he stalked forward, ignoring the flat hooves of the Twolegs as they slammed against the earth. His pelt helped him in this undergrowth- but unlike Rivewhisper, she had never been talented at stealth. Prey animals were smaller, stupider than Twolegs- Featherspine only noticed the Twoleg's approach when a tall shadow loomed over her, and she craned her neck, steeling away the fear in slitted pupils.

A grimy paw began to stretch toward her, clasping around her middle- Featherspine screeched, breaking the quiet, "Get off me!" The Twoleg didn't heed her, though- so she whirled around to sink fangs into its pink flesh. It snatched its paw away and Featherspine began to back off, but it strode still, speedy and unfathomably strong.
✦ penned by pin
⁀➷ The Thunderclan border seemed like it'd be the least unpredictable to bring his newly-named apprentice to, and Foxglare was happy to teach Frightpaw how to mark a border without the headache of errant jeers and hisses from other side of the river and thunderpath borders. But when the pungent smell of twoleg entered his nose, his hackles raising by instinct, he chided himself for expecting an easy patrol.

He stalked low to the ground, relaying quick instructions to Frightpaw next to him, ”Stay behind the warriors. Twolegs're slow but strong, with long limbs. Be ready to run, don't let 'em get close." The border still needed attending to, despite the invasion of lumbering twolegs stomping over the border and their odd branched objects hovering over their grass. He kept an eye and ear out for the young cat, not noticing the stomp of twoleg paws before they'd come too close.

Featherspine's screech cut into the air, and he stalked forward with a bristled pelt, maintaining his position between the towering beast and the rest of the patrol. Featherspine reacted with all the ferocity of the warrior she was, but the foolish (or hostile) creature still pursued/ ”It's still behind you!" he shouted at him, hoping Featherspine would dash out of the twoleg's reach before it lunged at him once more.

He crouched, puffed up and hissing, and sprung out to divert its attention away from his pursued clanmate. He debated running over to take a swipe at one of its legs, but memories of the hold of impossibly strong, gripping paws kept him at bay for now.

  • OOC: apprentive tag @Frightkit

  • meztli . sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 19mo moor-runner of windclan. Mentored by shalestripe. formerly mentored sunlitpaw.
    — a scarred, hulking white and golden tabby tom with gray eyes
    — taciturn, vigilant, reserved, self-righteous, restrained, independent, humanitarian, unyielding
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by eezy